Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 200 The Milky Way in the Detective World (End)

The usual handsome face with a naughty smile on his thin lips suddenly became serious, put away his cynical look, and even curled the hair on the top of his head to hide himself as much as possible, trying to impress the master It looks a little more serious and reliable.

Xing Yun pursed her lips and snickered.

"Hahaha! Thank you, Xiaohan can really talk!"

"But when did you get together! Little Xingxing didn't even tell me! Don't you love mom anymore! Hmph!"

"But this is also a kind of fate, which means that you are destined to be together! Well, don't just stand there, your parents and I are in the box, and I regret that you don't want to go on a blind date! Let's go! Go see your parents!"

Xingyun and Shaohan were dragged into the private room by the star mother, and there were not many exquisite and delicious dishes on the round table that had not been touched.

After all, neither of the parties expected that the two children who had rejected the blind date would suddenly "change their minds" and come.

After calling the waiter, they brought two sets of cutlery, and ordered a few more dishes. Xingyun and Shaohan sat next to each other's parents, sitting upright like suspects waiting for interrogation.

"Why are you nervous, come and eat!"

Father Xing waved his hand, and happily picked up the chopsticks to pick up vegetables for Shaohan, while Mother Shao on the other side put vegetables into Xingyun's bowl with a smile on her face.

"When did you meet?"

"How many months?"

"When are you going to get married?"

"Where are the children? How many are you going to have?"

"Why don't we just get married next month! It's fate, the two families will get closer, and we will have a grandson soon!"

"Hey, but little Xingxing is still young, why don't you get engaged first! Little Xingxing is so cute, I can't beat other boys!"

"Yeah, my Shaohan is too naughty. If you don't get engaged early, you will lose your wife. You have to act first!"

Shaohan: "."

It's obvious that you guys are too skinny, okay?

Has anyone harmed his own son in front of his in-laws? !

The serious smile on Shaohan's face gradually showed signs of cracking.

"Ham, don't look at my little Xing Xing. Although there are many young men chasing after her, she doesn't like any of them! She has never been in love, and I am worried that she will die alone. Now the iron tree has finally bloomed! My mother Finally, I can rest assured! I think Shaohan is very good, and the engagement is very good! Just this month!"

Xing Yun's lips twitched.

Why are the parents of the two of them more excited than themselves when they are in a relationship?

"Mum, Shaohan and I have only been together for less than a month, don't scare him."

Fearing that Shaohan would be frightened, Xingyun whispered in her mother's ear.

However, before he finished speaking, the familiar clear voice fell into Xing Yun's ears crisply and simply, "Okay, how about next week!"

Star Rhyme: "."

The moment she heard Mother Xing said that there were many people pursuing Xingyun, Shaohan silently decided that it would be better to abduct the little girl as soon as possible.

Although it might scare Xing Yun, Shaohan felt that during the engagement, he should be able to keep Xing Yun's heart firmly with him.

If there is a guy with no eyesight who dares to poach his corner, he will definitely let that guy experience the pain of being tortured by the leader of the special case investigation team.

"Okay! Then next week! Oh, mother-in-law, come and have a drink with us!"

In the following process, Xingyun and Shaohan briefly explained to their parents the process of their acquaintance and what happened after that.


Thank you [One Brain Axe] Lucky and cute for your reward, ok!

Thank you [End] for the little cutie's reward, meh!

Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket!

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