Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 326 325, the terror under the domination of the recording studio tyrant......

Chapter 326 325, The terror under the domination of the recording studio tyrant.

Sure enough, on the second day, Naoki Naoyama was kicked out of the studio by Shuichi Itou as soon as he arrived at the student apartment.

What else was said in his mouth:

"Leave the rest to me, Naoki-san is no longer needed here~ Otomo-san is your destination~"

Hey, don't ask me to come over next time you shoot other videos!

Naoki Naoyama had no choice but to drive a convertible to the studio, and suddenly found that Masato Inada was already waiting in the studio with Junko Ito.

"Naoki-san, good morning~" Junko Ito wore a white thick sweater with slim-fit jeans, looking very youthful. On the face, they have already taken off their original youthful appearance.

Naoki Yongshan naturally replied enthusiastically: "Good morning Junko-chan, she is getting more and more beautiful~"

"Naoki-san's mouth is so sweet~ I must have deceived many girls~" Ito Junko squinted her eyes with a smile. The more she knew about Naoki Naoyama, the more she knew that he was very casual among acquaintances.

This sentence made Naoki Yongshan unable to answer it. He obviously never lied to the little girl, but unconsciously, he gave people the feeling of being very caring and experienced.

"Junko-chan, don't ruin my reputation~" Naoki Naoyama said as he walked into the office,

"Otomo-san, did you reach a consensus with Xiu Yi-sang in private?"

Fangcun Dayu didn't know when he developed the habit of drinking a cup of hot tea in the morning. At this time, he was holding a cup of hot tea and tasting it slowly. It was the tea given by Naoki Naoyama.

Seeing someone coming in, there was no special action: "There is no such thing as a unified consensus, of course. However, it is already a subconscious agreement to want Naoki-san to be less idle!"

".Why can't I be free?" Naoki Naoyama was speechless, "Isn't making money just to not have to work so hard?"

"If Naoki-san is so decadent, he will be broken!"

Fangcun Otomo seems to be a little serious, "Even if you don't work for money, at least do something interesting and worth working hard~"

"Isn't Naoki-san not interested in music and film careers?"

Naoki Naoyama scratched his head slightly, and said:

"If you say no, there seems to be a little interest. But if you say you are interested, it doesn't seem that much interest."

Since I made money from records and movies, my goals in life seem to be drifting with the tide.

However, being a salted fish that drifts with the tide is actually very comfortable, okay~

Fangcun Dayou sighed. Sure enough, people with too much talent have a common problem. Because you can achieve achievements that ordinary people can't achieve with hard work, so you don't pay much attention to achievements in this area.

These, perhaps, can only wait for him to adjust himself~

"No matter what. It's always right to get rid of the things at hand first." Fangcun Otomo gave up the idea of ​​influencing Naoki Nagayama, and directly talked about the next arrangement, "Let's finish recording Junko-chan's new song today. .”

"Hey, hey~" Naoki Naoyama didn't say much, "But is there an appointment at the recording studio?"

"Huh? We have already taken over a recording studio, Naoki, don't you know?" Fangcun Otomo asked in surprise as if he had just realized it.

"Took over a recording studio?"

"Yeah, didn't you say before that there are a lot of demands for your own artists, so it's better to have your own recording studio?"

"So, Otomo-san just bought one?"

Are you moving so fast?

"Ah, it just so happens that someone I know is going to make a move." Fangcun Otomo resumed his calm attitude, "And we took over the original recording studio staff by the way, and put them under the new label of rebellion."

"...It really is Otomo-san, you have considered it thoroughly~"

It was only at this time that Yongshan Naoki realized that after having a company, someone would actually take what he said casually as an order and complete it.

Masami Inada drove ahead to lead the way, Naoki Nagayama followed,

Soon, the car arrived near Ueno Park in Taito District, a place called Shin-Okachimachi, where the recording studio took over was located, and a Christian church was opposite.

"Xinyin.Studio" looked at the name on the sign, and Naoki Naoyama was a little curious, "Is this the name given by Otomo-san or the old name?"

"It's old." Inada Masami said from the side, "Because the recording studio was taken over directly, there is no change except for the shares."

"So that's it~"

This is a small house hidden among the shops on the street, almost all of which are old wooden structures, it should not look very expensive,

Naoki Naoyama pushed open the small door and went straight in. The inside was clean, as if it had been redecorated.

There is a small front desk on the first floor, but there are no people there. The real recording place is on the second floor, one upstairs. It seems to be because of the sound insulation material, it suddenly seems a lot quieter.

There are four simple rooms, and there are two rest rooms near the street outside, which are convenient for communication and some textual things.

