Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Five hundred and thirtieth chapters waiting for the dawn (5)

Heidegger looked at Huang Xuan in surprise. Given his status, he naturally knew about the Lvsong family. Especially in this war, everyone was very cold about the word "green pine", and they were speechless for a while.

Huang Xuan smiled at him, ignored Hou Junlong's question, and sarcastically said, "The bruise on Mr. Hou's face is healed? The technology is really advanced."

Seeing Chu Yining's "coercion", Huang Xuan looked at Hou Junlong again, and his mentality was adjusted a lot.

Hou Junlong was a little confused about Huang Xuan's trump card. He was called by Chu Yining. Seeing Huang Xuan's attitude, he lost the will to be perfunctory. But with a slight movement of energy, his eyes were fixed on his chest and he couldn't move away. He looked like a rapist who had just been released from prison.

Before he could speak, Hou Junlong left without looking back.

"Such a temper?" Huang Xuan said strangely.

Hou Junlong's heart was beating wildly. He believed that he was the only person in the entire venue who recognized what was in Huang Xuan's chest. When he was in the Administration Bureau, he was famous for his erudition and versatility. He could read in secret and speak multiple languages ​​easily. His master Wuhua Taoist believed that the true strength of a traveler should be judged by the breadth of his knowledge. The closed disciple, Hou Junlong obviously enjoyed a good education.

Huge irregular energy, scarce regular available energy, and the insulating layer that smells like energy, all seem to point to the same thing - "one person's plane".

Hou Junlong was so scared by this word that he couldn't calm down.

Huang Xuanwu chatted with Heidegger by himself, and when Hou Junlong saw this scene again, his judgment on it suddenly became blurred.

He knows how powerful a person's plane is, how can Taoist Wuhua destroy a plane alive? Isn't it because he has a "private plane"?

Hou Junlong still remembers the solemnity of the master when he sacrificed his own plane. It was a low-level plane, but when he was miniaturized in a person's hand and then passed through the plane passage, what plane passage. No base is an obstacle anymore. Travelers defending against the other side can no longer rely on completely closing the plane channel to fight a war of attrition, nor can they rely on the connection of the plane channel to find their opponents. What they meet will be space-time spies with the strength of travelers, who can wreak havoc on any plane at will--is there any reason why the buffer zone will not collapse?

Feeling the unfamiliar yet familiar sense of energy behind Liang Sisi, Hou Junlong suddenly shuddered, thinking to himself. Fortunately, he was not rushed.

Chu Yining retouched her makeup, covering all the beauty in oil paint. Standing near the dining table on the other side of the banquet hall, she saw the pale Hou Junlong, and asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Hou Junlong swallowed. Without saying it directly, it is human nature to keep secrets. He lowered his head slightly and said, "Do you think Huang Xuan was cultivated by a big family in private?"

"The Green Pine family denied it." The person who spoke was a fat man who was eating a lot with a dinner plate. This guy was about a head taller than an ordinary person, twice as thick, and quite muscular.

Hou Junlong still said with a miserable expression on his face: "I think, if there are no major problems, let's talk about Huang Xuan's matter in a few days. We have other matters."

A few days is tantamount to giving up. Chu Yining looked away from Hou Junlong, and said calmly, "That energy point on him is very important?"

She still believed in Hou Junlong's judgment. Especially for judging these grotesque things, Taoist Wuhua also became famous for it when he was young.

Hou Junlong's face suddenly turned red, and he wanted to show it in front of Chu Yining. With some selfishness, Fang paused and said: "If my judgment is correct, I think it will be difficult to kill him, and the consequences will be unpredictable."

He said two words about "difficulty" in a row, and the fat man ate at the table. The mouth stuffed with food whimpered: "Two representatives of the Administration Bureau. One member of the Administration Bureau, there is no way to kill a ten-level traveler? What do you mean? We should focus all our energy on you and The Song family's jealousy?"

Hou Junlong kept silent with a cold face. In fact, his judgment was not very accurate. Some don't believe it, and worry that it is indeed "one person's plane", and the result will be too disastrous.

In fact, whether his judgment is right or wrong, Wuhua Taoist has a "private plane" with complete management rights, and its level can be controlled, so its combat effectiveness is naturally considerable. Ren Hou Junlong was erudite, but he couldn't guess that Huang Xuan only had the highest authority, not management authority - the entire plane world didn't know much about the "private plane".

The two men froze there, and Chu Yining said softly: "He has clues to advanced training materials, I guess 50% of them are in his hands, and he can't give up easily."

Seeing that he couldn't hide, Hou Junlong waited for the fat man with a cold look, and said, "So, have you heard of the plane of a person?"

