Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Two hundred and seventieth eight chapters situation (12)

When the administration was looking at the p plane, Huang Xuan was also looking at the other planes

Through Kangfu, Huang Xuan can connect with most of the planes. After all, it is the highest-level base in the r plane. Although the response is slow and it takes a long time to wait for an operation, in terms of results, Nick and Lorraine can hardly hold a candle to Kangfu. The 6 base can even be connected with the low-authority network of the Alpha plane. Through them, Huang Xuan can learn a lot of knowledge between the planes.

Even, through these low-authority networks, commissions can be issued to do some work that is absolutely impossible to complete on the P-plane. Some travelers in the public base are guys who want to earn hot circles. These travelers are also the most vulnerable and the largest travelers groups too.

However, Huang Xuan, who only had tens of millions of hot circles left, didn't really dare to try to send out any commissions - although the travelers in the public base were poor, it was relative to their traveler level, hiring a level 24 Travelers may only need 100 circles per day, but they need tens of thousands of circles per day to hire a level 12 traveler. As for high-level travelers, as far as Huang Xuan has seen in the current online community, the employment of 6 travelers per day The price is at least a million hot circles - only the price, please queue up if you need it.

However, if you use Nengdun, the price will be easily lowered. Most travelers need Nengdun in exchange for higher authority. This is also the most important job for public base travelers. They can only be regarded as part-time jobs to earn hot circles. , Only Neng Dun is their ultimate goal.

It's a pity that Huang Xuan has neither Nengdun nor the 3 bases that can easily divide Nengdun.

Yasuo explained in his slow voice: "I can't find any information about the Rongguang family here. If you need it, you may need a higher level of authority and more geothermal circles."

Huang Xuan already knew that Kang Fu was an independent guardian, and he would not leak information to the Kang Masi family. Because he does not belong to the Commas family. Commas and the Wendelin family are just the highest level travelers in this base. However, Huang Xuan still seldom used Kangfu to exercise the traveler's rights, its response was too slow. It consumes too many resources.

Continuing to give Yasuo the task of searching for information, Huang Xuan turned around and turned off the energy screen. At this time, Nick said in a "graceful" tone: "Great yellow master, you only have 20 million hot rings left in the r-plane cash."

"so little?"

"Yangfu is a money-eating machine." Nick said in a rather angry voice: "He charges more energy than I use."

Huang Xuan had no choice but to comfort him and said, "Wait a few days until Lu Min's 24-level transfer base:;: No, there will be money, not to mention that the 2 billion hot circles last time were all replaced with energy, you still have some."

"The desires of the great yellow master, people and guardians are endless." Nick said in a dignified voice, and said in a pitiful voice: "But, master, my current energy is enough to assemble those level 16 materials Out."

Huang Xuan covered his face with his palms and said, "Nick!"

"Yellow master?"

"If you upgrade, won't it be more verbose?"

Nick was silent for a moment, and said, "Do you want to hear the truth or lies."

Huang Xuan was speechless, and Lorraine interjected at this moment: "Huang Xuan, the phone number of your sister-in-law, Ms. Huang Hange."

"Take it here." Huang Xuan sighed. He had just finished being bombarded by the media and was about to be bombarded by his sister-in-law. In comparison, the latter might be more powerful.

Huang Hange said in a very British tone: "My dear little nephew. Do you still remember our agreement?"

Huang Xuan sat up with some energy, and said, "About the blu-ray market?"

"That's right." Huang Hange smiled and said, "Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice will help you explain the situation to the Ministry of Commerce. In addition, the British government may purchase a batch of optical drives and optical discs from you, but the price cannot be higher than the market price. 79"

"Sounds good. But what about the quantity?"

"Of course I want you to send someone to talk." Huang Hange said at this time, "I still want to find a boyfriend. I've been running around for you for so long. Don't you want to have an uncle sooner?"

"Fashion Week, sister-in-law." Huang Xuan said with an accent: "Fashion Week, 10"

Huang Hange lost his temper all of a sudden, and said: "Then I will pay one-third of the fashion week at most. Your Blu-ray is too expensive, and the consumption here is very small."

Britain's consumption concept has always lagged behind that of France. Huang Xuan didn't care much about it, but when he thought of fashion, he had some thoughts: "Sister-in-law, this princess you know should have a lot of etiquette coaches around her?"

"What's the matter? Do you want to learn how to trick little girls?" Huang Han said with a smile.

Huang Xuan held the phone helplessly and said, "It's business. You find a few coaches to teach me some etiquette, and I'll pay you back for the Fashion Week."

"The requirements of the Royal coach are very high, and they will not come to China."

"An unlimited amount."

Huang Hange said in surprise: "It seems that you have really made a fortune. In this way, the latest fashion week is Israel Fashion Week, which is in Tel Aviv. I will call Her Royal Highness and her etiquette coach, and you will come to learn and pay. , this kind of cooperation is really perfect..."

Huang Xuan's head was about to sweat, but after thinking about it, he agreed: "Then three days later, I will fly directly to Tel Aviv on weekends."

"It's a deal." Huang Hange almost cheered. Israel Fashion Week is incomparable with Milan and Paris Fashion Week, but it still takes millions of euros to shop there. The pleasure is naturally doubled.

Huang Xuan put down the phone, thought for a while, and said, "Lorraine, book a ticket to Tel Aviv tonight. There are more." Huang Xuan paused and said, "Send an invitation letter to Galadia and ask her, Would you like to participate in Israel Fashion Week next week?"

"Okay." Lorraine did as he did, and asked at the same time: "So what about Yu Nakagawa and his delegation?"

"That's the job of professional managers." Huang Xuan wiped a smile. If under such a huge advantage, they can still negotiate a bottom-line contract, then these gentlemen should resign smoothly. .

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