The two rooms on the inside have been opened up and separated into the recording room and the external center console. Now there is a little brother who is debugging.

"Terakoko-san, we're here!" Inada Masami greeted, and when the little brother turned around, "This is our president, Naoki Nagayama. Naoki-san, this is the sound repairer Onodera Shinko."

It was the first time for Onodera Shinobu to meet the big boss of his new company, and he quickly stood up and bowed: "President Yongshan, this is our first meeting, I am Onodera Shinko, please give me your advice."

"Nice to meet, I'm Naoki Nagayama~"

The introduction of bowing to each other when meeting for the first time is really too low, why can't we westernize it and shake hands?

"I'm going to trouble Ono-kun today."

"Where is it, this is what I should do."

It should not be the first time Junko Ito has come here, she is very familiar with this place, and greeted the sound repairer very familiarly,

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, the business was about to begin, Naoki Yongshan asked directly:

"Junko-chan, have you tried it before? How about it, can you sing "Displaced Time and Space"?"

"Hey, I've tried many times~"

"Then let me listen~"

Ito Junko walked into the recording room, and Naoki Naoyama also put on headphones, but this time it was a Chinese song adapted into Japanese, Naoki Naoyama was also a little cautious.

As the soft music sounded, Ito Junko's sweet voice with some milk sounds came out of the earphones,


気まぐれできまる身命を (Fate is not a rock-paper-scissors decision)

変えたくて (so capricious)

同じ风浴びたら (I blow the evening wind that you blow)

君を抱きしめられる (Then we count as hugging)


Even in Japanese, such lyrics sound very good.

After Naoki Yongshan heard it, he didn't speak for a long time, and Junko Ito also knew the style of Naoki Yongshan as a music producer, and just waited quietly for the next instruction.


The sudden sound made Onodera panic a little, who didn't know what to do.

"Hi? I'm here!"

Naoki Yongshan smiled: "Please add the background music, let me hear the effect. Junko-chan wait a little bit~"

Onodera Kokoro hurriedly operated on the center console, and then started playing.

After adding the music, Ito Junko's voice sounded more healed, but it lost the little regret of the song itself.

"Tada Hitori (End is empty is empty)"

Such lyrics, with a strong sense of unwillingness to fate, did not reflect it.

Naoki Nagayama waved his hand to signal Junko Ito to come out,

"Junko-chan, what were you thinking when you were singing just now?"

"Ah. I'm thinking about how to sing well," Ito Junko murmured, "To be specific, I'm thinking about which parts to sing softly and which parts to accentuate."

The little girl talked about her feelings honestly, "As for emotions, I just immerse myself in a feeling of sadness."

"Isn't it sad? It can't be said to be wrong." Naoki Naoyama said, "Junko-chan, in fact, this song is not a sad song. The song itself is actually telling the impermanence of fate. Those who miss it will Gone."

"Perhaps the title of "Misplaced Time and Space" should be called Missing Absence."

In this era, high school students do not have rich and colorful sources of information. Children like Ito Junko are actually relatively simple. They no longer miss the impermanence of fate, and actually have no real sense of it.

". Fate or something" Junko Ito showed a look of embarrassment on her face.

Naoki Yongshan helped recall: "Junko-chan, do you have any past events that you can't understand? Someone you like in school? Missed and didn't confess. Or something else"

"Confession!" Ito Junko said suddenly.


"When I was in junior high school, I confessed my love to someone I liked! I also dated!" Junko Ito seemed to be quite calm, but it was also true that her first love was not a big deal when she was in junior high school in Japan.

"Ah, that's it. It's a pity to break up after that, isn't it?"

Because they have been in a relationship, it means they have broken up. Naoki Naoyama feels that this first love that was abandoned halfway must be a matter of difficulty.

"After dating with no regrets, I found out that guy has a lot of shortcomings, so I just dumped him!" Junko Ito said this without any hesitation.

"Ah, this." Naoki Naoyama was choked and speechless, and even the faces of Shinobu Onodera and Masami Inada next to him showed strange expressions

Talk about a memorable first love.

"Hahaha, Junzijiang, you are very decisive. Stop the loss in time!"

"of course!"

Ito Junko seems to have a very strong heart. With such a character, how can she express the regret of being impermanent and missing out. Naoki Naoyama fell into deep thought~

After being unable to think of a solution for a long time, Naoki Naoyama let several people rest for a while. After all, if no solution is found, staying in the recording studio is just a waste of time.

Naoki Yongshan sat in a room outside, opened the window, and continued to think

Let Junko read a book? The kind of fate that doesn't pay? Let her experience the experience of missing it and never letting it go? Let someone else tell her?

