Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

The five hundred and fortieth chapters trial plane (6)

Frederick did not fall asleep for half the night, and his lover's plump body did not allow him to relax and think.

What he thought of was the happiness of the French 40 years ago.

In 1666, the French ambassador to Venice accepted a domestic secret order and managed to bribe several Venetian craftsmen, thus bringing the secret of glass mirrors to Europe.

Later, although the mirror began to depreciate, it still maintained a huge amount of income, and the French government also made a fortune. It is said that most of the money for the construction of the Palace of Versailles came from here, and it is still in continuous income.

Augustus II held back his energy and wanted to make porcelain. Apart from his own liking, he still had a somewhat utilitarian mentality.

Now, although Betheger claims that he can make porcelain like China within three to four years, the Chinese promise is only five days.

The Mighty King thinks with his most powerful thing and knows how to decide.

This German, who had just been kicked out of the Polish throne by the Swedish king and returned to the throne from Peter the Great, didn't sleep as well as Huang Xuan. The latter is at most disturbed by some erotic pictures in his mind, while Frederick has to think about the gains and losses over and over again.

The same opportunity, whether it is placed in France, the United Kingdom or further away in Denmark and Russia, their kings will not be as sleepless as the lovely Augustus II. However, in the eyes of the elector of Saxony, tens of thousands of thalers are already quite a huge profit. He is only a relatively large prince in Germany, and his net worth is far from being comparable to that of the major European powers.

Early the next morning, Augustus II got up in a hurry. Maid Ren helped him put on his clothes, and at the same time ordered the guards to urge the Chinese to get up.

The woman next to him pulled him sleepily and said, "Frederick, sleep a little longer?"

"Not today, I want to meet a guy who doesn't know how to live or die."

"Then just kill him?"

Augustus said with a stiff neck: "The maid he brought is very powerful."

"Maid?" The woman giggled, her breasts lay on Augustus's body, and she said while turning her body: "So what if the maids are powerful? Or can I lend them to you?"

The two maids who dressed Augustus covered their mouths and laughed.

Frederick blushed and couldn't say a word. If it wasn't for the woman who threatened his life yesterday, he would probably have tied Huang Xuan up, and then promised him some benefits after gaining the advantage...

All people have the same psychology. Travelers are also used to negotiating after gaining an advantage, the difference lies in who really has the advantage.

Huang Xuan slept soundly, which was quite strange. Now, he hardly has any military support, and he has offended the owner of the room, but he is more indulgent than the owner of the room.

Perhaps, the sense of oppression brought by the Space-Time Administration. Here it will turn into a sense of security. Chu Yining, who has no energy, seems to have undeserved courage...

The servants didn't know what Frederick was thinking, so they dared to call Huang Xuan softly in front of the door. They still used not so pure German, and instead of waking Huang Xuan up, they woke up Chu Yining.

Miss Chu waved her away. Standing in front of the bed, seeing Huang Xuan drooling in his sleep, he couldn't help kicking his feet, then retracted them ladylikely, and said, "Without energy, how could you fall asleep?"

"Isn't it protected by you?" Huang Xuan narrowed his eyes to avoid the sun and said, "If you can't even protect me, then we have no hope of going back."

Miss Chu was stunned, she didn't expect Huang Xuan to be so relieved of herself. But after thinking about it, this gentleman's physique seems to be the material of a second- and third-level mercenary, and it is probably produced by various immune potions, so he immediately felt relieved. He can't worry about it.

Huang Xuan grinned, lifted the quilt and said, "Miss Chu, I'm used to sleeping naked at night."

Chu Yining walked out with a blank expression.

Huang Xuan actually didn't sleep naked, but this sentence was so easy to use that he couldn't help but use it. He doesn't know. This was also applied to Chu Yining. Put on a little beauty from another plane, maybe I still want to see it.

Frederick ate his breakfast slowly at his table. And politely let Huang Xuan and Chu Yining come together. Anyway, the Germans are European countrymen, and they were ridiculed as barbarians by the Englishmen who are also countrymen. In the royal family where etiquette is the most important, Frederick just opened his mouth like this. If he is not going to make Huang Xuan It's fine for the two of them to be guests, and he invites them to the table while eating.

Speaking of such a thing, Huang Xuan has seen himself do it before.

In fact, Huang Xuan definitely doesn't want to know that the Germans, who were so invincible during World War II, have made much progress compared to the Middle Ages. At least they don't connect the toilet sewer with the restaurant. It is said that there was once a Mr. Elector, and When his generals were discussing the military situation, the floor unfortunately collapsed, and everyone in the living room was soaked in feces.

