Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 304 303, A certain idol is attracted to sex? Pick up a handsome guy?

Urged by hunger, Naoki Naoyama stepped on the accelerator and soon came to Shinsaibashi in Osaka.

After I parked the car and just opened the door, a fresh, spicy smell enveloped my whole body. My nose, which was still a little stuffy, seemed to be washed away by the aroma of barbecue, and my whole body was transparent~

"Did I come to a place that sells teppanyaki?" Naoki Yongshan turned his head slightly, and found that the nearby signboards were filled with XXX skewers, sparrows, and charcoal grills. We came to the gathering place of the snack bar.

"Oh? This store is called 'Kuanhuang'? This is incredible! If you dare to call this name, you must go and see if he is worthy of it!" Naoki Yongshan was attracted by this signboard, and left without hesitation went in.

Japanese barbecue restaurants are generally not big, and there are only 5 or 6 seats in the small restaurant, but there are some seats facing the chef on the horizontal platform.

In the small shop, the general is making teppanyaki for customers in the open kitchen. Amidst the crackling sound of oil explosion, the meaty aroma of the skewers is stimulated, and then sprinkled with the store's special sauce, it is rich and delicious. The fragrance burst out, making the guests sitting on the horizontal platform look forward to it.

Naoki Yongshan came quite late, and there was only a seat next to the horizontal platform left, so he could only sit here.

The waiter is an older aunt, who fits the characteristics of a husband-and-wife restaurant. After seeing Naoki Naoyama sit down, she handed over a rolled wet towel and purified water: "Welcome, the menu is on the wall, the customer is confirmed." You can speak to the general directly."

"Hi, I see."

In addition to the common roasted birds, there are actually beef, mutton, squid, shrimp, etc., and there are many kinds of vegetables. But if you come to eat teppanyaki, of course the squid skewers are the most authentic!

"Private Marseille, please bring me two skewers of squid, two skewers of baby squid, one skewer of grilled shrimp, and then grilled bird skewers, beef skewers, shiitake mushrooms, Chiba tofu, and green peppers."

Naoki Yongshan ordered ten skewers in one go, and all the customers sitting next to him looked over, and the general who was making the skewers also asked hesitantly, "Mr. Customer, are you here alone?"

"Ah, don't worry, I've been hungry all afternoon."

Naoki Yongshan smiled, unlike the Japanese way of eating a skewer and drinking a sip of wine, he came here purely to fill his stomach.

After hearing such an answer, the shopkeeper didn't say anything more: "Hi, please wait a moment."

Looking at the strings of food, they are constantly flipping in the hands of the general. The cold meat changes color in a few seconds when it comes into contact with the hot iron plate, exuding the most original aroma of the meat, and then bursting out through the butter. If you want to cry the child next door, pour a little special soy sauce at the end to blend into a rich fragrance

Sitting in front of the horizontal platform, Naoki Yongshan couldn't help swallowing, thinking about when it would be his turn

At the same time, an unassuming minivan parked outside Shinsaibashi,

Nakamori Akina and female assistant Ueda Maki stepped out from the open car door.

"Ming Caijiang, bring your scarf!"

Ueda Maki reminded conscientiously that although celebrities are generally not recognized after taking off their makeup, they still need to be careful.

"Hi~ Maki-chan, I have one with a mask."

Nakamori Akina was very excited looking at the brightly lit neighborhood, and the faint aroma of food aroused Nakamori Akina's appetite even more.

"Be careful~"

Ueda Maki thanked the driver and asked him to go back and tell Koji Okawa that he and Akina would go back after dinner, maybe they would take a stroll~

"What would Akina-chan want to eat?" The female assistant walked beside Nakamori Akina, like two ordinary girls going shopping together.

"Go to the one with the strongest aroma!"

Nakamori Akina wrinkled her nose like a puppy, and decided to follow her sense of smell today, pulling Ueda Maki forward quickly, trying to find the one she likes the most among the colorful signs.

But after walking for a while, the two stopped, Mingcai rubbed her nose: "No way, the aromas are all mixed together and I can't tell them apart."

"Haha, does Akina-chan think of herself as a military dog?" Ueda Maki joked with a smile, "Then just find one."

On the face of the Mingcai girl, the word "seriousness" was written: "Come to Osaka, if you don't eat the most authentic Teppanyaki, doesn't that mean you haven't eaten it?!"

"." The female assistant was convinced by this powerful logic, forget it, let her idol think whatever she wants

Continue to follow the girl's footsteps and walk through the block. From time to time, you can see slogans such as charcoal grilled X, X meat, roast bird, sparrow, and X taste. But they can't stop them. After smelling the aroma for so long, Ueda Maki I feel my stomach getting hungry,

"Ming Caijiang, haven't you found something you like?"

"Yeah, these feelings are very ordinary. There is no shop that catches people's eyes." Mingcai's eyes scanned the front, and was suddenly attracted by a yellow signboard - "Kuanhuang".