I can't let Ito Junko understand quickly.

At this time, a bell rang from the church outside the window, which brought Naoki Naoyama back to his senses.

"At this time, the bell is ringing. Is this a Christian church?"

From the outside of the window, it seemed that there were activities going on inside the church. Everyone was quietly listening to the priest's words, and the whole atmosphere seemed solemn and peaceful.

It seemed that even the people on the street were infected, and the noise suddenly became much quieter.

Naoki Naoyama was just looking at it out of curiosity, but at this moment he suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Isn't the impermanence of fate what religion is best at?! Especially Buddhism!"

So Yongshan Naoki found Onodera Shinko who was smoking with Inada Masami: "Ono-kun, is there any temple nearby?"

Onodera Koko was obviously caught off guard: "Huh? A temple? A few streets away is Sensoji Temple."

"Asakusa Temple?" Naoki Naoyama shook his head, "It's too big, and there are too many people, so there is no clean atmosphere. Is there a smaller one with fewer people?"

"Across the two intersections, there is a small temple that is not very famous, and it seems to worship the Bodhisattva of Earth Store"

"Are there any monks who can do things?"

"Huh? Legal affairs?"

"The kind that preaches scriptures and prays~"

"It should be fine." Onodera Shinko was not too sure, but at least praying for blessings should be fine.

"Then let's go!" Yongshan Naoki shouted at Ito Junko, "Junko-chan, let's go, let's go to worship Buddha!"

"Huh?" Ito Junko was confused, "Why did you suddenly go to worship Buddha?"

"To let you experience the impermanence of fate!"

Naoki Yongshan said with a smile, in fact, he just wanted Junko Ito to participate in the rituals of the temple. Japanese young people are still superstitious about these. After participating in the rituals, their hearts will naturally be infected and a sense of awe will arise. Affection.

This kind of emotion, in fact, is very similar to the awe of fate. It is all emotions for the high things that cannot be touched and cannot be changed.

In that state of mind, it seems okay to sing this song, right?

Besides, even if it doesn’t work, there’s nothing wrong with asking for luck~

Four people went out together, three were confused, and one seemed to have a bottom line, and headed for a small temple not far away.

But after arriving, I found out that this unknown temple is really small, and there are no people there. There is only one hall, and behind it is a small side room, where Miaozhu lives.

"Ono-kun, you are more familiar, ask Miao Zhu if he can do a blessing ceremony for Junko Ito." Naoki Naoyama directed,

"Junzijiang, don't think about anything else now, just come to the temple to do a ritual of listening to scriptures and praying for blessings."

Miao Zhu, who is over half a hundred years old, is naturally willing, because Onodera is willing to give money

Then I took out wooden fish, patchwork clothes and other magic tools, and became a real monk. I started to chant scriptures in the hall, and I really looked like an eminent monk.

Junko Ito, on the other hand, followed the formal procedures, cleansing her hands and face, calming her mind, offering incense, and then knelt on the futon in the main hall with her hands clasped devoutly, listening to Buddhist scriptures.

After closing the door, the whole atmosphere became quiet. The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the main hall seemed to be quietly looking at the believers in the audience, showing endless compassion.

The entire ceremony of listening to the scriptures and praying for blessings lasted about 40 minutes. At the end, the old Miaozhu was a little dry and his voice became a little hoarse. Junko Ito seemed to be a Buddhist, and she was still kneeling on the futon meticulously. superior.

After the last sound of the wooden fish, Junko Ito finally opened her glasses, and when she came out to see Naoki Nagayama, her heart seemed to be much calmer, her eyes were particularly clear,

"Naoki-san, I feel a little heavy, but also a little calm."

"Junko-chan, keep it up! It may be difficult to achieve the realm where the four elements are all empty, but it doesn't hinder us. We only need a little artistic conception."

Taking advantage of Ito Junko's state of mind, Naoki Naoki and his team hurried back to the recording studio and started the intense recording process.

This time, "ただひとり" in the lyrics is sung with great feeling.

"Very good, Junko-chan, I feel it this time." Yongshan Naoki said happily, "But this time the taste of peace is too strong, the resentment is a little less, and the sweet feeling is a little less."

"Let's do it again. With the relaxed mood just now, I believe that I will slowly find a balance in the future!"


So it took a long time to find this balance. Junko Ito sang it no less than 50 times

I don't even have to eat lunch

On this day, Junko recalled the horror of being ruled by the tyrant of the recording studio, and the shame of being constantly picked on by Naoki Naoyama

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