Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 364 The leader of the last days and his fierce wife (38)

One day after Xing Yun was found by Zuo Chenfeng, she tried to practice the technique of awakening her memory, but "Zhang Yu" happened to pass by, and Du Li recovered her memory just by mistake.

After waking up his memory, Du Li is now working hard to restrain the spiritual power that seals him, otherwise he will explode and die if he is not careful.

And his physique is now completely unsuitable to become a high-level zombie.

Now that his memory has been restored, of course he doesn't need to stay by the enemy's side anymore.

But after all, he has memories of being "Zhang Yu". When Du Li faced Zuo Chenfeng, he still felt a bit of guilt.

But for Mr. Mozun, that slight sense of guilt has become extremely insignificant.

The corner of Bai Que's lips curled up into an arrogant smile, and said to Zuo Chenfeng, "You can go, but your subordinates must stay here."

Zhang Yu has already told Bai Que about Zuo Chenfeng's plan, and the current human army is like a turtle in a urn to Bai Que.

Zuo Chenfeng narrowed his eyes.

"Victory without martial arts?" he asked.

The white sparrow tilted its head, and said in a casual tone, "That's why I let you go with great mercy, so that you have a chance to make a comeback. After all, you are the only human in this world who can be called my opponent."

A chance for a comeback?

Zuo Chenfeng hooked his lips.

"You seem to be overconfident in your own strength, Baique."

The human army that intends to defeat the zombie army one by one has been surrounded one by one by the army sent by the white sparrow, and the elite army led by Zuo Chenfeng should also be surrounded by the white sparrow.

but now.

On the short yellow hills in the distance, a team in white military uniforms is coming quickly.

The zombie army, dressed in black military uniforms and stationed outside, fell to the ground twisted and crooked.

"I don't fight a war I'm not prepared for."

Zuo Chenfeng lightly stroked the silver wristband on his wrist, his tone was naturally sharp and majestic.

Du Li looked in astonishment at the instant reversal of the situation, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment.

Zuo Chenfeng has always prepared at least two sets of plans when fighting.

A spare set, as a preparation after the failure of the former.

But I have never used the second set of combat plans before.

Bai Que narrowed her eyes dangerously, knowing that she still hadn't defeated Zuo Chenfeng this time.

The fault was not with the human named Zhang Yu.

For some reason, he has an inexplicable trust in this human being.

Perhaps, he knew this person when he was a human being?

Zuo Chenfeng sensed the situation of our casualties, and after thinking about it, he said to the other party, "If you surrender, I can let you go, but the territory is ours."

Bai Que's face darkened, and he remained silent without speaking.

If they start fighting now, they will only suffer.

It's not good for both sides to suffer from both losses, but if you still can't get territory after both losses, it's not a problem of no benefits.

Losing his wife and losing his army is such a stupid thing, Bai Que is not so low in IQ.

He waved his hand with a gloomy expression, and said through gritted teeth, "Let's go."

Zuo Chenfeng looked at the army of zombies retreating like a tide, his brows sank.

Zhang Yu still followed the white bird.

Isn't he afraid of death?

But Zuo Chenfeng didn't bother to care about the life and death of those who betrayed him.

He sighed slightly, and said to the elite troops behind him:

"Divided into two teams, one team went to check the casualties and provide treatment; the other team went to the territory to garrison and investigate."

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