Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Four hundred and seventieth chapters promising (6)

It's unrealistic to deconstruct p001 this time. Huang Xuan doesn't have much time and money. In fact, opening two layers in succession already made him very excited.

It would have been a delightful evening had it not been for the presence of Mr Commas.

However, when Huang Xuan saw Mr. Commas leaving with the expression of all the boys who had been angered by him, he also felt very happy.

p112 As it was just in the evening, Huang Xuan didn't want to go home so soon - there was no time difference, although the beautiful little girls were very eye-catching, but three, the psychological endurance would be reduced.

"Let's go to the knockout round, the peak matchup." Huang Xuan asked proactively.

So, on the evening of the second day of the peak match, Huang Xuan reappeared.

The knockout round was in full swing, and Kevin was crying so hard that he couldn't imagine that this classmate Ji Xuan would miss work even in the knockout round.

Everyone knows that the earlier the knockout stage, the weaker the chance of encountering a strong opponent, and as time goes on, the weak will be eliminated continuously, and the chance of encountering a strong opponent will increase. Although there will always be a time to face the masters in the end, under the circumstances that the minimum number of matches is stipulated, it is a normal choice to play more in the early stage and less in the later stage. People still hope to stay in the game for a longer period of time--I believe Everyone has their own reasons.

Huang Xuan didn't know much about the rules of the knockout competition. As a standard dude, he never paid much attention to these rules. If he needed to know, someone would explain it to him. It's a pity that Ning Ao is not a good "companion".

The schedule of the knockout round seemed tense, but it was actually easy. Because people liked to play more games at the beginning, the matchmaking became extremely easy. After Huang Xuan won four games in a row, he still met ordinary opponents.

Kevin also became excited, taking advantage of the gap between games, he said to the videographer next to him: "Looking at today, Ji Xuan is ready to play a few games, and you can see that his timeout between each game is very short. It was like this when the 100 resorts used to be..."

As he was speaking, Huang Xuan suddenly disappeared into the field.

Kevin blinked, and it took 30 seconds to confirm that Ji Xuan had left the Internet.

"God slander, let me kill him!" Kevin yelled to the sky with a piercing heart.

It was Cai who pulled Huang Xuan out of the peak duel\u003e Student Xiao Huang suddenly felt depressed, and the fear brought by Commas disappeared, and he said lazily, "Nick said you have something very important? "

"Some gentlemen want to ask Galadia to talk. There is a banquet happening. She thinks you should be notified." Cai and Huang Xuan looked at each other, showing a little tenderness.

Huang Xuan rubbed his nose and avoided Cai\u003e|What about it? "

Cai\u003e|| holds a fleet of 600 tons. It is more than the combined tonnage of American aircraft carriers, and among her more than 50 ships, 40 are supertankers. It just fits the wishes of the government. Although she promised to form a new shipping company with you, it is normal for some people to want to talk to her. "

"However, don't you think their request is normal?" Huang Xuan asked himself, knowing that Cai \u003e was really an announcement. She won't say anything important.

Cai\u003e:. "I'm not really sure.... I'll go with her."

Huang Xuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed for a moment, and said, "Bring Dian Wei and Isaac's bodyguard team, let Galadia bring her own bodyguards, and turn on the energy screen at any time, I will let Xiaohe Contact you anytime."

He didn't ask why, Cai\u003e=., same as Xinyi. Although he didn't have much experience, Huang Xuan thought that he should give him enough trust and respect.


Huang Xuan didn't want to go back to the peak duel for a while, so Shi Shiran walked downstairs. Galadia had just changed her clothes and was talking with Zhang Xinyi. The other two beauties were not in the living room.

Galadia was wearing a red evening dress. The well-fitting tailoring made her body curve more proud. Huang Xuan clicked his tongue twice and said, "Cai\u003e_

"She told me." Galadia gave him a charming look and said, "Aren't you going with me?" Galadia pouted, and Huang Xuan's eyes were envious for a while.

Huang Xuan shrugged and said, "It's fine if you go. After all, I'm a foreigner. If I go, what should I say? What should I say? I'm in trouble."

This is about Cai\u003e|.

He spoke carefully, and Galadia immediately understood that the so-called caring would lead to chaos, and on weekdays, these are things that don't need to be reminded.

Huang's mother helped Galadia straighten her clothes and said, "If you have anything to do, please contact us. Don't worry about Huang Xuan.

This is already tantamount to a disguised point, so that she doesn't have to compromise.

The Goddess of Splashes nodded, her lips pursed slightly, classical

Like a proud Venus.

Huang Xuan secretly agreed, if he had room for it in the past, now he is focused on making profits, oil tankers and the like, if it weren't for the temptation of the national grain storage, he wouldn't be a bird at all. He found a "nationally famous" lockpicker, and now he might not even have a chance to appeal, and he would be thrown out.

