Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

The 524th chapter authority storm (3)

Area B is where Fan Deng brought two boys to serve tea and water to a group of old men. In the past half an hour, Gary bought energy worth 70 billion hot circles twice, and successfully sold 52 billion hot circles with a loss of only 2 billion. Yu Wan's popularity is almost negligible, which makes Woodruff and others admire. It's been almost two months since he was tied up by Huang Xuan, and he knows more about the plane's financial market than Huang Xuan, and he's also a well-known figure on Wall Street, but Gary, a retired old man, has a way of trading that is way beyond what he thought Much smarter.

The 72-year-old man did not think too much about energy prices, but simply grasped the energy price differences in different regions, divided the energy of hundreds of billions of hot circles into trillions, and purchased continuously and sell. Either piecemeal, or seize the market capacity of a certain area, one-off suppression and purchase, artificially causing price fluctuations. What he did was completely unscrupulous and purely profit-seeking.

Woodruff asked himself, even if he thought of such a method, he would not repeat it countless times ruthlessly.

The two bases of Xiaohe and Nick are almost fully motivated to assist Gary's work. If it were other traders in the plane world, most of them would not be able to transfer trillions of trading orders at different times and different locations. Place transactions, and unlimited throughput of energy through the plane channel - that is really a big project, there may be over 100 billion energy circle transactions in a second.

Just seeing that Nick didn't have time to compliment Huang Xuan for a long time, he knew that Gary's current state was like an extravagant honeymoon woman.

Seeing the level 14 contribution increase in a state visible to the naked eye, Huang Xuan felt like Popeye who ate spinach, Tom who caught the mouse, Ultraman who found the monster, and Sailor Moon who saw the handsome man.

When picking up wild ancient grass and other materials, Huang Xuan's movements unconsciously became rough.

Zuo Fei immediately discovered that the boss's fighting spirit was high, and the consumption of peanuts was reduced by half.

Huangyan's 3-resistance is a level 7 medicine, and the raw materials it uses include wild ancient grasses. They are all far below the level 7 standard, and the price is naturally much lower. At least for a long period of time, Huang Xuan can use medicines with a cost of 150 million (the actual cost should be counted in the yield), and dozens of Hundreds of millions of pharmaceutical competition.

Any kind of recipe. It is impossible to keep secrets forever, the more expensive the formula is, the faster their spread will be. If there is a formula with a 100% profit, then when it appears for 300 years, the cheap materials it uses will inevitably rise and cause its profit to decline. The more widely used formulations are used, the closer their profits will be to the average profit of pharmacists. Just like oil.

Dozens of kilograms of various materials were piled up in the material box by category. Zuo Fei and Zhao Zhou covered their heads tightly, sweating profusely and did not dare to show any gaps. For fear of soiling the material. In fact, they didn't have any work to do, and all the activities in the base could be done by Xiaohe. The only reason was probably Huang Xuan's laziness.

And it was able to make Huang Xuan so diligent at this moment. Except for the whip of the Space-Time Administration, that is, the potion land was sold smoothly. Compared with the annihilation of the stars and Gary's success, the sale of the potion particularly touched Huang Xuan's nerves.

Even though the formula came from Ning Ao, the first batch of 30 bottles of potions successfully sold by the t-plane branch was still like a neutron strike. There was an instant chain reaction to Huang Xuan.

The average sales price of 10 bottles of Antagonism 3 is 4.3 billion. The average price of 10 bottles of Antagonism 4 has also reached a high of 600 million hot circles, and the price of all 30 bottles exceeds 50 billion hot circles. The Excellent Energy Association only collected one-thousandth of the tax as a token.

50 billion hot circles is not too much for Huang Xuan at the moment, but it gives Huang Xuan the confidence he needs most, like a reassurance, making Huang Xuan confirm that it is feasible to make medicines in large quantities.

This kind of hint made Huang Xuan completely lose the mood of being selective when purchasing materials. If he needed anything, he could directly place an order on the energy screen. When he was busy, he would even ask Nick to buy it.

Therefore, Gaetano, the boss of Xinlan Trading, was surprised to find that the two materials he had were of similar quality, and the more expensive one was actually bought away. As an aspiring trader, he immediately put all his energy into researching what was so special about the purchased materials. He will never meet, the reason why Huang Xuan chooses is convenience.

Huang Xuan wouldn't know that the 30 bottles of potion sold quickly in his opinion were the result of the intentional reduction of the t plane association. Even Meng Zheng, who is a blue-robed boss, couldn't help but feel reluctant to sell the anti-antagonist 3 medicine, so he only put 10 bottles of Huang Yan 3 anti-antibiotic in the bidding area as an advertisement.

The sales volume of Antagonism 4 and Antagonism 5 also increased significantly. The supply of extended series potions has always been insufficient, and most planes are sold in limited quantities, just like what the t-plane association does, no one knows how long such sales will last. They don't want to find that they can't buy it in the market when they need it.