Nakamori Akina's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "Maki-chan, look at that store, if you dare to call it 'Kanko', then you must go to see if it is worthy of it!"

As he spoke, he pulled the female assistant and walked over.

Ueda Maki, who walked to the door of the store, only had the seat in front of the horizontal table left inside: "It looks like people are very popular~ Do you want to sit in front of the horizontal table to eat?"

This sentence did not get a response from her own artist, Akina seemed to have seen something interesting, and pulled Ueda Maki into the store quickly.

Naoki Yongshan was concentrating on killing the squid skewers in his hand, completely ignoring the fact that two new customers came to the seat next to him, and the waiter brought them wet towels.

The baby squid sprinkled with some chili powder is full of aroma. The general's skill is very good.

"Is the squid delicious?"

A somewhat muffled unfamiliar voice came from the side, just as the general handed over two skewers of roasted bird skewers and beef skewers, Naoki Yongshan raised his hand to take them,

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a girl wearing a mask, with a wide-brimmed hat and a big scarf covering her entire head, as if she was afraid of the cold.

Naoki Yongshan thought it was a familiar guest who wanted to be a reference, so he didn't think carefully:

"Well, it's very delicious, and the general's craftsmanship is very good."

After finishing speaking, continue to destroy the squid skewers in the left hand.

“The grilled bird skewers look delicious too.”

It was still the strange voice. Naoki Naoyama, who was biting the squid skewers, was a little strange. Aren’t Japanese people not disturbing others?

Although there was food stuffed in his mouth, he subconsciously replied, "Yeah."

"Then can you give me a bunch?" The voice suddenly changed into a familiar female voice~

Hearing this request, Naoki Yongshan almost choked, and quickly drank a big mouthful of water, then turned his face and looked to the side seriously: "Mingcai sauce?!"

"Hahaha, Naoki-san didn't recognize it~"

The girl who succeeded in the prank happily took off her scarf and mask, revealing her delicate cheeks. The idol who was shining on the stage just now appeared in such a small barbecue restaurant!

Naoki Yongshan couldn't believe it, "Why is Mingcai sauce here?"


The girl explained the reason bluntly, and at the same time those bright eyes looked at the skewer in Naoki Naoki's hand like this,

I understand the meaning~

Naoki Yongshan could only hand over the roasted bird skewers and beef skewers

The female assistant, Maki Ueda, has noticed that something is wrong with her artists from the very beginning.

I looked at the door of the barbecue shop, and then there seemed to be excitement in the big eyes, and I dragged myself into the door without saying a word, and sat on the seat on the horizontal platform.

And obviously there was an empty seat next to him, but he just sat next to a customer. Well, although from the side view, that little brother is indeed a bit handsome, could it be that Ming Caijiang is just looking for sex?

Ueda Maki shook her head, shrugged off her slander against her artist, and comforted herself: "It must be my delusion~ How could Akina-chan be such a person~ It must be an accident~"

After the auntie waiter in the small shop handed over the wet towel, Ueda Maki wanted to ask Akina what she wanted to order, but unexpectedly Akina accosted the handsome guy next to her! ! !

"Akina-chan, how can you do this! You can't be such an entertainer!" Ueda Maki's thoughts surged, and Akina-chan actually saw a handsome guy and broke his skills!

The female assistant was newly tuned by Kenyin, and she helped Akina Nakamori with some daily things during the concert. She hadn't recognized Naoki Nagayama yet.

Naoki Yongshan looked at Mingcai happily eating the roasted bird skewers, while still holding on to the beef skewers in the other hand. The surprised colleague also felt a little funny, and said to the general:

"Secret Marseille, please give me two more skewers of roasted bird and beef."

Then he asked Mingcai: "What else would Mingcai want to eat?"

Mingcai swallowed the chicken: "I also want squid, shrimp, tofu, and potatoes."

You're welcome. Naoki Yongshan saw the female assistant next to him, so he also asked her: "Miss, what do you want to eat?"

The female assistant Ueda Maki came back to her senses, and said in a panic: "Ah, how embarrassing this is."

Naoki Yongshan meant to treat guests when he said that.

Nakamori Akina said narrowly beside him: "Stay tape, Maki-chan, this is my good friend Naoki Nagayama, he is a rich man~"

If you have money, it's hard-earned money, okay?

"Naoki-san, this is my assistant, Ueda Maki~"

But of course he couldn't refute it at this time, Naoki Naoyama could only smile slightly, and continued to say to the female assistant: "It's our first meeting, Ms. Maki, but Akina-chan is right, don't worry~"

It's so nice to smile Seeing Naoki Nagayama's smile, this idea suddenly popped up in Ueda Maki's mind, and then became even more flustered,

"Ah, then please bring me a bunch of green peppers and mushrooms."

"Is it so plain?" Naoki Yongshan nodded, maybe the girl wants to lose weight at night, so he placed an order with the general.

His gaze returned to the girl who was grinding the wasabi: "Didn't it mean that the vegetable sauce should have gone back? I seem to see a group of people following a black car, and the fans are still calling Akina~"

"That's the so-called blindfold!" Mingcai said with some complacency on his face, "It's empty inside!"

