Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 317 316, You've been wanting to attack my family friend for a long time, right?

After Naoki Yongshan finished the hot bath and was lying on the bed reading a magazine, Tsuruko knocked on the door and came in.

"Have we chatted for so long?" Yongshan Naoki was a little curious, these two people were obviously not very familiar.

"Hey, I learned a lot of anecdotes about celebrities!" Tsuruko happily told Naoki Naoyama, "Ni-chan, Mingcai and I have made an appointment to go shopping on the weekend, and bring her the clothes by the way~ When you Can you take me there?"

oh? Did you make an appointment to go out to play?

Naoki Yongshan thought for a while, on weekends, it seems that the role can be vacated, and then he changed sending it to play together: "Okay, then I will accompany you~"

Hezi was just about to say that he didn't need to accompany him, but then he remembered his empty wallet and the troubles of going back and forth, so he immediately changed his words: "Then it's done! Weekend~"

Before Naoki Naoki could answer, Tsuruko dragged Intaro out of the bedroom, who was lying in the bedroom and getting ready to sleep.

Looking at the helpless eyes of Eitaro, Naoki Nagayama couldn't help but sighed,

Alas, this is not even let off at night~

The spring sun is warm and bright, shining in the dreamland, reminding the sleeping people that a new day has arrived.

Naoki Naoyama opened his eyes naturally, the biological clock he had kept for two years was more accurate than his brain,

Putting on his sportswear and walking downstairs, Euntaro was already waiting in the living room.

"Hey Taro, did you actually open the door of the bedroom by yourself?" Naoki Yongshan felt relieved as he patted Gouzi's head, he was so smart.

Ying Taro wagged his tail, very happy that he had escaped from the clutches of the clutches.

After doing some warm-up exercises to let his body get used to the cold air in the morning, Naoki Nagayama took Etaro for a morning jog along the familiar road.

At such an early hour, you can already see the early businesses opening their doors and ushering in the first batch of customers; you can also see the postmen delivering newspapers, delivering the last few households; The farmers' market in the morning buys the freshest vegetables; the white-collar workers who get up early walk towards the company in a gentle pace.

A new day is the same for everyone.

Running and running, he slowed down a little when passing by the small shop of Qingshan. Sure enough, the old man of Qingshan had already opened the door of the shop, and he didn't know how he got the habit of drinking tea early in the morning.

"Morning, Mr. Qingshan~"

"Morning, Naoki boy~"

For two year-end friends who do not follow the usual path, a simple greeting is an effective communication. If there is nothing special to say, usually the greeting in the morning will pass.

"I said, although I've been looking at it for a long time, your hair is really eye-catching!" If you speak like this, it means that you have something to say, and Naoki Yongshan just took a rest in silence.

"That can't be helped, the director has to ask for it~"

Saying this, Naoki Naoyama walked into the store, and Nobuo Aoyama had already poured a cup of hot tea.

"The director's aesthetic has also gone in a strange direction~ There is no Showa masculinity in such a hairstyle!"

After all, he is old and his ideas tend to be conservative. Nobuo Aoyama still doesn't like Naoki Naoki's current hairstyle, but it is work after all, so he didn't say much.

Naoki Naoyama also replied with a few words about aesthetic progress and westernization, which were similar to what he said when he saw it for the first time.

In a blink of an eye, half of the hot tea was drunk, and Nobuo Aoyama started the topic: "Naoki boy, I actually want to ask you what the so-called scout is about."

"Scout?" Naoki Yongshan thought about it, and he already knew what was going on, "Zhikezijiang was handed a business card by the scout?"

"Well, that's what happened~" Old Master Qingshan took a sip of tea, "Yesterday when Zhikezi came home, he said that on the way back, someone handed her a business card, saying that he was going to help her debut as an idol."

"Hahaha, I just said that Chikako-chan is so cute, maybe scouts will take a fancy to it?" Naoki Naoyama laughed, feeling that what he had joked with Nobuo Aoyama before had come true, "What firm is it?"

"A firm called Orega Co., Ltd., has Naoki-san heard of it?"

"I haven't heard much about this, it's probably a small firm~" Naoki Naoyama recalled, he had never heard of this firm in the industry, and it probably couldn't be any smaller.

"So Naoki-san thinks that Chikako can join the firm? Then become an idol debut?"