The food that the fat man was chewing fell out of his mouth.

Although the banquet in the t plane has a so-called VIP letter, the requirements for the participants are actually not high. Regardless of whether they are VIPs or not, they can move freely during the period. The only difference is whether they can apply for renting a small room in the non-banquet area.

Huang Xuan had no acquaintances here. Although he heard that Bao Tian and others had also received invitations, he didn't know if they would come to participate, so he just followed Heidegger around.

This guy has a lot of people in the Excellent Energy Association, and he likes Huang Xuan to chat with him, which led him to know a few people. Huang Xuan was quite happy with this, and tried to impress everyone - if anyone wanted to disappear, every little bit of impression would be capital.

Heidegger is a standard hedonist. Speaking of it, the blue-robed boss is also the director of the headquarters. In theory, if there is no progress, it is indeed the most suitable class for hedonism. With status, money, and leisure, Huang Xuan thought of those second-generation ancestors who were listed in listed companies—Xiao Huang always believed that he who studied hard was stronger than the second-generation ancestors. Besides, I can be regarded as the ancestor of the fourth and fifth generations, how can the sons of some nouveau riche be able to compare.

At the banquet held by the Excellent Energy Association, Heidegger was so precious that he dragged Huang Xuan from the gourmet food to the wine cabinet, and then from the wine cabinet to the beauties. Seeing that he was not in high spirits, he couldn't help being discouraged and said: "I'm giving you All the little secrets in the association have been told, there can't be better wine, more beautiful women and men."

Huang Xuan chuckled. It's not that he's not interested in women. In fact, now should be the time he's most interested in. He just met Chu Yining and Hou Junlong one after another, and "repulsed" them one after another. That's a high-spirited person who naturally doesn't want to be worn down by beauty. Of course, the most shocking thing is that there are men among the beauties. Heidegger and others are used to it. Huang Xuan feels weird when he sees all the beautiful or burly men, as well as the women who come to hunt for beauty. .

Heidegger glanced at Huang Xuan's smirk, and snorted, "Fuck you, I'll take you to the most mysterious and interesting place of every banquet now, but let's say it first, don't you bark?"

"That is." Huang Xuan was still quite curious. The gourmet cabinet that Heidegger led him to was the most conspicuous place in the entire hall. There were seven or eight imaging devices on it, which could reveal the details of the people below. It's a shame to stay here and eat with your belly open. Those high-level authorities are so powerful----the energy cover is put on, and the video device only illuminates the food below. The best wine is hidden in the corner by them. People who know each other drink under the cover of each other. Watching other people who don't know drink wine that is seven or eight grades worse, they feel a sense of superiority - and most people will It is automatically judged as intellectual superiority.

Heidegger is going in the same direction as they were looking for beauties just now. They both belong to the small room stipulated in the VIP letter. It seems that a certain gentleman has rented a place with his own money to entertain his guests.

After walking for four or five minutes and turning a few turns, although Huang Xuan didn't pass the stairs or the transmission ladder, Huang Xuan clearly felt that he had gone upstairs. When the two of them stood in front of a small door, he became even more sure.

Two gentlemen who were obviously space-time warriors stood in front of the door, with their hands on their hips, acting like shrews cursing the street, and checked the VIP stickers on Huang Xuan and Heidegger's hands before letting them pass.

Huang Xuan looked at their self-confessed heroic posture with amused expression. Heidegger misunderstood and explained with a smile: "They are both quite capable space-time fighters. There is no distance and no energy. Both of us can be smashed into scum by them. .”

Space-time fighters are not fit enough, and the maximum value of energy output is limited, usually no more than 50 thermal pounds, occasionally 100 thermal-pound space-time fighters, but rare. In any case, under well-prepared conditions, their exhaustion could kill a 1-calf traveler, but where such a traveler is also limited in energy, their effectiveness is greatly enhanced.

Including today's banquet of the Unified Energy Association, usually large gatherings on the planet will limit the use of energy to less than 100 thermal pounds.

There was a small door inside the door, and when it was pushed open, a wave of heat mixed with a loud noise came over. Huang Xuan covered his ears for a while to get used to it, and simply used a special plane channel to transmit sound: "What is this place?"

Heidegger rushed forward meticulously, and said in a roaring voice: "It's meaningless to use energy here, there are many prohibitions, it's best not to use it. This is a casino."

"Sure enough." Huang Xuan looked at the posture of a group of people and the countless energy screens that were being turned on, and admired in his heart that only a place like a casino could allow the so-called nobles to return to their nature. .

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