Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 366 The leader of the last days and his fierce wife (40)

Zuo Chenfeng sighed in a low voice, resting his chin on the top of Xingyun's black hair, he closed his eyes wearily.

If he finds the right candidate, he will not take such a laborious and time-consuming position as the leader.

But before the end of the world passed, he couldn't escape the heavy responsibility of being a leader.

This end of the world must end quickly.


After the human army returned home, the operators in the base spontaneously organized a banquet. Although the content could not be compared with the richness before the end of the world, fortunately, the atmosphere was quite touching.

Regarding Zhang Yu's betrayal and departure, the senior officers in the central base kept silent at this banquet.

But in private, he would still lament the reason for Zhang Yu's rebellion.

After all, the leader has treated Zhang Yu very well.

Zhang Yu himself didn't know about the fact that the leader had secretly dealt with his enemies, but everyone knew about it.

The leader specifically ordered Zhang Yu not to know about this matter.


I don't know if he will have a better life at the zombie base.

It must be a zombie

After all, they are people who lived together and fought side by side. The operators in the advanced base all have certain feelings for each other.

In the last days, human beings' emotions other than love should be more pure.

Regarding Zhang Yu's betrayal, apart from anger, the operators were more worried.

After all, this battle is blunt. If Zhang Yu hadn’t disclosed their first battle plan to Baique, the second plan of the left leader caught them by surprise and made Baique feel a sense of crisis. In any case, it will not end so easily.

If there is a real fight, both sides will suffer only minor injuries.

Some operators are still holding some expectations for Zhang Yu.

But no matter how much they look forward to, they also know that it is impossible for Zhang Yu to risk his life to be a spy.

Therefore, their hopes gradually faded with the passage of time.

Maybe, the next time I see you, it will be Zhang Yu, a high-level zombie who has lost the memory of being a human being.

Possibly, even the name has become an unfamiliar word that they don't know.


The atmosphere in the center base became a bit depressed and serious because of the absence of the cute little Zhang Yu.

The person who talked the most and had a relatively high EQ suddenly disappeared, and the central base became extremely tense.

The exercise of people's exercise, the work of work, the investigation of investigation, the laughter and laughter are not as good as before.

After all, the harsh living conditions in the last days and the increasingly prominent major problems of human beings do not allow them to act emotionally.

Soon, the operators focused on studying the small piece of territory full of vitality and improving their own strength.

But because of this, the atmosphere in the center of gravity base became more serious.

Although Xing Yun felt the change in the atmosphere, she couldn't say anything.

It is impossible for her to comfort everyone like Zuo Chenfeng, and it is impossible for her to tell them that Zhang Yu is actually another person, a subordinate of Bai Que's previous life.

Even if she said it, no one would believe it.

You might even think she was joking.

But Zuo Chenfeng told her lightly: "Don't worry about them."

This kind of turning grief and anger into motivation may also be a training for their strength improvement.

After Xing Yun obediently agreed, she devoted herself wholeheartedly to her cultivation.

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