Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Three hundred and seventy eighth chapter Yimaijue

According to the current level, operating 2 energy screens at the same time can be regarded as being able to handle the pressure and breakthrough in the peak duel.

However, the difficulty of operating three energy screens will increase geometrically.

Huang Xuan didn't know the difficulty, so he just shrugged and said, "Is it necessary to use three energy screens for the formula I'm making now?"

"I can change the formula for you." Ning Ao said with temptation: "Think about it, the more difficult it is to formulate the same level of nutrients, the lower the price of the raw materials should be, right? A great way to control costs."

The lower the difficulty of formulating, the more people will use it, the higher the efficiency, and the price of its raw materials will naturally be more expensive, but this is not absolute. An exquisite formula can do the opposite and get better Income - This is also the two branch profit models of nutritionists.

Huang Xuan didn't think too much about it, and said indifferently: "Then three energy screens, but aren't the raw materials already bought a waste?"

"This time it won't be wasted." Ning Ao's words sounded like he had planned it for a long time, and said, "It's just that we need to add one small thing to the original formula—exotic veins."

"What is it?"

Ning Ao opened the energy screen directly in front of Huang Xuan, and said, "This is it. It is top-shaped, has ascus, and the pinnae are all pinnately divided. It appeared from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous. The current price is 27 per ton." Ten-thousand heat rings are much better than things like Ningyecao, which cost tens of thousands per gram.

The raw materials of nutrients are quite expensive, and Ningyecao is claimed to be cheap. Its price is also calculated at tens of thousands per gram, so the cost Huang Xuan consumes every time he mixes nutrients. It will gradually rise from tens of millions of hot circles to hundreds of millions of hot circles. Those raw materials that have special time, special place, and special picking requirements are even more expensive.

And the Yimaijue used in this recipe has no foul smell at all. The most common ancient creature grows in a large area. It costs dozens of tons at a time, and the transaction price is extremely low--for ordinary travelers, 270,000 hot rings per ton, excluding the cost of handing over to the base, is really little.

As a young capitalist, Huang Xuan of course likes these things that can control costs - as if he has discovered a way to improve the cost performance of employees. Immediately said: "Add a lot?"

"Actually, it's not much. In the original formula, it's enough to add about 20 grams per 100, but its problem lies in the calculation of active ingredients."

Huang Xuan had already listed 1 ton in the transaction column of the green tower, and it was delivered in a short time. Then asked: "Does it need to use 3 energy screens?"

"Actually, 3 is just the minimum requirement." Ning Ao smiled like a dog who had run a marathon, and said: "No matter what level of nutritionist, they usually hate Yimaijue, and the first thing they hate is its top-shaped shape. structure, which accounts for one-third of the weight of the entire Yimaijue. Because the spiral structure hinders the direct penetration of energy. Therefore, it is necessary to measure multiple points, and the minimum requirement is 3."

"How many times?"

"When there are about 7 energy screens, there will be no economic significance." Ning Ao said. He added: "However, there is no need to waste so much time at present. As long as the values ​​measured by three energy screens can guarantee 8-quality nutrients. But this is not the reason why people hate it the most."


"There are also asci that account for two-thirds of the weight, and there are countless brats in it. How many energy screens do you think are needed to measure so many brats?"

Huang Xuan's face turned green immediately. Energy can reach each particle through transmission, but if you don’t want to destroy all their active ingredients, then you need to measure and calculate each particle with the help of the energy screen, and it is easy to think that this has a great impact on the fineness of energy. How strict the controls will be. Each sub is actually relatively independent, that is to say, they need a separate energy screen to operate, instead of just going deep into the epidermis of a plant or animal as in the beginning, the biggest work has been completed.

"However..." Ning Ao put it off, and said: "Currently, the price of Yimaijue is very cheap. We can remove the ascus first, and then only use its pinnae."

"Then try turning on three energy screens." Huang Xuan didn't expect to be able to jump from 2 energy screens to n in an instant.

Ning Ao proudly opened the third energy screen.

In the middle was Lorraine's 80-inch large screen, and there was a screen floating in each of the two times. Huang Xuan gave up peanuts and spiced beef, and seriously picked up a different vein that had just arrived and started to study it.

