Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

The 614th chapter attack and kill (4)

Bernie is a guy who is greedy for enjoyment, especially for beauty, but he is still restrained. Instead of accepting the women sent by a member of the royal family, he went outside to find a few by himself.

He was not at ease about his own safety. Among the three senior travelers, one was always awake, and the guards were also deployed outside the residence.

But worry is nothing but worry, he did not give up enjoying.

Sitting on the finely crafted spring chair, Bernie looked at the energy screen while enjoying the service of the woman.

The practitioner guarding the room lowered his head in admiration. Among so many people he had seen, only Viscount Bernie was the best.

The woman yelled "Yeah!" The practitioner took a peek and quickly lowered his head again, but his action did not escape Bernie's eyes. He stretched out his hips comfortably and said, "My name is Did you find the person you were looking for?"

"The west city is in chaos, the bankers are all gone, and our people are still looking."

Bernie snorted, seemingly indifferent, but actually very anxious.

What he was looking for was a royal banker who held almost 100 billion hot rings of the royal family. What Fabio told him today was this money.

100 billion, buy two or three ordinary planets, and be worthy of your title of Viscount.

"Look for it quickly, be careful." Bernie said, closing his eyes and hugging the woman, and began to exert himself. "Yes. I'll urge them right now." The practitioner informed the outside, and looked at the free live erotic palace again. Lord Viscount thinks this is exciting, so when doing things, there must be someone in the room.

The practitioner looked depressed and thought to himself: This time the medicine is really good. Supported for more than half an hour. I'll try it when I go back.

The floor shook at this moment, the practitioner was startled, first looked at the spring chair on the bed of his boss, and suddenly realized that the whole house seemed to be shaking.

The scorching air and scorching made the practitioner howl and lose consciousness.

Bernie reacted extremely quickly. The first time he wanted to apply for an energy shield from the base, but he couldn't get through at all. The hot air seemed to be able to evaporate people in a flash, which reminded him of his predecessor's death, that was just a day ago, who is so courageous?

He just turned his mind. Years of training made him move his fingers in an instant when he was about to get through the base. An energy shield was propped up with the stored energy. But my heart is not sure. What's the use of the energy that can support up to two 300-pound cannons.

The woman in the arms was frightened, screamed and hissed, and the whole person was swallowed by the flames from the ground.

The structure of the small building is quite good, at least able to resist the temperature below 1000 degrees. Without a combustion accelerant, it is difficult for natural fires to reach this temperature. The surrounding transparent windows are extremely strong, and they are also designed to avoid various dangers. Floor components and so on can withstand the test of the epicenter. If it's really an earthquake, that's fine.

But where there is an earthquake, people can't contact the base.

The ground shook violently, and the liquid lava began to melt the surroundings of the house. The newly spewed magma had a high temperature of 1300 degrees Celsius, and the furnishings in the room began to burn. due to insufficient oxygen. It hasn't burned to ashes in an instant, but the high temperature doesn't require the red flame to lick. It will ignite something that can burn together.

Bernie felt the energy decrease, patted his waist, got dressed, and rushed out the window. The smoke was the biggest threat, and he had to waste energy breaking down carbon dioxide-like gases again.

He already understood that he must have encountered an attack, but it was unclear exactly what kind of attack it was. However, he knew very well that no matter who wanted to assassinate him, there must be senior travelers involved. The energy in the energy shield couldn't stop the attack, and it was absolutely impossible for him not to be immune to attack.

As soon as the window frame was smashed, more molten silicate poured out.

Looking at the towering mountain wall and the gushing magma, Bernie suddenly realized that he, together with the small building and several surrounding buildings, had been thrown into an unknown volcano.

People without traveler authority were thrown into the volcano, and disappeared without a trace before they felt any pain. The low-level travelers who reacted slowly were not much better. Those with energy storage equipment screamed in horror, and those without storage Those with equipment can last a few minutes longer than ordinary people at most.

A few space-time warriors still wanted to swim out of the magma, but they couldn't swim very far, and the viscous silicate and its rich metals and non-metals would stir them up. In the sea, the eddies of the currents give the strong man a chance to escape, but the first semi-solidified liquids do not give such a chance.

The center of the volcano is gurgling and smelling of sulfur, like a pot of waste rice porridge. Fortunately, the volcano has not yet started to erupt, and the volcanic ash that is responsible for covering the sky will make more travelers run out of energy.