Shinobu Aoyama asked seriously, such a serious expression made Naoki Naoyama throw away his relaxed attitude and began to think seriously.

After a long time, Naoki Yongshan began to answer:

"Old Master Qingshan, in fact, becoming an idol is easy and simple, but difficult to say."

"For amateurs, as long as they look good and have a simple talent, in fact, singing and dancing can be trained, and it doesn't matter if they don't have talents, then the firm can actually turn amateurs into idols."

"Zhikezijiang is naturally very good-looking, but her advantage lies in the three-dimensional facial features, the kind of bright beauty." Naoki Yongshan paused, taking care of the thinking of the elderly, "It's the kind that looks more mature nice."

Nobuo Aoyama hummed, still full of doubts: "Is there any problem then? Chikako was very happy when she received the business card, saying that she would become a star like Naoki-san."

Hey, why did he get involved with me all of a sudden. But Naoki Naoyama continued:

"Chikako-chan is 17 years old, right? A sophomore in high school, right?"


"Actually, Zhikezijiang seems to be relatively precocious at this time. It takes at least half a year to prepare for her debut, and it takes at least a year to become famous, even if she is very talented."

Naoki Naoyama thought about it, and it took more than a year for Akina to become famous, and she has already gained a certain reputation through the draft.

"If that's the case, you'll be about 18 years old. In the case of Chikako-chan, the innocence of being an idol can easily disappear."

Naoki Naoyama couldn't bear to say, "Because of the mature charm, if the idol career does not improve, it is easy to be guided by the agency to transform into a sexy adult idol."

It’s not easy for Naoki Naoyama to say it directly. Generally speaking, idols who have passed away generally have several endings. They can either retire directly and change careers; they can transform into an actor and develop in the entertainment industry, but it will be difficult; amorous feelings

To be extreme, many members of AKB48 or Nogizaka46 after the Showa era have gone to sea.

Nobuo Aoyama's complexion began to turn ugly. Hearing that his granddaughter might become a star in that area would not make him feel good.

"Arigado, Naoki-san, I understand." Nobuo Aoyama nodded, determined to stop Chikako's impulse, if she really wanted to go, she would break her leg!

"We must not let Zhikezi become a star!"

Naoki Naoyama felt a bit overkill: "Master Aoyama, actually, I feel that Chikako-chan may not want to be an idol, but more likely to be an actor."


"Although the showbiz is not a particularly good place, there is still a right path for those who dream of being a star. If you want to debut as an actor, being older and mature is not a hindrance, maybe it is an advantage Woolen cloth."

That is to rely on entering the performing arts department of the university, and then come out of it, whether it is opportunities or contacts, there is a certain amount of reliance.

I vaguely remember that Zhikazi Aoyama's acting skills have moved many people in later generations, and she still has a little talent.

Aoyama Shin was a little confused: "So what do you mean, Naoki?!"

"That is to say, let Zhikezi finish high school first, and then enter the university's acting department." Naoki Yongshan said directly, "By then Zhikezi will be old enough, with education and acting skills, you can decide whether you want to enter acting boundary."

Qing Shanxin finally understood, but another question came up: "But, what if you don't pass the exam? Did you miss this opportunity?"

? Can't pass the exam, doesn't it mean that Zhikezi Qingshan will go to the exam for a qualification in color psychotherapy in the future? Can't you study now? Is it a very watery certificate?

But Naoki Yongshan didn't give a damn, instead he said with a smile: "It's okay, if Zhikezi doesn't pass the exam, then go to my office and make a debut!"

Shinobu Aoyama looked at Naoki Nagayama suspiciously, and said nothing.

Naoki Yongshan was not happy: "What's the matter, are you afraid that my office is not capable? We may already have a first-line idol! Junko Ito! There are also many well-known movies!"

Qingshan Xin replied lightly: "I still have great confidence in your family's office, but I don't have any confidence in Naoki, you seem to have held back this proposal for a long time, and you have long wanted to start with my family's Zhikezi, right? Hanako Naoki!"

? ! ! !

Naoki Yongshan walked out helplessly, and the influence of reputation appeared like this

Naoki Nagayama, who returned to Sanzakin, happily ate the breakfast made by Tsuruko.

