Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 307 306, how can you say such cold words with your 37-degree mouth? !

As the festival goes away, more and more people return to their daily work,

Like hardworking ants, they walk through the alleys of Tokyo in an orderly manner.

When Otomo Yoshimura returned to work in Tokyo, Naoki Nagayama, Shuichi Ido, and Masataka Komori had already written the script for "Hot-Blooded High School".

The senior economic man whose baldness turned out to be more and more serious, was looking at the other two in the office with a look of surprise at this time:

"Xiuichi-san, you mean, during the few days of vacation, no. Just two days ago, you and Naoki-san actually wrote the script of a movie?"

The pride on Yi Tangxiu's face almost went to the sky: "Of course, Otomo-san, let me tell you, under the guidance of my whimsical ideas, Naoki-san and I perfected it in a short period of time. This script! This is also thanks to the school gang movie that was filmed before, which laid a solid foundation”

Naoki Yongshan watched Itou Xiuyi show off from the side, and remained silent.

In fact, this time because I did not recall complete memories, I only have a general impression of the plot of "Hot-Blooded High School". Speaking of which, Shuichi Ido and Masataka Komori really played a big role in the creation process.

The outline of the current script and story is still there, but there are many details that should be quite different from the previous movies.

Seeing that Naoki Yongshan didn't speak, Fangcun Otomo believed in Shuichi Yitang's bragging, and said like a child, "Xuichi-san is so good! He really is a director!"

"Hahahaha~ Of course!"

Originally Shuichi Ido was quite a steady director, but for some reason, after getting mixed up with Naoki Nagayama, now he is getting more and more unrestrained~

Otomo Fangcun read the script again, compared it with the box office of other bad movies in his heart, and then said with admiration: "If it is made, it will be another movie of the year~"

Then he seemed to think of something again: "Speaking of which, Naoki-san's film awards should be coming out soon, right?"

"Hi, when I called Director Masaki Kobayashi before, I have probably been able to confirm the awards nominated for the Daily Movie Awards." Naoki Naoyama said, "As for the Academy Film Awards and the Blue Ribbon Awards, they are still counting. Among them, the shortlist is expected to be announced in the middle and late ten days.”

The award ceremony of the Japanese Film Selection Awards is usually held in February or early March, and this time attracts the attention of all film circles.

"Are you going to participate in the awards ceremony at that time?" Itou Shuichi interrupted and asked, "If Naoki-san doesn't go, the film selection committee will have a headache!"

That's right, the winners of many awards didn't attend the awards ceremony?

Naoki Naoyama still feels that he was suppressed by the seniors in the film industry before, so he used this behavior to express his protest?

Or do you look down on this honor?

Regardless of the reason, the selection committee of this year's Film Awards will be ashamed.

Naoki Yongshan is not so lofty: "If I have time, I will definitely go~"

"Please spare me some time!" Shuichi Ido was a little mad, "At any rate, this is one of the highest honors for Japanese movies!"

Speaking of time, Fangcun Dayou immediately remembered: "Speaking of which, Xiu Yisang, this year Shuyou Yinghua has planned three film and TV projects under the management of Shuyou Yinghua, "Boys Over Flowers", "Midnight Ring" and "The Three Sisters with Cat Eyes""

Yes, after buying the copyright of "Maoyan Three Sisters", professional screenwriters have been asked to produce the script.

"The manpower is already insufficient. For "Hot-Blooded High School", do you consider handing it over to other teams for filming? For example, Kadokawa? You have to give Ren Bo Qingshui something to do."

Yi Tangxiu was stunned, this is a script he created with great difficulty! It is still a movie with Naoki Nagayama, and it has the potential to be a big hit!

Want someone else to take the picture?

Otomo-san, how can you say such cold words with your 37-degree mouth? !

"Otomo-san's movie can wait until next year." Naoki Yongshan couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly eased up.

"Next year. Maybe the bad wind will pass." Yoshimura Otomo muttered a few words, and didn't continue to say more. After all, the movie script was the work of Xiuichi-san and Naoki-san.

In the afternoon, Sugiura Taitai from Fuji TV called the office,

In the era when there were no mobile phones, if you wanted to communicate with others quickly, you had to either call a landline or meet in person.

Since Sugiura Taitai had contacted Naoki Nagayama, he made an appointment directly to go to the office building of the Sanyang Chamber of Commerce together to discuss sponsorship with the distributor of the British high-end clothing brand Burberry in Japan.

"But why should I come here?"

