Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

The 624th chapter planning (3)

When they arrived on the planet Azores, a large number of military police-like organizations began to appear. They spread in twos and threes on the streets, arresting all the unsightly ones.

The small officers who were with Huang Xuan also became serious about plastic surgery, only their red eyes proved their all-night gambling behavior.

Along with the gendarmes, there were many travelers, and they wantonly used their energy to scan the passing mercenaries and non-mercenaries. In other planes, such behaviors are forbidden, but the b-plane passed the law of "invasion of privacy". Obviously, they are not fans of the Americans.

Huang Xuan shrank his shoulders and moved closer to the other junior officers. The plan was designed by the staff, but he had to implement it himself. Although Chu Yining and others had explained to him that his identity could not be found with Azores equipment, he was still a little scared.

Suddenly, a group of travelers stopped Huang Xuan and his party. The person standing behind was obviously a space-time warrior, wearing a shining energy shield, looking at everyone from the corner of his eyes.

The leading gendarme rubbed his teeth and said, "You guys, come here to verify your identity."

Huang Xuan swallowed his saliva, and saw the guy in the lead said nonchalantly, "What do you want?"

Space-time fighters are much nobler than mercenaries, but they can't mess around without a reason. The mercenaries are all people who eat well today and die tomorrow, and they all looked at him squinting.

The leading gendarme had seen this face a lot, exhaled through his teeth, and said with a pop, "Hair."

As he spoke, he took out a box, which was divided into different compartments.

From front to back, each officer plucked a piece of hair and threw it in. The guy standing in front of Huang Xuan was the dirtiest. Rubbing it back and forth in the crotch with his hands, he took out a hairy mud ball the size of "Liushen Dihuang Wan", and threw it into the grid from the air with a sneer.

The little officers all laughed. Someone laughed and shouted, "Dana, don't get in other people's cells."

Huang Xuan also smiled, feeling much more relaxed, and pulled a hair from his head and put it in. Nature is already prepared.

The military police glared at the mercenary named Dana, closed the lid and pressed the button, and after a while, the green light turned on. Then he waved and said, "Let's go."

"Wait..." At that time, the Space Warrior suddenly stopped everyone.

Huang Xuan's heart tightened, and his fingers moved slightly, ready to open the energy shield at any time.

"Grab him." The space-time warrior pointed to Huang Xuan's position.

Just when Huang Xuan was nervous, Chu Yining whispered, "Don't move, it's not you."

Officer Dana was twisted by two military policemen, and he didn't dare to really resist. He rolled his eyes and said, "The inspection is over. What do you want?"

"I suspect that what you just pulled out was not your own hair." At that time, the space warrior had a big protruding ear. Suddenly he fanned and said, "I'm going to shave off your grandfather, hold him down."

The gendarmes are all first-level mercenaries, or good second-level mercenaries. Dana, who was twisted, stayed up all night and earned twice. Instead, he sprained his body and attracted many people to watch. A female officer came over to watch with great interest.

"Grandpa, my name is He Shunguo, you remember." The space warrior said. He tore off Dana's clothes.

The officer's uniform was connected together, like a pilot's clothes. When the lower body was torn apart, the upper body was also torn apart, revealing a furry chest and a few hickeys.

"It's been a good two days." He Shunguo teased. He plucked the things in Dana's crotch twice with his boots. He said to the mercenary who was testing: "Smother! Shave the hair on the left side for him, and check to see if it belongs to me."

Someone actually laughed and booed. Although the small officers around Huang Xuan were resentful, they did not dare to do it easily, watching half of the hair in Dana's crotch being shaved clean.

At this time, Dana simply stopped barking, and instead lowered his head and teased: "Boy, you are very familiar with the job, do you often do this for people?"

The female officers laughed louder.

Huang Xuan looked relieved, fortunately it wasn't him, otherwise he would really hit him out, maybe it would be something bad.

Dana, with half of his hair shaved, was thrown to the ground. He pulled up his clothes without saying a word, and winked at the female officer next to him and said, "You have inspected the goods, have you tried it?" The team was led by a space-time warrior, and no one found out that Huang Xuan was a counterfeit despite previous preparations.

There might be millions of mercenaries on the entire planet of Azores, Huang Xuan thought to curse Zhang Si inwardly, with such a large scale, it doesn't look like they are going to attack p112.

The interstellar spaceships to transfer again are all small, three to four hundred meters long and seventy to eighty meters short, and they can accommodate four to five thousand people, but they are not very crowded, and the cylindrical structure can hold a lot of people. few people.