Just after the morning jog, someone at home can prepare breakfast for you, it is really a very good experience~

Although Japan is still a bit unaccustomed to eating in the morning, Naoki Nagayama and Taro usually use bread and cereals, and cook porridge when they are in a good mood.

But there are people helping to cook, what more bicycles are needed!

"Ni Jiang, do you go out for a run every morning?" He Zi asked at the dinner table, "I didn't see it when I came here before."

"Didn't you just come to play for two days? Then you stopped and came to accompany you." Yongshan Naoki chewed the sour radish, crunching it, "Isn't it going to stay for a while now, then follow the usual rhythm."

"No wonder Ni Jiang feels much healthier."


"It used to be a feeling of malnutrition, but now it looks healthy."

Well, there are indeed reasons for exercising, but more people are willing to eat meat~

After breakfast, Naoki Naoyama was about to go to the set: "Hezi, I'm going to the set, you can take care of it yourself at noon, you don't have to wait for me at night, usually you come back late~"

Then he pointed to the coffee table in the living room: "There are some small change in the drawer of the coffee table, if you don't want to cook, you can order takeaway~"

"Hi~Bon voyage~" Hezi replied relaxedly.

Naoki Yongshan walked towards the garage, and Naoki Yongshan also wanted to get in the car with him, but Naoki Yongshan refused: "Yuntaro, you are already an adult dog, if there are no adults at home, It's still very dangerous to leave underage cranes behind, so please protect this family well, okay?! Be good, come back and give you extra meals!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the incredulous eyes of Etaro, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Seikei University in Japan.

When we arrived at the set, Shuichi Ido was already there, and all the performers were already in their positions, and we were about to do a big show.

"Naoki-san, is it so early today?" As the executive director, Komori Masataka was running around explaining to the actors what he was going to shoot later. After seeing Naoki Naoki, he greeted, "There is no scene for you this morning. ah."

"Ah, is that so? Hahaha, I didn't pay much attention." Naoki Naoyama walked towards Shuichi Yitang while saying hello.

If there is no acting role, he will usually play half of the director as a guest.

"Xiu Yisang, what plot did you film today?"

Itang Xiu handed Naoki Yongshan the filming itinerary: "In the morning, we will shoot the scene where Shancai is being laughed at at school. In the afternoon, we will go to the zoo to shoot a scene of a double date."

"Speaking of which, there seems to be no Naoki-san scene all day today."

Naoki Yongshan didn't care, if he really didn't have one, it would just be used for laziness and rest.

There is nothing to say about the shooting in the morning. The crew is already familiar with shooting on campus, and the shooting in the afternoon is even more interesting.

Tokyo Ueno Zoo, the oldest and most famous zoo in Japan, is also the first public zoo in Japan.

Although it was still a bit cold, under the warm afternoon sun, small animals were basking in the sun, including monkeys, elephants, antelopes, flamingos and even a group of Antarctic penguins.

Speaking of it, Naoki Naoyama came to the zoo for the first time since he came to Showa. Looking at the naive animals, Naoki Naoyama almost forgot that he was here to shoot. He dragged the heroine Mieko Harada and other leading actors to watch it first. , It was not until Yi Tangxiu yelled loudly that he returned to work.

When filming the fight between Daoming Sisi played by Higashiyama Noori and a passer-by boyfriend played by an extra, Naoki Yongshan stood with a group of curious monkeys, and was still raising opinions in the middle of the filming, how to fight well and how to fight back Something more powerful.

There are more and more people onlookers, making it confusing whether they are here to watch the animals or the fights between humans.

At noon, the lunch crane can simply use the leftovers to deal with it,

But at dinner, Hezi didn't want to eat leftovers anymore,

What is my brother's refrigerator for? Except for some drinks and hard frozen meat, meat, meat, other vegetables, eggs, etc., isn't he afraid of nutritional imbalance?

Yongshan Hezi decided to go to a nearby supermarket to buy some, and when he was about to leave, he remembered what Yongshan Naoki said, there was change in the coffee table, so he decided not to consume his wallet, which was not well-off, and walked briskly to the In the living room, he opened the small drawer of the coffee table.

As soon as they were opened, the sheets of Prince Shotoku stared at Yongshan Hezi's face, which made her stunned. She counted them with trembling hands, 53 sheets of Prince Shotoku! More than 500,000 yen!

"Bagani sauce, is this also called change?!"

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