Hearing someone roaring in a strange language from a distance, Bernie looked up to the sky expectantly. He could see the travelers he was familiar with being hit rhythmically from the sky. Level 5 traveler Marchand Wearing a beautiful cyan energy shield, he swayed flexibly in the air, and then rushed towards him.

Then, it was shot into the magma by a series of energy columns. Creates a solid spray.

For a split second, Bernie's mind flashed a series of his own stories, his own ideals, his own life...

Kearns isn't complacent about killing Bernie, and he doesn't have much time for complacency.

His voice was hoarse, the order was simple and direct, and he shouted with a strong sense of rhythm: "Impact--attack--impact--attack."

Huang Xuan closed his eyes and didn't look at the time. The opponent had 3 senior travelers. Although Chu Yining promised well, he still hoped to be safe. He felt that he might be able to last longer, and Ning Ao also said that his recent training period was not wasted.

Three seconds before the attack, Takim and Fitzgerald killed more than a dozen space-time fighters and base travelers guarding outside. Unfortunately, they were discovered by a senior traveler on duty at night, and Huang Xuan had to take the lead Fortunately, this time they chose volcanic terrain, which can directly kill a large number of space-time fighters and ordinary clerks.

Too bad Bernie has enough clearance to withstand 1300-degree flames, otherwise his job would be a little easier.

At 2.1 seconds, the last mid-level traveler died, and there was only one level 6 combat traveler still fighting in the sky.

Kearns gave a decisive order: "All turn back, attack in a butterfly shape - impact."

The combat travelers of the three teams breathed a sigh of relief. For travelers with a fitness level of around 120, going deep into the volcano not only has visual and psychological difficulties, but is actually very dangerous. .

Sweat dripped down Huang Xuan's face, this time he didn't run too far, he was on another mountain within sight. He has to make sure everyone is dead before he can eject from p001.

Chu Yining didn't make a mistake. She knew that Huang Xuan lasted for 2.4 seconds last time. This time, she cooperated with Fitzgerald and focused on attacking Marchand first.

Two high-level travelers against three high-level travelers are actually weak against strong, relying on the benefits of blocking the plane, they can suppress each other.

Marchand is a traveler on the public base. He is not very popular in the government of the Pisces plane. Once he had to risk his life to save Bernie. If Bernie died, his position would be very embarrassing.

With a target instead of running around, Marchand dodged two energy cannons, but he still couldn't dodge them all.

The other two level 6 combat travelers were not so loyal. Seeing that Marchand was blown into a sieve, they ran away separately.

Chu Yining is a level 3 traveler with faster speed. Although the short-term output is not as high as that of many level 6 travelers, her accuracy rate is higher and her speed is faster. She does not use range attacks to reduce the energy of the opponent at all. , but calmly stopped in the air, aimed twice in a row, took 1.8 seconds, and hit a 340-pound gun in the middle.

The combat traveler's energy shield instantly burst.

The last combat traveler enjoyed hundreds of area attacks. Some new travelers know that their fineness is not enough, so they simply expand the range and cover it piece by piece to reduce the opponent's energy.

Chu Yining, who came back, cooperated with Fitzgerald to kill him with continuous 310-pound cannonballs.

Huang Xuan persisted for a full 2.8 seconds, and gave another 0.4 seconds for everyone to search, and then put away the plane on his palm under Chu Yining's yell.

During the escape, Chu Yining looked at Huang Xuan strangely.

It was such a big deal to slaughter the delegation from the Pisces plane twice, but Huang Xuan still didn't care. Chu Yining is not in a hurry to go back now, she really wants to see what step Huang Xuan can make.

Of course, she didn't want to go back just because she was curious. After more than a month, the Space-Time Administration has not reported the news of her disappearance. She has been looking for her with great fanfare, and she has not even secretly searched for herself. It is the signboard of the Administration Bureau and a positive banner, but now, Chu Yining also realizes that her foundation is too shallow to become a member of the Administration Bureau.

From Chu Yining's point of view, if Huang Xuan can really overcome the barrier of the Norman family, no matter whether he is a member of the Lupine family or not, he is eligible to be his ally. A person who owns the plane in his hand doesn't need to think about potential, he already has strength. .

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