Today I Am a Hostage Again

Chapter 289: The second eighty-nine day of being a hostage

The safety of the students and the heroes, the attacks of the enemy alliance and the news and public opinion of the outside have no impact on everyone in the hero section. This time the forest stay seems to have ended.

But is it really over?

It may be true for students, but for professional heroes, their battle has just begun.

The senior staff and teachers of Xiongying High School held a meeting. The content of the meeting was about ‘whether there is a gangster inside’ and what Xiongying should do after the incident.

As for the police and other active heroes, they started to find the nest of the enemy alliance.

Xiongying’s meeting, Olmete, did not attend. He is now at the police station, waiting for the police’s investigation results.

Now the police are both in charge.

The police who searched the first division and some of the special divisions responsible for heroic affairs are doing their best to search for the actions of these people in the enemy alliance development team.

From the previous heroes of Mandalay Cat and Aizawa, who have been to the Police Agency to cooperate in the investigation, they learned about the characteristics and personalities of the bandit members of the enemy alliance.

There are some people who can know their identity and personality, such as the Moonfish and Explosive Muscles who have been caught, as well as Sister Mag.

Both of these individuals have committed felony crimes, have been widely reported by the media, or have been arrested but successfully escaped from prison, and can find specific past citizens.

Among them, there are naturally black households who have no way to find out their identities regardless of their names or personalities. For example, Heiwu and Tupi.

Day: Ben’s children will register their personality in the city hall after they are awakened. Regardless of whether they have accumulated or not, the city hall will register the person’s basic name, blood type, DNA and personality.

Personality has become the second way to identify identity.

However, the transmission of the black mist, the blue flame of Tubi, and even the collapse of the dead handle wooden hanging, they could not find out the relevant personalities at all, nor could they know their real names and past.

Although there is no way to start in this regard, their whereabouts can almost be confirmed.

Tubi, one of the black households, is known to have a strong personality and a very obvious appearance. Someone once found the whereabouts of men whose body skin looked like splicing, and basically identified the abandoned bar that was suspected of being an enemy alliance base.

On the other side, Eight Million Hundred also worked hard for this search.

She was chased and killed by a brainless that night, and Aose Yoyuki from Class B took her to escape, and when the two were chased and almost killed, the brainless retreated suddenly.

Eight million hundred people guessed at the time that it was very likely that the enemy alliance had already captured Kachan, that is, Bakugo Katsuki, and they achieved their goal, so they retreated.

At that time, Eight Million Hundred used his personality to create a tracker, and Awase Yoyuki used his personality to break the tracker into the body of Naowu. As long as the receiver is remanufactured by 8 million, you can use it to find the brainlessness, and you can also find the dead-handled wooden hanger of the enemy alliance leader who can command brainlessness actions.

Currently in Tokyo, the heroes who can rush to support as soon as possible have basically reached the target location that the police have explored. Among them, the leader who leads everyone to action is the trendy bull king chosen during the workplace experience of Bakugo.

Aizawa was not notified of the assembly.

Firstly, he only got a temporary hero license. Secondly, he is still a student, not to mention that he still has the task of protecting Bakugo Katsuki.

The result of this operation, Aizawa Sora and Bakugou Katsuki saw it on Bakou's TV.

The legendary allforone with a head injury and no eyes can be seen, as well as OneForall’s successor, Oermat’s World War I, through the live broadcast of audacious TV stations, spread to thousands of households.

People who stay at home, or those who go shopping on the street, or those who are still surfing the Internet, have witnessed the invincible myth in my mind, the symbol of peace in my mind. They have won victory, but they are still a little embarrassed. Looks like.

Oermat's personality was passed on to Midoriya Ikuhisa, but with the help of Aizawa Sora's blue pineapple, the remaining flames in his body were rekindled.

His own skinny appearance, after being nursed by love mango, Aizawa Sora has been feeding for several months, finally let him grow some flesh.

Although he has not yet become that muscular man, he is almost an ordinary person. On the contrary, he is a few years younger than his muscular state, and he can slightly see the handsome appearance of his youth.

Many people are amazed. Many forums on the Internet have posted discussion posts about the true appearance of Oermat.

[The true face of Olmet]

[It turns out that Oermat is the real one in China]

[Why Oermat keeps showing people with muscle state]

Wait a minute, only a handful of people are discussing the battle that can be called the battle of prosperity.

[It turns out that there are people who can fight Oermet to this level. I admire him for that enemy. 】

Such speeches account for a small part, but they are not uncommon.

The police and heroes are responsible for the aftermath. When dealing with the aftermath of this incident, Aizawa Sora and Bakugou Katsuki sat face to face, and the scene was very tense for a time.

This has to be started after Aizawa Sora saw the report.

Oermat changed to the original appearance, which shows that he overuses his personality. Just as there was a fixed activity time before, once the individual flame in his body burned beyond a certain level, it would naturally be reduced.

This weakening, if not supported by the blue pineapple, is permanent.

Aizawa Sora was a little bit self-blaming, because there were too many things after the end of the forest stay, and he forgot to urge Ollmat to eat the pineapple. These few days, plus those days spent staying together...

If Oermat eats a few more during this period, will it become better?

Before Aizawa finished blaming himself, Bakugo Katsuki looked at Oermat who had changed back to his original appearance, and suddenly turned his head and asked him: "Oermat...this person is what you said with your help. Mr. Yagi, right?!!!"

Sometimes, Aizawa especially hopes that Bakou Katsuki's mind will not turn so fast.

You just met Toshinori Yagi, remember what you did so clearly? !

Aizawa Sora was stared at by Bakugo Katsuki, and responded with a little guilty conscience: "Yeah."

He actually couldn't tell why he had a guilty conscience.

"Does Katsuki feel that... the idol is broken?"

On the evening of the dinner for all the members of Class A, Oermat didn't behave too... right?

Bakugou Katsuki did not go home, but after a long silence, he suddenly asked Aizawa Sora, "Is this fight because of me?"

It's not the first time that the enemy alliance has appeared in the sight of the public, but the direct war is after they want to capture Hao Hao victory.

Bakugo Katsuki, who doesn't understand the relationship between oneforall and allforone, will inevitably take the responsibility on himself.

He is just a durian with thorns all over his body, but his heart is very soft.

For a while, Aizawa Sora didn't know where to start and how to answer him.

Oneforall, even after allforone is caught, still needs to be kept secret.

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