Will Galadia and Cai\u003e+|"Lorraine, Xiaohe, take care of them, don't let anything happen."

As he said, he said with a little worry: "Lorraine, open an energy screen for me, let me see what they are talking about, and just put the image of the banquet hall."

Lorraine had never been educated on the right to privacy, so he immediately opened up the influence of the banquet hall in the city to Huang Xuan. Huang Xuan lay on the screen and watched for a while, his heart soared with anger, scolded his mother severely, picked up his clothes and go downstairs.

He blushed and walked down. Zhang Xinyi was watching TV. When she saw Huang Xuan, she beckoned him over and said, "What's wrong?"

Huang Xuan snorted for a long time, and said: "Those fellows don't have good intentions. The banquet was full of "young talents". Even Zhu Xiankui went, and there was no one from the Yang family or the Li family. Less..." He used the word "young talent" as if he had filtered it through his teeth.

Zhang Xinyi understood it as soon as she heard it, she gave him a blank look and said, "Then what are you afraid of?"

Huang Xuan was speechless with his mouth open. Maybe some people think that if Galadia likes Huang Xuan, they might like other people. Maybe they think that Galadia is more important than the so-called fleet. But he couldn't just rumble in like an impatient fool. It's the 21st century.

Mei Ruochan handed him a big pear with a slight smile and said, "Sister Cai followed, don't worry."

Classmate Xiao Huang felt embarrassed, but thinking of Cai\u003e\u003c would be a waste of help-he was a little embarrassed thinking so, but Cai\u003e=;.

Xiao Diaomei seemed to have guessed his thoughts and said: "Sister Cai said, she will definitely help you with this matter.".


Xiao Diao Meimei glanced at him and said, "Hurry up and eat pears, you didn't drink any water today."

Zhang Xinyi watched the two of them flirt, coughed and said, "I'm going back to the study to read the documents."

Huang Xuan suddenly remembered the story of "time difference".

Compared with the Huang family's old house, Huang Xuan's house can only be regarded as a middle-class house. The living room occupies more than half of the entire first floor, which can accommodate two sets of sofas, and the separated dining room is connected to the annex. The area of ​​the three-story small building is only a few hundred square meters, but under Zhang Xinyi's careful layout, the interior decoration of the house is unique, fresh and elegant, and full of family atmosphere. The family has lived for a long time, even if the family assets have grown rapidly over the years, I have no plans to change houses.

There are two study rooms in the house, and a simple laboratory dedicated to Huang's father. The study rooms used to be used by Huang's father and Huang's mother respectively. As Huang Xuan's Hexin Industry grew bigger and bigger, at some point, he was naturally assigned to one study room, and Huang's mother went to the other.

Huang Xuan sat beside Xiao Diao Meimei with an itchy heart, not knowing what was on TV. Seen from the side, Xiao Diao Meimei's face was slightly flushed, as if she felt Huang Xuan's gaze, and that trace of flush gradually turned into crimson.

"Ruochan." Huang Xuan called out in a low voice, holding Xiao Diao Meimei's left hand with his right hand, and leaning over.

Xiao Diao Meimei's delicate body trembled, her starry eyes turned wildly, obviously anticipating Huang Xuan's "time difference" tactic.

Huang Xuan was still a young man, he slid his hand up Ruochan Meimei's arm, and after a while, he climbed up to the soft and flat waist, comparing himself with Galadia in his heart - thinking about it, he Secretly calling it a crime, but couldn't help but not to compare. 17 years old, can be considered a little man.

With light force on his hands, he pulled Ruochan's beauty into his arms, and leaned over to look with some "magnificence and ambition".

The 17-year-old Ren Ruochan is just at the age of budding, and the greenness on her face is gradually .+: Hidden charm is on the rise. At this moment, she opened her eyes wide and stared at Huang Xuan, but he couldn't move her eyes away.

"Read me another poem." It was Xiao Diao Meimei who spoke first.

Huang Xuan was stunned. He didn't know when he would show the appearance of a literary youth, and he was still the most hopeless "young poet". He put his hand on Ruochan's soft waist and dared not move. Nuonuo said: "Actually I can't write poetry."

Xiao Diao Mei's eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles, her cherry lips pecked his big mouth like a dragonfly, and she said shyly: "I know, you plagiarized Cao Zhi's poem, but I still want to hear it. "

Huang Xuan smiled awkwardly, didn't know where to put his hands, blinked his eyes and said, "Is Tang poetry good? That Fu is too long, I can't remember it."

Ren Ruochan's beautiful eyes were slightly closed, and she leaned into Huang Xuan's arms and said, "You can watch the energy screen and read.".

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