Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 301 300, brother Ozaki, the third capital is a love song, get ready~

The first snow in Tokyo in Showa 57 came earlier than before~

Sure enough, it looks very Japanese when replaced with an era name.

The morning snow has stopped,

One night of snow made Tokyo City a world covered in silver.

The shining feeling in front of his eyes made Naoki Yongshan, who was lying on the bed, couldn't help but retract his head into the quilt,

But it was useless, because Yutaro quickly ran up, bouncing on the bed and calling his master to get up.

"Okay, okay! Get up!"

Naoki Nagayama regretted training how to open the door. Now this kind of pull-down handle door, he can open it casually. It seems that he has made it a daily routine to wake up the master, which is more accurate than the biological clock.

On the cabinet in the corner of the living room on the first floor, several gift bags and gift boxes of tea were placed messily, waiting to be delivered to the right person at the right time.

Looking through the glass door, the courtyard has been covered with snow, as if covered with a layer of cream, delicious;

But when I got closer, the snow on the ground, which was originally smooth, was covered with plum blossom-shaped footprints of Yutaro, and it became messy;

"Yi Taro" looked at the energetic dog, and Naoki Naoyama couldn't say anything serious, "Let's not go for a morning run today~"

In the spare time, Naoki Yongshan boiled a rare pot of porridge, served with some pickled radish and shredded kelp that he cut himself, and completed the healthy breakfast of porridge and side dishes.

The weather is so cold, and I didn't plan to go out, so I just divided up the gifts I bought before at home, wrote down the addresses for those that should be sent, and sent them directly~

Tea for Otomo Yoshimura, tea for Shuichi Ido, two for Genta Nakai, one for Mr. Aoyama, and one for Chikako, and I thought about giving one to Masataka Komori and acquaintances in other companies, but I always feel that they haven't reached the relationship of the New Year's gift, and there are also friends in the circle, Yuko Tanaka, Kananko Higuchi, yes, there is also a gift for Akina.

"Well, Akina doesn't seem to like drinking tea." Naoki Naoyama thought about it for a while, and happened to recall a song last night, why don't you give me a song, anyway, there are a lot of stocks~

After sorting it out, the gifts on the cabinet were much neater, and they were all labeled with corresponding labels.

The following time should have been a leisurely and decadent time at home, but when Naoki Naoyama was watching a new TV series, Otomo Yoshimura called:

"Naoki-san, just suddenly received a call from a producer of Sony Records, saying that you told him to build a label together?"

"Hey, it was decided so quickly~" Naoki Yongshan was a little surprised. He thought that Sony Records would hold a meeting to discuss this kind of thing for two or three days, but he didn't expect it to be decided in one night.

"Otomo-san, there's a young artist under his command over there, named Yutaka Ozaki, I'm very optimistic~"

"Naoki-san means to dig him up?"

"No, that would be too much of a fight. Although he is still a pure rookie who has not made his debut, he has signed a contract with Sony Records anyway, so there is no reason to grab it hard."

Naoki Yongshan shook his head, "What I mean is, the two of us will jointly establish a label, and then the management appointment will be transferred to our side. The record contract will still belong to Sony Records, and we will provide three songs~"

"Three songs? That's it?" Otomo Fangcun thought of the soundtrack of "Boys Over Flowers", "I said you were looking for a new idol?"

"Yes, I think that little brother is quite talented." Naoki Naoyama recalled the scene of meeting yesterday, "It's just a bit imaginary, I don't know if he can adapt to the high-intensity work in the entertainment industry."

Otomo Fangcun didn't pay much attention to Naoki Yongshan's ridicule in the second half of the sentence: "Since Naoki-san has been confirmed, let's come here in the afternoon~"

"Huh? Why do I want to go there?"

"Baga! Of course the president needs to be present to fund the construction of the label! That guy named Akira Sudou will come over to talk this afternoon!" Fangcun Otomo said, "Could it be that Naoki-san still wants to stay at home and boast Turn on the air conditioner and leave everything to me?"

Naoki Yongshan whispered: "How do you know?"

"Huh? What did Naoki-san say?"

"Ah, I said I'll definitely be here in the afternoon~"

While Naoki Naoyama was still worrying about the afternoon schedule, there were still many places in Tokyo that were worrying about him,

The jury of the Japan Film Academy Awards, the jury of the Japan Blue Ribbon Film Awards, are all worried about the films that will be awarded,

As the organizer of the Japan Film Academy Awards, about 30% of the members of the Japan Film Academy Awards Association are contracted employees of Toho, Shochiku, Toei, and Kadokawa Pictures, so the awards are most constrained by these old film production companies.