As you can see on the energy screen, the Yimaijue without the ascus is like a large Biluochun, the gyro is very deep, extending into the texture.

The largest energy screen shows the largest pinnae of Yimaijue, and the remaining two display the two flanks of the pinnae.

It was very difficult for Huang Xuan to extend the energy to two times, and try to go as far as possible. Such actions can be performed in different orders.

In an instant, sweat was seeping from Huang Xuan's head.

The ease just now can no longer be seen.

"25 nanometers, it's much worse than your average score." When Huang Xuan dropped the 50g leaf, Ning Ao coldly reported the number.

"There are too many things to take care of. Is there any other way?" Huang Xuan was also helpless. The slower the extension, the more difficult it is to control the energy.

Ning Ao chuckled twice and said: "This can only depend on your hard training. By the way, the third round of competition has already begun. Dian Wei has successfully advanced, with 170,000 points."

"It's not bad." Huang Xuan took a breath before picking up another piece from the ground. In front of him was a mountain of different veins.

Ning Ao said proudly: "That depends on who trains, I am a level 22 trainer:

"And me, the second greatest thing in history, Nick, the greatest guardian in history." Nick then said humbly: "The great yellow master, you are the greatest thing in history."

Huang Xuan had long been accustomed to the various rhetorical techniques of several bases, so he let out an expressionless "uh" and continued to work.

Ning Ao didn't seem to have the idea of ​​providing a quiet environment for Huang Xuan, and continued to chatter: "There is one more thing, I think you should know."

"Oh?" Huang Xuan looked six ways and tried to reduce the energy fineness to below 20 meters - in theory, he could do 4 meters, but that was the case with only one energy screen.

"Lorraine, you explain." Ning'ao kept it a secret instead.

Lorraine said directly without any excuses: "After we left the meeting room of Huang's Fund, I continued to eavesdrop on their conversation for a while, consuming electricity equivalent to 270,000 yuan.

"Get to the point."

"Huang Liming mentioned Aiken and claimed that he provided technology for the Huang's Fund, Blu-ray technology."

Huang Xuan shook his hand and scrapped a piece of Yimaijue. He threw it on the ground in frustration, thinking: "Aiken can't have Blu-ray technology in his hands. The Cleveland consortium is an industrial and mining consortium. How could it be possible to research it? these things."

"So I sent a joint energy application to Xiaohe, and monitored all the calls of Aiken, Huang Liming, and Huang Sugui, including their account transactions."

"Did you find anything?"

"No." Lorraine fell silent after finishing speaking.

Huang Xuan waited for a moment before asking, "And then?"

"Then it's my business." Ning Ao said: "As a level 18 guardian, Lorraine's work is over now."

Nick sneered: "This is the base with backward performance!"

Lorraine didn't realize it.

Ning Ao continued: "It is a very important issue that no problem has been found. Since Huang Liming said so, and Huang Sugui also mentioned that they have Blu-ray technology, then we should have found some clues, but the actual situation is that we even No clues were found at Sony."

"What does this mean?"

"It means that maybe someone knows how the guardian of the plane base works."

Huang Xuan felt cold for a while, and his mind turned quickly: "I remember, there was once a traveler who entered p112, .:

"Maybe a few, maybe space-time warriors." Xiao He added.

"Is he playing tricks behind his back?"

"I can't be sure." Ning Ao said calmly: "It may be a mistake, but the probability is too low."

Huang Xuan didn't pay attention to his idioms. It's not wrong to say that he is a person who is extremely afraid of death, just like how fearful and restless Huang Xuan was during the days without Ning Ao's promise, he forced himself to calm down and said : "I'm going to find him, or damn them."

"Start with Aiken?"

Huang Xuan began to think carefully, and didn't even know how to pull out the different veins piece by piece. After a while, he said, "Tell me, is that person by Sony's side, or by Aiken's side? Or is it by the side of Aiken?" The Cleveland Foundation, or is it just an irrelevant person?"

"Unable to judge."

Huang Xuan squinted his eyes and smiled, and said, "We do our own thing, in order, and then deal with Sony first. We need to expand the production line of Blu-ray. I'm going to make trouble until Sony can't stand it and jump out on their own. At that time, it's just It should be possible to narrow it down."

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