An energetic pharmacist on the t-plane who can make anti-3 anti-drugs can be traced back about 150 years ago. Even Meng Zheng didn't expect people to store a bottle of anti-sustaining anti-3 potions in their hands. sense of urgency.

The low-antagonist potions produced by the seven old pharmacists in the association have long been the focus of competition among a few people. Even potions with antagonism 5 cannot satisfy the requirements of the T-planet people with hundreds of billions of residents. As for Meng Zheng, who ranks 8th among the senior companies, when he finally enjoys the thrill of being overwhelmed by news, he will inevitably have the idea of ​​​​high-priced auctions or long-term bidding.

Fortunately, Huang Xuan's fourth batch of medicines was finished, so that the chain reaction could continue.

This time, there were 210 bottles of Antagonism 3 Potion, more than 400 bottles of Antagonism 4 Potion and more than 100 bottles of Antagonism 5 Potion. The overall yield rate reaches 70%, which is rare among senior pharmacists.

When Meng Zheng saw more than 700 bottles of "Huang's Medicine" carefully placed in the base of the association, his first reaction was stockpiling, and his second reaction was envy. This Mr. Huang Xuan, who has just joined the association, is obviously a rich man. If he wants to produce 700 bottles of medicine, is it going to cost trillions of dollars?

Even if Huang Xuan told him that the total cost was only 200 billion circles, he probably wouldn't believe it.

Because Liu Hai is Huang Xuan's host, he finally had the opportunity to show his face in front of Meng Zheng again. He took the message that Huang had just sent and said: "Your Excellency, Mr. Huang's request is to sell as soon as possible."

"As soon as possible?" Meng Zheng reached out and took the message in Liu Hai's hand. It was a backup file printed out on similar paper, and it was only used to verify the transmission.

Like other blue-clothed priests, Meng Zheng has four assistants, all of whom are level 10 green-robed priests. Kunto, who is on duty at the moment, said in a questioning tone: "The extended series of medicines are expensive medicines, and there are 700 bottles of them. A lot, counting the remaining 100 bottles, if we promote it well, hold a grand auction, or simply put it in the bidding area of ​​Youlan, each bottle of Yan 3 Antibiotics can increase the price by at least 10%, you should Tell him that the reason we used the 4.3 billion hot circle to sell it was a publicity strategy. We are confident enough to sell these medicines at a high level of 4.8 billion or even 5 billion hot circles. Now the medicine that antagonizes 5 can sell for 6000 Wanrequan, what else is he in a hurry for?"

Youlan is the name of the guardian of the super-plane base of the t-plane Youneng Association. The Youneng Association of the t-plane has two bases, Youlan is a public base, and Youming is a semi-public base (all authorized persons belong to the t-plane association, and the rest are not allowed to join, but the base itself is not prohibited).

Liu Hai wanted to speak but didn't dare to speak, he was the red-clothed boss, and he might not be able to climb to the position of the yellow-clothed boss in his life, the 10th-level boss was his superior's superior's superior...

Meng Zheng has a high position, and his vision is surprisingly good. He waved his hands with a smile and said, "Your name is Liu Hai? What do you want to say?"

Liu Hai's hands trembled with excitement, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut as he said, "Your Excellency, I guess Mr. Huang may be short of money?"

"Lack of money? Oh, it's possible."

Encouraged, Liu Hai immediately followed up and said, "Mr. Huang set a base price of 4 billion hot rings. I think he may be satisfied with the average selling price of 4.3 billion hot rings."

Kunto said disdainfully: "Is 4.3 billion enough? It's a related account. It opened the market for him and sold it. 4.5 billion is the lowest price..."

Meng Zheng waved his hand and said, "The marketing and sales of Youneng Association should follow the requirements of the owner, Kunto, you go and inform those who are interested in buying the medicine. In an hour, in the bidding area of ​​Youlan, openly bid for 100 bottles of Huangyan. 3 resistance, 200 bottles of Huang Yan 4 resistance, well, plus our inventory, 1000 bottles of anti-5 extended series potions and 10,000 bottles of anti-6 extended series potions, lower level, you look at it and prepare."

Antagonism 6's extended series of potions are priced in the low tens of millions, and they are the most commonly purchased by the rich. Some governments and public institutions also buy this type of drug as a benefit. Afterwards, the extended series of drugs that antagonize 6 has reached level 12, which is relatively common.

Kunto is the youngest assistant under Meng Zheng, and he has never met Huang Xuan, so he couldn't help but raise objections: "Mr. Meng, one hour is not enough for people who are far away to arrive, and we can definitely send a message to the entire t-plane Other series of planes that belong to the bidding potion, so the price will increase a lot.”

Meng Zheng shook his head and said, "He releases such medicine at one time, it must be to cash out, not to earn tens of billions of hot circles. As an association, we have no right to decide their sales for pharmacists except for the mandatory testing responsibilities. Behavior, do it." Well, some readers suggested that in the last few lines of the last chapter, there was a bu, and Huang Xuan should have level 14 network authority, which is indeed the case, and is hereby revised. .

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