Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Six hundred and thirtieth fifth cooperation (2)

Lorraine has never taken care of Huang Xuan's emotions, and his tone still did not fluctuate: "It takes 15 days to upgrade to a level 18 base, and the next upgrade will be every 3 days on average."

"Oh, it will take a long time to reach level 10."

"Level 11." Lorraine corrected him.


"It's construction, what about the location?"

"Whatever, build it in p001, find a place with fewer people, but not too far from the city."

"Which time and space?"

"Like the 21st century, I'm familiar with it."


Huang Xuan coughed and said helplessly:

Just like what Mr. Commas did, Huang Xuan also chose to return to p112---this is his territory, whether it is the investigation of the five clans or the Alpha plane, it is all based on strength.

In the plane world, bases, authority, and money are strengths.

He has a base, authority, and money. Huang Xuan felt that he was ready.

Arriving at p112, Huang Xuan still gave his combat travelers a break, and walked towards the direction of the Huang's Foundation.

Usually, there were very few people at home. His father was in the school's laboratory, and his mother was in the company. The three girls also had their own things to do. Huang Xuan didn't want to go back and stare at the white wall in a daze.

Cai Yan is in charge of the fund company, and Li Shenggang is in charge of coordinating the work. Galadia accepted the contact with Lu Min, Ye Wen, Xue Yi and others, allowing Huang Xuan to travel around with peace of mind.

Meimei Ruochan likes to study, and she doesn't seem to have any desire to develop into business. Obviously, her actions made the relationship between the three girls more harmonious. It's like some kind of balance.

Huang Xuan walked to the entrance of the foundation building, and the security outside immediately opened the door for him. In today's Huang's enterprise, staff including security guards need to be familiar with two basic things, one is to know the office location, and the other is to know the boss. Although the trainer made it very clear: Maybe you may not have a chance to talk to the boss until you resign, but you still have to remember this face.

There are quite a few staff members coming in and out of the Foundation. However, there were almost no employees who had to go straight in without a key card. The security outside could see clearly, watched Huang Xuan walk into the elevator carefully, and immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "The boss is here."

There was chaos upstairs, and Huang Xuan came to the foundation several times. There was a lot of trouble, and the executives were even replaced. In the eyes of the junior staff, Huang Xuan proved to be absolutely moody, and no one wanted to lose this job casually. Companies with assets of 80 billion US dollars are also rare on Wall Street, and their treatment is naturally generous.

When Huang Xuan arrived at the CEO's office on the top floor, he accidentally saw Zhang Xinyi.

"Mom?" Huang Xuan asked strangely, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Xinyi was wearing a white suit. He sat down with a smile, looked at Cai Yan and Galadia and said, "I came here through the channel of the plane, it's very interesting."

Huang Xuan touched his forehead and said, "Where did you get the authority?"

"Great and wise master, I listed it for you in the memo. Review authority." Nick is not only good at flattering Huang Xuan, but he also knows how to flatter even higher value.

"Do you know why I came?" Zhang Xinyi sat on the chair. Leisurely picked up the cup.

"I don't know." Huang Xuan shook his head honestly.

"Today is the final exam. Remember?"

Huang Xuan felt that Khan was going to stay, so he smiled bitterly and said, "Mom, I still use it to take the final exam? Cheating in the competition?"

Zhang Xinyi also laughed, spread her hands and said, "Let's do this first, go home for dinner tonight?"

"Okay." Let's talk about p112 compared with the plane world. What is most suitable, of course, is used to it.

"Do your business." Zhang Xinyi walked out of the president's office as she said that, and Li Shengang hurriedly ran to open the door.

Galadia quickly filled the two walls of the room with energy screens, and explained to Huang Xuan: "This is our newly established company. We bought Manhai Green Tower Company with 12.5 billion thermal circles, and acquired various The stock of the breeding base is also going smoothly. A total of 250 billion has been spent. An average of 20% of the equity of 28 bases has been obtained. If all of them are used to produce rabbit wolf pigs, the daily output can reach 600 million."

Rabbit wolf pig is a product that Huang Xuan is familiar with. According to Galadia, it is roughly equivalent to the output of 100 level 15 comprehensive bases.

"Where are the medicinal materials?" Huang Xuan asked.

Galadia smiled slightly, and proudly listened to her chest and said: "The four material companies with a good scale all have professional simulated growth bases, which have higher productivity than the comprehensive bases. Among the base equity we acquired, six The base belongs to the material company. In addition, naturally grown medicinal materials can be purchased from large and small subcontractors, Ye Wen knows quite a few people, I just want to maintain the relationship with them."

Huang Xuan nodded in agreement. The plane world also pays attention to economies of scale. In Huang Xuan's understanding, state-owned enterprises are the negative example of economies of scale.