After joining up with Sugiura Taitai and Nishi Rumi, Naoki Naoyama couldn't help asking.

"Actually, the matter of sponsorship has been discussed by colleagues. In fact, the brand director of Sanyang Chamber of Commerce wants to meet the creator of the script, and after knowing that Naoki-san is one of the protagonists, he wants to meet even more. gone."

"On the other hand, I also want to talk to Naoki-san about the shooting."

"Huh? Has the casting been notified to the outside world?"

Sugiura Taitai, who was driving, shook his head: "Of course not, but although these luxury brands are rich, they are still very cautious about their own sponsorship. They have certain requirements for the stories of TV dramas and actors wearing costumes. If the image does not match, it is likely that the sponsorship will not be agreed.”

Nishi Rumi interjected: "Actually speaking, if the previous TV dramas wanted sponsorship, the sponsors would have a certain say in the casting, but this time Naoki-san has a lot of power. If it doesn't work, the TV station I'd rather not have a sponsorship. It's just real money to buy some luxury clothes."

Naoki Yongshan couldn't help nodding: "The TV station is really rich~"

After arriving at the headquarters of the Sanyo Chamber of Commerce in Shinjuku, Naoki Naoyama discovered that this small building with "Sanyo Chamber of Commerce Co., Ltd." written on the door on the first floor was actually an agent of many high-end clothing brands in Japan.

"It doesn't look like luxury clothes at all~" Naoki Naoyama couldn't help complaining to Nishi Rumi.

"Hahaha, it's completely different from the store in Ginza~" Xiru Meile kept on talking, "I was shocked when I came here for the first time, but let me tell you, there are many try items that haven't been released yet." Work clothes! It’s a pity that they are not for sale~”

Under the leadership of Sugiura Taitai, the three directly entered the office building of Sanyang Chamber of Commerce, and waited for the brand director of Sanyang Chamber of Commerce Tadao Fujisawa in a conference room.

After a while, a middle-aged man in a fine suit appeared, Sugiura Taitai quickly introduced:

"Naoki-san, this is Tadao Fujisawa, the brand director of Sanyo Chamber of Commerce. Fujisawa-san, this is the screenwriter of "Boys Over Flowers", Naoki Naoyama."

"Nice to meet you!"

Naoki Yongshan honestly greeted him according to the social etiquette when meeting for the first time, but Tadao Fujisawa seemed to have known Naoki Yongshan for a long time,

"Ah, Mr. Naoki Nagayama, I have wanted to know you for a long time!"

"? Huh? Does director Fujisawa know me?" Naoki Naoyama is completely unfamiliar with the fashion industry, at most he is a customer of a fashion brand.

Tadao Fujisawa greeted several people to sit down with a smile, and then chatted about the reason: "Actually, the first time I paid attention to Mr. Naoki Nagayama was because of the cover of POPEYE magazine."

It was just a cover in the first half of last year, but it was not proposed by Tadao Fujisawa, and Naoki Naoyama had long forgotten it.

"So it is"

"Yongshan-san's image and temperament are very good. In fact, after seeing it that time, we considered contacting Yongshan-san as a model to take some Burberry brand signs and promotional photos." Fujisawa Tadao seemed to think of something, "But Later, I found out that Yongshan-san is not a professional model hahahaha~"

Naoki Yongshan also smiled: "That really missed a big deal~"

"Then this time it can be said to be a coincidence." Sugiura Taitai also joined the discussion, "This time Naoki-san also played a role in the TV series, and it happens to be an opportunity for the two parties to cooperate again."

Tadao Fujisawa nodded: "Actually, Fuji TV has almost negotiated with our business people before, and I have read the summary of the story before, and I saw Mr. Naoki Nagayama today. I actually have no objection to the sponsorship."

"That's really great!" Sugiura Taitai smiled brightly. The sponsorship was agreed, and most of the costumes for "Boys Over Flowers" were completed.

But Tadao Fujisawa didn't finish his sentence: "However, I specially invited Mr. Naoki Nagayama to come here today. In fact, there are still some cooperations I want to discuss."

Naoki Yongshan originally thought that he was just here to make a vase, but he didn't expect to find himself in something:

"Hey, Director Fujisawa, please elaborate~"

Tadao Fujisawa took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "Actually, when I got to know Mr. Naoki Nagayama, I found that Mr. Naoki Naoki's identity as an actor was only one of them. In addition, when he was a well-known screenwriter and music creator, I was very surprised,

Ah, recently I found out that Yongshan-san is a well-known director. Hahaha~ "That Summer, The Sea of ​​Tranquility" is indeed a very good movie~"

What he said was a bit exaggerated, which made Naoki Naoki feel a little embarrassed: "Director Fujisawa praised him."