It is hard to imagine how these monarchs and ministers stood on the cesspool to discuss the military situation without good ventilation and odor-blocking conditions. It is estimated that the biggest possibility is to take advantage of the "assimilation" of human noses.

Huang Xuan was very lucky. In 1709, although the Germans' rooms were still infested with flies, and there was still no perfect drainage system, especially the feces disposal system, but they no longer hollowed out the bottom of the room as a cesspool, because they didn't There is no toilet prepared.

Surrounding the living room was a row of twenty-odd guards with knives, most of whom were from the German version of Zhan Zhao. They were all tall and burly, staring at Huang Xuan's bowl of red sausage soup.

Chu Yining just took a look at the breakfast on the table, watching Huang Xuan drink up the soup, and waited for him to speak with rounded eyes.

Huang Xuan touched his mouth on purpose, and waited until Frederick had eaten to his heart's content before saying, "Mr. Augustus, shall we go to your mine now?" He no longer talked about the reward.

Frederick glanced regretfully at the few leaves left in the bowl, and fished them with a fork, but without success, he stood up generously and said, "Let's go."

The carriage at the door is also made according to the French luxury method, the big one can make a rhinoceros sleep sideways, Huang Xuan has no hope of meeting Chu Yining shoulder to shoulder, and looks at the energy screen by himself, he has to learn and sell , Teach other alchemists to make porcelain.

Fortunately, Lorraine had entrusted Li Shenggang to find a professional yesterday, and seriously connected him on the phone there. Except for a slight delay in the sound, it had no effect.

The great alchemist Betger was originally studying porcelain in Berlin, but he ran out of money. Frederick the Great of Prussia recruited him. Mr. Frederick of Saxony --- the confusion of names throughout Europe has lasted for quite a long time. It seems that historians have no choice but to use nicknames. The same Frederick and the father of Frederick the Great, Frederick William I, known as the "Soldier King", the earliest remembered Frederick I belonged to the "Red Beard" Frederick of the Holy Roman Empire, which was already 1,000 years ago. In addition, the Elector of Brandenburg also has Frederick I, who is the son of Frederick V of the Luxembourg family and is Frederick I in the family, just like Augustus I was his son in Saxony. When he went to Poland, he was called Augustus II. Also known as Frederick I is the King of Denmark, the Duke of Austria, the Duke of Tuwaben..., and there are many remaining fifth and sixth kings. Naturally, these are not ordinary nobles. .

European historians are poor lot!

Of course, Frederick the Great belonged exclusively to Frederick William II of Prussia. As a great emperor, he would naturally have a big killer, and it was only right for Betger to be afraid of him. Technology came to find the powerful king who likes porcelain the most, and was lucky to get asylum.

Frederick admired Chu Yining's speed and strength last night, and continued to salivate and show courteousness today. He didn't care much about the rudeness of two people breaking into his palace late at night. Such things happened almost every day in Europe in the 18th century. occur.

If it comes two years later, this Betger will probably be able to fool the simplest hard porcelain, and then earn a large box of silver coins. European monarchs are still relatively good at their subordinates. The subordinates mentioned here are of course freemen and serfs. is not counted.

The carriage gurgled for more than two hours, and arrived at a small town near Dresden. Augustus II understood the principle of secrecy very well. The Venetian glassmaker's job-hopping fully demonstrated the value of industrial espionage. He will move the factory further to the small town of Meissen when the porcelain is successfully developed. The Meissen brand is already the most famous porcelain brand in Europe in the 21st century.

Betheger was a tall and strong guy, and he greeted Augustus II and his party at the gate of the town dissatisfied. He has already researched glaze firing and other crafts, so he is quite dissatisfied with Huang Xuan's arrival, thinking that he will deprive himself of the title of the number one porcelain maker----in the eyes of Europe at that time, Chinese porcelain makers were naturally not counted in it.

Augustus II supported Huang Xuan and said, "This Chinese is the royal master of China, Kangxi's."

During this period, the most common porcelain that Europeans saw was the porcelain of the Kangxi Dynasty. The porcelain that Augustus bought with 600 cavalry was also the porcelain of the Kangxi Dynasty. ----The reason is also very simple. The price of porcelain sent from Quanzhou to Europe has increased by about 20,000 to 30,000 times, and the price of official kiln porcelain has increased by 20,000 to 30,000 times. How can Europeans buy it? They also couldn't understand why official kiln porcelain was thousands of times more expensive than Kangxi porcelain.

Perhaps there are too many royal families in Europe, Betteger raised his neck and said, "I am also a master of imperial porcelain in Saxony."

Huang Xuan smiled. .

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