Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 254 The High-cold Singer Goddess Acts Like a Baby Online (2)

Bored, Xing Yun picked up the earphone from her pocket, plugged it into her phone, and clicked on the song [I want to see you, I want to see you, I want to see you]——

When love is left as a relic

Carve into memory with pictograms

It is unforgettable to miss for centuries

If we could go back to the ice age

How much I want to hold you tight

Your smile heals and revives life

Lose your landscape like a ruin

like a lost civilization

Can a miracle survive

can we meet again

want to see you just want to see you

I just want to see you in the future

Through thousands of

In the timeline, people depend on each other

run out of logic

Reasoning about love's hardest riddle

Will you be like me

I'm waiting

Ren time has changed the seasons

Let the universe change or move the stars

Never going out of fashion is a youthful sincerity

Future advanced technology cannot be simulated

you embrace warmth

If another body in another time and space

Can we have another ending?

want to see you just want to see you

I just want to see you in the future

I want to see you every day and night

I want to see every expression of yours

want to cross every parallel

Closely linked in the future and the past

Want to follow every IG

don't miss your trail

will you be the same

wait for that i am willing

I want to see you, I only want to see your future and past

i just want to see you

Through thousands of timelines

People depend on each other

Xing Yun ordered the single loop, and ordered a cup of hot Americano, thinking that she must ask Mo Qingxun to cover this song in the future.

The snow outside the window is getting bigger and bigger, and there are fewer pedestrians on the street. Xing Yun is a little worried that the former assistant will not be able to keep the appointment, so she listens to the small candle in her mind and says casually:

"Don't worry, the old fox just finished the rehearsal, so he decided to come with him temporarily, and the former assistant turned around to pick him up."

Xingyun responded.

This should be the first time they met in this world, right?

Thinking of this, Xing Yun became a little nervous again.

What if he finds out that she is his fan and a girl, and decides to pass her?

Xing Yun closed her eyes, and decided to pretend that she wasn't his fan first, and then acted cutely and said less cleverly, so she probably wouldn't be hated by Mo Qingxun, right?

After all, she had already obtained the approval of his cousin, the former assistant.

Xing Yun looked at her watch, the location of Mo Qingxun's rehearsal was a little away from here, and now it was snowing heavily, it must be a while before the former assistant and Mo Qingxun arrived here.

Thinking of this, Xing Yun forced herself to think of other things to divert her attention and relax herself.

"By the way, Xiao Zhu, how many points have I accumulated?"

Red Candle: "Ah? What points?"

Xing Yun: "You said it in the first world, when you still wanted my overdraft points to go directly to the Zixia Sect where the master is, and you said that you can pay it off as long as you complete one task!"

Red Candle: "."

He had long forgotten about this, how could Little Xingxing still remember?

"Didn't you say that I lied to you?"

Red Candle originally wanted Xiao Xingxing to owe the debt, and then asked the old fox to pay it back, but now Xiao Xingxing doesn’t owe a single debt, and he keeps cheating on her accidentally. points!

Xing Yun supported her head with her left hand, and pondered seriously for a while, "After such a long period of observation, I now believe it."

Red Candle was in a hurry, "Why?"

Why not believe it when it's time to believe it? !

Xing Yun rolled her eyes, "Because you are too stupid to fool me anymore."

When we first met, she was fooled by the red candle because she was young and ignorant. Now, she wants to "extort and blackmail" her back.

Thank you for the cute tip of a brain axe, okay!

I struggled to write another chapter, forgive me for using the lyrics for more than 300 words.

Good night!

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