After biting down on the beef dipped in a little mustard, the girl showed a satisfied expression on her face. If others saw this scene, they would definitely think that the food here is very delicious~

While chatting with Mingcai, Naoki Naoyama did not stop the rhythm of eating, and so did Mingcai~ After all, it is more delicious to eat skewers when you are hungry~

The female assistant, Maki Ueda, was silently biting the green pepper, doing her duty as an assistant who eats food, but seeing two people chatting and eating skewers, she felt inexplicably harmonious.

"Naoki Yongshan, the one who wrote the song for Akina, are they so close?"

"Sure enough, how many barbecue restaurants dare to hang up the signboard of "Kuanhuang"!"

Naoki Yongshan, who walked out of the barbecue restaurant, sighed, not to mention the fresh ingredients of the teppanyaki in this shop, the general's craftsmanship must be top-notch, and the skewers that come out of his hands are just right, charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

The sauce in the store should be specially made, with a sauce fragrance, but not too strong to cover up the original taste of the skewers, but instead highlights the original taste of the ingredients, the squid and shrimp are sweet and delicious, and the beef and mutton are delicious. Juicy, fresh and refreshing vegetables and shiitake mushrooms are all distinct, but they are integrated with each other, giving all diners the satisfaction of eating teppanyaki.

Akina Nakamori also nodded in agreement, touched her waist and abdomen that had not changed a little: "I haven't eaten so satisfyingly for a long time~"

Seeing this scene, inexplicably, Naoki Naoyama remembered what the female fan said at the concert, "It would be great if Ming Caijiang was a little thinner~"

An indescribable voice: "Obviously the waist is already very thin~"

"What did Naoki-san say?" Akina had already wrapped up the scarf, only a pair of bright eyes were exposed on the whole face.

"Ah, it's nothing~" Naoki Naoyama was a little flustered, "Is Ming Caijiang going back? Should I continue shopping?"

The girl idol looked at the female assistant next to her and whispered, "Maki-chan, let's go shopping for a while~"

"But. If it's too late, it will be troublesome if you can't get a taxi~" The subway in Osaka is very convenient, but it's a bit far from the hotel where they are staying.

"Stay tape, I'll take you back later~" Naoki Naoyama interjected. Although this is the first time he came to Osaka, he also took a walkthrough before. He is familiar with most of the main roads and has a map. , "The car stopped at the entrance of Shinsaibashi."

The girl happily pulled the female assistant's arm: "Then there's no problem!"

Maki Ueda was reluctantly dragged around by her artist~

If the most prosperous commercial street in Tokyo is Ginza Commercial Street, then Shinsaibashi in Osaka is similar. As a prosperous commercial district, in addition to the famous Kansai cuisine, various coffee shops, drugstores, department stores, various small shops, etc. There are also row upon row of shops and so on.

Stone-paved sidewalks, British-style street lamps, and Subo-chosuji rows of brick buildings, this area is also known as a European village by the locals.

With such a living light bulb as a female assistant, Naoki Naoyama and Akina naturally did not relax as they did when they were together, but the shopping process was also very interesting, and they bought a lot of souvenirs.

Half a year later, with the growing fame, Mingcai has some pocket money and bought a lot of things, but what the hell is buying cheap glasses, you are not nearsighted

At about nine o'clock, the group of three people turned back to the entrance of Shinsaibashi and found the Toyota Century parked by Naoki Naoyama.

Ueda Maki was very surprised after seeing it, and had a solid concept of what Akina said before, "Naoki-san is a rich man".

Knowing that Naoki Nagayama is not familiar with Osaka, Akina sat in the co-pilot with great interest, wanting to show the driver the way with a map, but for the old driver, even if he didn’t know the exact location, but after knowing the direction of Dazhi, Just drive over there, you can always find it in the end~

"Is Naoki-san going back to Tokyo tomorrow?"

"Ah, I won't go back. I'll just go back to my hometown in Shizuoka. It's almost Chinese New Year. I plan to stay until next year." Naoki Naoyama returned, "I even put back the New Year's gifts and Taro, this time I came here to see Ming Cai Jiang concert."

Hearing this sentence, Nakamori Akina's mood became better: "Then I really want to thank Naoki-san for his strong support!"

"Hahaha~ It should be~ As Mingcai's fan~"

The idol girl's eyes turned into crescent moons with a smile: "A simple response is not enough~ Let me think about it, I will give Naoki-san a worthy gift for the Chinese New Year this year~"

Naoki Yongshan remembered the gift he sent the day before yesterday: "Hahaha, speaking of which, I also prepared a gift for Mingcai."

"Nani Nani?" Mingcai looked over, with excitement and joy that couldn't be hidden in her eyes.

"Well, a gift~ It will be interesting to wait for Mingcai to receive it, isn't it?"

Naoki Yongshan smiled, but didn't say what it was.

"Then I will wait with great anticipation!"

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