And this time, "The Tale of the Faithful Dog Hachiko" was supposed to be excluded from the award, but after a series of operations by Shuyou Yinghua before, the selection of "The Tale of the Faithful Dog Hachiko" has become an entertainment circle. If there are no nominations and hot spots of public attention, then the fairness of the award selection will be completely lost.

Not to mention, Naoki Nagayama of Shuyou Films actually produced another "That Summer, The Tranquil Sea", a film that has been well received by both inside and outside the film industry

Tomoyuki Tanaka, the vice president of the Japanese Academy of Film Awards Association, was a little troubled when he heard the reports from the members.

"Well, Ishikawa, it's already entered in the list, and then it will be nominated by the judges~"

"But... In this case, "The Tale of Hachiko" and "That Summer, The Tranquil Sea" will definitely be shortlisted?" The young Fumio Ishikawa asked directly.

Tanaka Yuyuki opened his slightly squinted eyes, looked at Fumio Ishikawa and said, "Ishikawa-kun, you have to remember that no matter how rumors spread about those established companies, as a jury, everything must follow the rules!"

"They succeeded in suppressing it, but they didn't. The selection rules for the Japan Film Academy Awards cannot be changed in the slightest!"

Tanaka Yuyuki is very old, and usually speaks softly, but this time his words are firm and powerful,

"The Japan Film Academy Awards must be fair! At least in terms of selection rules, all films must be treated equally!!"

"Their actions in private are the judges' own business!"

After saying a few words, Fumio Ishikawa's forehead was sweating, and he immediately bowed and apologized at ninety degrees:

"Boom Ni's Private Marseille!" "I will arrange the subsequent process immediately, and I will personally keep an eye on the recommendations and ratings of these two movies, and I will definitely not let the problem arise in the selection process!"

"Well, let's go."

Tomoyuki Tanaka resumed his slow and soft voice, but after Fumio Ishikawa left, he looked at the recommendation lists of the two movies, but he was thinking silently, Shuyou Yinghua.

Will you bring innovation to the stagnant film industry?

It snowed again in the afternoon, but the snow during the day was even more pure, as if the heavens were using snowflakes to remove the gloom and dust accumulated in Tokyo throughout the year.

Naoki Naoyama drove the Toyota Century on the snow-plowed road. The large-capacity body passed the slippery road steadily without slipping.

When they arrived at the studio, they saw a light gray Mercedes-Benz at the door, presumably the two from Sony had already arrived.

"Naoki-san, you're here~" "Naoki-san!" "Naoki-san good afternoon"

Bearing these greetings all the way, Naoki Naoyama entered the meeting room, and sure enough, he saw Akira Sudou whom he met yesterday, and Yutaka Ozaki who was sitting next to him like a quail, talking to Yoshimura Otomo.

"Ah, Sudo-san, it seems that a decision has been made." Naoki Naoyama said to Akira Sudo, and then greeted Yutaka Ozaki with a smile, but the boy's face turned paler.

"Ozaki-san, is there something wrong with your body?" Yongshan Naoki asked kindly.

The young man seemed to tremble a bit, and stammered, "Ah, Arnold's tape."

"That's good~" Naoki Yongshan didn't say much, and turned to Otomo Fangcun, "Otomo-san, how far have we talked?"

"It's just started. I just talked about the audition for Yutaka Ozaki." Yoshimura Otomo said, "It really is very talented to stand out from the crowd of contestants."

"That's right, otherwise I wouldn't be able to fall in love with Ozaki-san at a glance."

A certain Ozaki brother, the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily.

"Sudo-san, has Sony Records agreed?"

Sudou Akira who was next to him began to speak: "Hey, after yesterday's report, the president directly agreed."

In fact, it was controversial at first. Some ministers thought that if the artist’s management contract is handed over in this way, even if the record contract is in hand, the loss will be relatively large if it becomes popular in the future. When three songs were provided, the president agreed.

After all, no one can guarantee whether Yutaka Ozaki will be popular, but Naoki Nagayama can almost guarantee that the three songs will be big hits with a high probability.

Sony Records also wants to open up cooperation channels with Naoki Naoki through this cooperation, after all, they still have a lot of artists~

"Is it so smooth?" Otomo Fangcun was a little curious. As an industry insider, he knew the hardships of contract negotiations between artists.