Galadia pursed her lips and smiled, and said: "Recruitment of travelers was not going well, and the Superior Energy Association cannot force travelers to join, and many pharmacists are unwilling to work in distant p210, but not long ago, Mr. Meng Zheng sent a message saying that the Excellent Energy Association is willing to join 300 subordinate pharmacists into the company by way of equity investment, most of them are above level 10, but there are still 100 pharmacists around level 22."

The travelers under the Excellent Energy Association are in the same nature as employees in the company, while the relationship with other pharmacists is more similar to the real association or even an intermediary. However, what Huang Xuan cared about was not how many pharmacists would join the new company, but the time Meng Zheng chose.

As one of the heads of the t-plane branch of the Excellent Energy Association, Meng Zheng has a special status. Fundamentally speaking, his status is of course not comparable to the deep-rooted Che family, but due to the relationship of the Superior Energy Association, he has a lot of connections in the three-system planes, especially the Gamma plane. In other words, there are some cadres who are similar to the temporary cadres that Huang Xuan is familiar with - if the plane world can also be temporary...

Huang Xuan carefully looked at the time of Meng Zhengdi's message on the energy screen. It was the time after he and the travelers of the Commas family won the victory on planet 7 of b108. Meng Zheng's answer is very interesting.

Galadia didn't know about Huang Xuan's going to the battlefield yet. She looked at Huang Xuan with her beautiful eyes and saw him looking for the energy screen. She thought he was listening seriously, so she continued: "We still have 2 trillion and 750 billion hot circles. The funds. I heard that Mr. Commas will also invest in 3 trillion hot circles?"

The funds she was talking about had been earmarked for the establishment of pharmaceutical companies, just as the war loan left over from the previous borrowing had been exhausted.

Huang Xuan was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, I will urge him in a few days."

Only then did Galadia see Huang Xuan's absent-mindedness, and without asking him the reason, she slowed down and said, "Continue?".

Huang Xuan said "oh". Sorry, said: "I think too far."

Galadia smiled softly, brushed her light golden hair, and said: "We have recruited 150 pharmacists at present, from level 9 to level 0, and we will not accept any lower levels."

When I was in the Excellent Energy Association. Huang Xuan had seen the test of a level 20 pharmacist. Too slow to be used in production and not very good for recruiting.

Huang Xuan nodded noncommittal.

"The problem now is that there are too few formulas. We only use the formulas you left last time. The requirements for precision are a bit high, and the efficiency of many low-level pharmacists is very low."

In the 21st century. Workers creating less than one-tenth of their wages in value is the most effective excuse for layoffs.

Huang Xuan realized this, and immediately called out: "Ning Ao, come out, the formula of fragrance."

Ning Ao slowly made an energy screen, but said without any nonsense: "Here."

Huang Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth. Said: "I thought you said another string of requirements."

"My request is not as much as that of Lorraine."

Huang Xuan shrugged. Flipping over the energy screen, he said, "Just one kind?"

"60 volatility. It can be manufactured with a fineness of 20 nanometers, plus what you have before, it is enough." After Ning Ao finished speaking, he couldn't hold back after all, and added: "A dog chews peonies."

With a bluff, Huang Xuan transferred formula 0 to Galadia and said, "We must ensure the time for signing the contract and the non-disclosure agreement."

In the world of planes, formula patents, etc. are still very important. Most companies will not actively or passively use commercial espionage, and malicious poaching behaviors can basically be eliminated. The more troublesome problem is the behavior of the unfriendly government. For example, the beta plane will not be polite to the company of the alpha plane, and the Rongguang family is not a good person. There are many ways to deal with this situation, such as conducting energy measurements on different raw materials separately, applying for government protection, etc., but there is always the danger of leaking secrets.

However, with the size of Huang Xuan's company, the huge market for fragrances cannot be saturated in a short period of time. In theory, if other people obtain his formula, they will indeed share the profits, but will not reduce his profits.

Galadia also understood her own advantages, and nodded with a smile: "I will apply for formula protection from the Superior Energy Association. Mr. Meng Zheng said that he will help us register in each plane."

Takim had the opportunity to ask at this time: "Mr. Huang, where are you going to sell the fragrance you produced first?"

Huang Xuan first introduced Takim to Galadia and Cai Yan, and then said: "With 150 pharmacists, the production capacity is at most 500,000 units a day. It is not easy to achieve an average volatility of 80. You can sell it anywhere. .”

"Then sell it to the Taurus plane first." Takim said, and explained with some embarrassment: "There are a lot of people in the Taurus plane. If you want to open up the planet, you will use a lot of fragrance every day. Fragrance, we can continue to open up the planet, otherwise we have to buy food, daily necessities, and everything from other planes, and life will be difficult.”

Huang Xuan smiled. Although he didn't think that 50,000 units of fragrance could change anything, he still nodded in agreement.

Nick interjected at this point: "Great yellow master, materials matched, shipping now?".

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