"Actually, ever since I found out that Nagayama-san will also participate in "Boys Over Flowers", I have an idea in my heart." Tadao Fujisawa put down his teacup and sat up straight, "Nagayama-san, do you intend to become Where is Burberry's image ambassador in Japan?"

"Huh?!" Nishi Rumi who was on the side couldn't help but exclaimed, the matter proposed by Tadao Fujisawa was really surprising.

Naoki Naoyama was also very surprised: "For director Fujisawa to be the spokesperson for Burberry, shouldn't you hire a popular star? Although I can be named in the entertainment industry, there is still a few levels behind the star, right?"

Although the status of directors and screenwriters is very high, when it comes to real fame, the actors, stars, idols and other entertainers at the front desk are more famous.

Tadao Fujisawa also knew that this proposal was a bit unexpected, but he continued: "Actually, part of the reason is that Nagayama-san's image and temperament fit, and the other part is because of the optimism for the drama "Boys Over Flowers."

Sugiura Taitai nodded in agreement: "Boys Over Flowers will definitely be a hit!"

"After the TV series is broadcast, Naoki-san's reputation as an actor will definitely increase, so this can be regarded as an early investment."

It sounds like they are all good for themselves and can make money.

"Fujisawa-san, in fact, I still don't understand why you chose me? You must know that top stars such as Matsuda Seiko and Saijo Hideki are eager for Burberry's endorsement."

"Because we also hope that in "Boys Over Flowers", Burberry's exposure will be used as much as possible, at least Yongshan-san's character must be used throughout."

Tadao Fujisawa told the real reason. Ever since he knew that Naoki Nagayama was the screenwriter and starring role of the TV series, this idea has been formed in his mind.

The sponsorship advertisement of a hot TV series of the year was exposed, and the leading actor became the image spokesperson of Burberry, and the popularity can last almost a whole year.

For the more than one billion advertising fees spent on other advertisements every year, it is too cost-effective to invest in Naoki Naoki, the spokesperson!

"In addition, an additional condition needs to be added to the endorsement contract. If the average ratings of "Boys Over Flowers" is above 15%, the contract will continue to be signed. If it does not reach it, it will not continue."

In fact, Naoki Naoyama still doesn’t understand Tadao Fujisawa’s thoughts. Although this seems to put restrictions on Naoki Naoyama, in the end, even if the contract is not renewed, Naoki Naoyama has no loss. Earn a one-year endorsement fee.

Excluding all impossible reasons, is it really this guy who said that he fits Burberry's style?

"Hey Director Fujisawa, I still need to think about such a cooperation."

"Of course~"

To be on the safe side, it is better to consult a professional person before considering an answer. Who knows if Tadao Fujisawa will lay mines.

I continued to chat with Tadao Fujisawa about the plot of "Boys Over Flowers". They didn't stay long and said goodbye politely. Afterwards, the contract will be handed over to the business people.

Naoki Nagayama found a cafe with Sugiura Taitai and Nishi Rumi,

"Da Taisang, have you ever encountered something similar?"

"There are many things like actor endorsement, but it is tied to the ratings of the TV series he starred in, but I have never seen it." Sugiura Taitai was also a little surprised.

Xi Rumi said: "I think this is just a special sponsorship contract. To us, the worst result is that Burberry used the original sponsorship fee to buy more exposures in TV dramas and one of the protagonists. Just put on their clothes."

"If the ratings are high, there is no loss for Burberry, and signing Naoki-san as an endorsement is also very suitable."

Naoki Yongshan nodded: "If you say that, you are actually right~"

"Forget it, let's hand it over to someone who specializes in business~" Naoki Yongshan thought of Otomo Yoshimura, an experienced tool man, who will definitely eliminate all the thunder.

"Da Taisang, except for this one, our preparations are almost done, right?"

"Hi, ready to shoot!"

Naoki Yongshan smiled: "It has been delayed for a long time, it's time to speed up the progress, Taitai-san, the announcement can start!"

"Ah, it's time to start!" Sugiura Taitai also nodded in agreement.

First, preheating, posters, stills, making news.

During the 3-month filming period, the information of this drama will be revealed to the public little by little,

And then it will be released when the people are waiting for it,

The production bureau of Fuji TV is most familiar with this set of procedures!

I had two wisdom teeth pulled out today. The blood flow is endless and the pain is so painful. It's over~

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