Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 120 Boss, smoke a cigarette (6)


Fu Yichen put his index finger slightly on his chin, pondered for a moment, looked at Xingyun with a smile and said:

"I'm an underground worker."

He occasionally lets his subordinates pretend to be enemies to sneak into the enemy to steal information, or directly capture the enemy to obtain information, and he also has some involvement and relationship with people in the political, business and military circles. Logically speaking, he is indeed an underground worker.

Although his main business is smuggling guns, manipulating casinos, and eradicating the existence of certain people for some employers who meet the requirements.

Fu Yichen thought so.

Underground workers? Underground workers in this era, apart from private detectives and mafia, should have no other high-risk occupations and can be called underground workers.

The person in front of him looked weak, gentle, rational and gentle, and since he needed bodyguards, he shouldn't be a mafia.

Is it a private detective?

Then the code contact on his mobile phone can explain it.

Probably to protect the privacy of the guests.

The industry of private detectives should be very dangerous. They often need to follow a certain industry boss or a very low-key boss, which offends people more than paparazzi.

But it will also be appreciated by some bigwigs, and the rewards will not be less if you make friends with some bigwigs.

This person should have a lot of assets.

No wonder she needs to be hired as a bodyguard.

Xing Yun nodded clearly, then saved her contact information, and wrote her name as a boy on it——


"Okay, I get it, but since you promised to help me settle things, I don't have to run away, and I still have to finish my studies, so I might not be free to protect you during the day."

Fu Yichen nodded indifferently, took the phone, and dialed.

The phone in Xingyun's pocket rang immediately.

Hearing the sound, Fu Yichen raised the corners of his lips in satisfaction, and then seriously slipped through the number and name that Xing Yun had filled in.

After memorizing it in seconds, Fu Yichen put away his phone, and said with a gentle expression:

"Save it, my number."

Xing Yun nodded, saved the seemingly expensive and unusual number, and then noted Fu Yichen's name.

Since this comrade detective doesn't care about the fact that her bodyguard is still in school and cannot protect him at any time, then she doesn't need to worry about it.

"Since I can't protect you at any time, you can just watch and pay for your salary. Can you delete that video now?"

Xing Yun threw up her cell phone and picked it up again, raised her clear star eyes to look at Fu Yichen.

Fu Yichen pursed his lips and smiled, "What video? I didn't shoot it."

Star Rhyme: "."

As expected of a private detective, he couldn't play it, he couldn't play it.

But can't beat it yet.

Now this comrade is her boss.

Forget it.

Xing Yun took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and calmed down her anger.

After a while, Xing Yun opened her eyes, with a fake smile on her face:

"There is nothing else, I will leave first, and I will contact you again if necessary, goodbye, boss."

The big problem in front of her has been solved, and she has found a job for no reason, and she doesn't have to worry about being dismissed as a minor, which is not bad.

The most important thing is that if the boss does something that touches her bottom line, she can quit the job at any time.

This private detective comrade's precious phone number, he probably doesn't want to be put on some weird websites, right?

Thanks to 【Water Fu】cute for the reward! mwah! Happy New Years Eve!

Because these two days are very busy, there are only two updates today, and I will make up for it in a few days!


ps: You must wear a mask when you go out! good!

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