The spaceship asked to take off his clothes for an overall inspection, but Huang Xuan hid behind and did not go. Calculating the time, he quietly walked to the warehouse.

These spaceships come and go to pick up and drop off mercenaries. Travelers and space-time warriors are powerful assault forces, just like planes and tanks, but if you want to talk about occupation, you still have to rely on mercenaries.

It stands to reason that it is easy for a tank to kill a platoon of soldiers. If you are lucky, you can kill most of them with one shell. Just like the traveler's energy attack on the mercenary. However, under the protection of armored troops, a large number of infantry can still play a very powerful role, especially when they are equipped with various mounts, digging tunnels and digging canals are easy things.

When Huang Xuan went down to the warehouse, what he saw was full of mounts, nearly a thousand of them, and most of them were dormant and locked in cages. Fitzgerald yelled, "Level 6 mount."

Mounts are also classified into 24 levels, and level 6 is also an advanced mount, which is expensive. And that's just on one ship. Chu Yining pondered and said: "Looking at their posture, I'm afraid the target is not p112."

Huang Xuan was both happy and worried: "Then what should we do now?"

He had never fought such a decisive battle, and it was understandable that he lost his mind for a while.

Sangbi said in a deep voice: "Everything is going according to plan. Before you are sure, you are right to offend the Norman family. Unless you commit suicide and apologize, you can only fight them to the death until they hurt."

This is Lao Cheng's suggestion for seeking the country. Huang Xuan didn't want to be looked down upon by his "subordinates", so he took a deep breath quietly, calmed down and said, "Now then."

As Huang Xuan said, without looking at the various mounts in the cabin, he took out a sticky bomb the size of a grenade from p001, and stuck it to the very edge of the spaceship.

It is said to be the edge, but in fact there are tens of meters away from the real hull, but the power of the sticky bomb is also extraordinary. A little guy weighing 100 grams needs to buy 30,000 thermal rings in the Green Tower, and the rare one is biomass. , and capable of directional blasting. .

Huang Xuan didn't open the energy cover, and staggered towards the upper deck of the cabin. As he walked, he stuck sticky bombs on the cabin all the way. The blasting directions all pointed to the control room and communication room. In the vast sea of ​​stars, as long as it explodes, the message will be cut off. But there is no black box for the search and rescue team to find.

Behind him came the voice of a gendarme. These people did not forget to patrol the warehouse.

After waiting for about a minute, Huang Xuan walked along the boat rope to the rescue area, which was usually not open. Huang Xuan sat on the nearest chair, closed his eyes and waited.

"5 seconds." Fitzgerald slipped out of p001 lightly, and began to count down: "4, 3..."

In the bow cabin, the monitor confirmed the side again, rang the beeper and said: "Captain, we found abnormal Nengton fluctuations."

The huge interstellar spacecraft has all kinds of monitoring equipment, but it is a little old.

The captain wanted to confirm, but heard a loud "boom".

The speed of the shock wave was faster than the sound, and when he heard the sound of the explosion, he was thrown into the sky instantly before anything had time.

"Abandon ship." The captain shouted immediately, having more than 100 matches and surviving a catastrophe.

The dire alarm was sounded, and people flocked to the lifeboat at the stern. In fact, the captain didn't need to say anything, the passengers in the shock also knew that something was wrong.

I just didn't expect it to be so serious.

Huang Xuan stood up calmly, leaning on the wall of the ship and stepped into the slowly opening rear cabin, and took the time to choose a lifeboat that looked brand new.

He needs to get close to the planet where the target is. If he is wandering in the universe, he has no choice but to forcibly break through the plane passage. If that is the case, he will still be discovered by the other party.

"The coordinates are star No. 7." This is the garrison planet of the Norman family, and it is said that there are slimy moss everywhere.

The lifeboat vibrated, and slowly slid out backwards. Only then could we see the crowd running, most of them were mercenaries.

The lifeboat's battery life was mediocre and its speed was relatively slow, but it was superior in its sense of security. Huang Xuan adjusted his seat and looked behind without blinking.

After an unknown amount of time, a faint light could be seen from a distance, which should be the light from the explosion of the starship. Huang Xuan lay down in peace. The other party has not sent a message so far. It seems that the communication room has been completely destroyed.

Before the search and rescue fleet arrived, Huang Xuan could already see the outline of star No. 7.

He set various parameters under Lorraine's guidance, and Sangby asked coldly: "Do you want to blow up this planet directly, or sneak into it?".

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