"Hey, considering that the hit producer Naoki Naoyama joined, the president is full of confidence in this new label." Sudou Akira took the opportunity to praise Naoki Naoyama.

"Haha, I'm quite happy when Sudou-san said that~" Naoki Naoyama looked very embarrassed, but he accepted the compliment completely.

Sudou Akira's face remained unchanged, but he was desperately complaining in his heart: "Aren't these creators humble at all?"

Now that we have decided to cooperate, the next few people will start discussing the establishment of the new label. Of course, we must discuss clearly about the shareholding and holding, and the split of the brokerage must be carefully considered, otherwise the future works will make money. There is going to be a dispute.

In terms of negotiation, the experienced Yoshimura Otomo obviously has a great advantage. After negotiating with large companies such as Fuji TV and Kadokawa Group, Yoshimura Otomo's verbal skills have obviously risen to a higher level. Now he is facing the same big company. , but Akira Sudou, who is not good at negotiating level, is like an adult bullying a child.

"Sudou-san, if that's the case, then we can let some of it, the record share can be as long as 50%, but the share of the concerts and commercials after that needs to rise to 70%!"

Sudou Akira saw sweat on his forehead: "Otomo-san, are you so confident in Ozaki Yutaka's future?"

The share of concerts and advertising endorsements is something that only happens after it becomes popular.

What Yoshimura Otomo thought was: "I don't have confidence in that Ozaki, but I have confidence in Naoki-san!"

But he still said in his mouth: "Since we have decided to invest a lot of money, we naturally hope that Ozaki-san's future will get better and better!"

Sudou Akira didn't continue to drag, originally the company's intention was only to make profits from the first three songs, so he nodded: "In this case, we can almost accept it."

"That's good. Afterwards, we will draw up a contract and then formally sign the contract!" Fangcun Dayu made a final decision.

"It's the best~"

Naoki Yongshan was in a daze during this battle of words and guns, and was a little distracted. Hearing the final result at this time, he finally woke up.

"Since it's almost decided, what's the name of our label, do you have any ideas?"

"Ozaki-san, as the lead singer, if you have any ideas, you can speak up~"

The young singer whispered: "Can you use music to awaken and resist trends?"

Sure enough, he is a rock singer. Although I don't know why he seems to have a small temperament, but he is still full of rebellious spirit inside~


Naoki Naoyama doesn't care much about the name of the label, since it is the lead singer's request, then this is it.

"Since it's almost settled, I can tell you two things." Naoki Yongshan cleared his throat, "The three songs we prepared here are all soft love songs~"

"Huh?" Yutaka Ozaki couldn't believe it, I'm here to play rock and roll! You want me to sing love songs?

Naoki Yongshan cast a glance, why are you so surprised, isn't your most widely spread song in the future an orthodox love song? The name is "I LOVE YOU"!

"Yes, these three songs of ours are actually the theme songs of a TV series on Fuji TV next year."

Sudou Akira immediately paid attention after hearing it: "TV theme song? Fuji TV?"

Sure enough, he is an old producer. He knows that the theme songs of TV dramas usually cause a wave of enthusiasm. For singers, singing such songs is like a guarantee for sales!

"Hi, it's a TV series called "Boys Over Flowers". It is expected to be released at the end of next spring, so there is not much time left for Yutaka Ozaki."

About three months, it’s really not much. Originally, the training alone would take one to two months before debut, and it’s a bit difficult to record three songs in the remaining time.

But Sudou Akira still nodded and said: "Stay tape, we will definitely be ready!"

"That's good, let's wait for the official signing~" Naoki Naoyama nodded, and then looked at Yutaka Ozaki,

"Brother Ozaki, these three songs are all love songs, so be prepared!"

It was originally to remind him to have some emotional reserves, and if he has never been in a relationship before, he should take the opportunity to fall in love, but Yutaka Ozaki's face turned pale in an instant!

"He smiled at me again! He even reminded me that it's a love song! What the hell is he going to do?! What am I going to prepare?!"

The young man who was crazy and extravagant in his heart even thought of being called by the hateful producer to communicate alone one night.

"Hi hi!"

After the two left the studio, Otomo Fangcun said:

"Naoki-san, is that little brother in such a bad health? His face is very pale, can he insist on finishing the recording?"

Naoki Naoyama was also a little speechless:

"Maybe it's a season change? He looks like a pretty healthy guy~"

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