Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

The 257th chapter Authority (2)

Jun Long's complexion changed, making other people's thoughts exciting. They only thought that Huang Xuan was a luxurious nobleman who liked to use the bases they were familiar with. What Hou Junlong said was "You didn't use the plane base of r001." Instead of the plane base of "r plane". It is not too perverted to use other plane bases in the same plane series. After all, if you are the front-line authority of a certain base, you can naturally get the resource application at the first time.

Most of these people don't even know Huang Xuan's hidden identity...

As for the gentlemen who knew Huang Xuanrong's identity, although they were emotional, they were just emotional.

"Mr. Huang." Hou Junlong is the clearest among them. He quickly recovered his upright and peaceful voice, and said with a brighter smile, "Mr. Huang came to the r plane this time for travel?"

In lingua franca, travelers have word attributes such as attack and defense in them, and have nothing to do with tourism. But in Chinese, traveler and tourism are very interesting related words, and it is difficult to translate them to everyone present.

As soon as Huang Xuan thought about it, he smiled and said, "Nanluxing is a very attractive planet. I will stay here for a while, then go shopping and go home."

Naturally, shopping is not offensive. After easily defusing Hou Junlong's verbal offensive, Huang Xuan rebelled against the general and said with a smile, "Mr. Hou came to the r plane this time for tourism?"

The scene suddenly became awkward.

Huang Xuan was already familiar with such an embarrassing situation, a young man who was good at pranks. You must be good at dealing with embarrassment, otherwise, the prank will escalate unexpectedly. This is like the difference between shrew splashing water and Songkran festival splashing water. The only difference is that the words are different.

Gently holding the blue leaf Tibetan. Huang Xuan smiled at the silly chef next to him, "What do you cook best, give me some."

"Oh. Yes." The chef hurried to work.

At dinner parties here, people don't walk around with glasses of wine. People who want to drink. He will stand nearby, and after drinking, put it in the cleaning tank, and sometimes rinse his mouth by the way to get rid of the smell of alcohol. Both men and women wear tights, a good description is like a fashion convention, women wear cheongsams. Men learn to wear it; from the point of view of Europeans and Americans, this should be regarded as superman role-playing.

Someone from the "Superman Secret Service" surrounded by Huang Xuan and Hou Junlong immediately came out, picked up Huang Xuan's words, and eased the atmosphere, saying: "It's really good to drink Lanye Zang with the meal. If Mr. Huang likes it, you can add some If blue pistil is hidden, the spicy taste will be weaker.

Huang Xuan raised his glass to signal, and before he said anything, he heard Mr. Commas apply for voice amplification and stood on the stage on the west side. Said: "Friends from the planes, friends from the r-series planes, and representatives of the major families, my humble Roger Commas, on behalf of the Commas family, I would like to welcome you all..."

Seeing Huang Xuan's gesture of toasting, Hou Junlong's eyes twitched again. This gesture was so similar to his master's.

Huang Xuan, on the other hand, listened carefully to what Mr. Commas said, and looked at Jaschain who was outside the circle. Commas didn't mention the Wendelin family, or even r001. Although the banquet was held in the Commas family's mansion, the purpose was to lay the foundation for tomorrow's negotiations. No wonder his face was cold. .

Hou Junlong followed Huang Xuan's eyes and said with a smile, "Mr. Huang is familiar with the Wen Delin family?"

"Normal." Huang Xuan said in an uncertain way.

This posture, combined with Huang Xuan's actions just now, gave Hou Junlong an unfathomable taste.

Position r~ walked off the stage. The band took his place, and he himself walked towards Prince Fabio's place.

Seeing such a situation, Hou Junlong ignored Huang Xuan, put down his cup and walked over.

In the end, he took another look at Huang Xuan.

Huang Xuan let out a sigh of relief, and finally passed the first level.

Just as he was relaxing, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and even the air seemed to become inexplicably tense. For a moment, Huang Xuan could clearly hear the voices of people a hundred meters away, but there was no sound in his ears.

He turned backwards puzzled, and kept that position, unable to move anymore.

Huang Xuan can say with absolute certainty that the woman in front of him must be Chu Yining, a woman with legendary charm.

Most of the people beside him also maintain the same image as him, although they have all admired world-class beauties, and their medical skills make the appearance itself lose its meaning. Like a flower, her figure is slender and slender, and her appearance should not surprise anyone. However, there is a kind of amazement, which comes from the luxurious demeanor, the self-confidence of the natural beauty, and the graceful life.

Whether everyone here has experienced time travel or not, the beauty has definitely experienced it.

At this time, they just realized that real beauty has nothing to do with standards, fashion, or social mood; real beauty is the bloom of pure aesthetics, which is the desire of human beings from the instinct of life; real elegance, as long as Standing there, there will be a kind of throbbing gushing out. If I stand for a long time, Mount Tai will collapse in front of me, and I will not move.

The description of a goddess highlights majesty, and the title of a celestial being is weak. An independent, graceful, sexy, and pure body belongs to oneself completely, and her display is permanent.

Popular beauty is like a beauty with a small face. It is psychologically beautiful, but what is displayed in front of everyone is pure beauty. There is no need to talk about the heart, and there is no need to consider the value of spiritual beauty. This is complete beauty. Look at it When you look at her, you will never think of such words as disastrous to the country and the people, and to overwhelm the country and the city.

They are the envy of those who cannot get them.

Huang Xuan was also jealous.

In a trance, he felt that this was a beauty that he would never be able to touch in his life, just like he would never be able to truly become a glorious nobleman.

Chu Yining glanced at him.

Huang Xuan's heart started pounding, it wasn't a strong beating, it was more like a chaotic speeding up, as if it had been hit hard by something, and it couldn't find its proper rhythm.

He didn't know where Chu Yining was just now, where he appeared from, or how long he had been paying attention to him. And whether these will affect their own identity.

For a moment, Huang Xuan thought about whether his appearance was appropriate and his expression was appropriate...

After some time, Chu Yining glanced over again, as if looking at anyone present, and said in a more indifferent tone: "This must be Mr. Huang."

Huang Xuan turned his hips and retracted his legs stiffly, stood up straight, and said with some embarrassment: "Yes."

Chu Yining stared at Huang Xuan for a moment, then smiled sweetly and said, "Chu Yining has met Mr. Huang. There is still business over there, so I will take my leave first."

Huang Xuan watched Chu Yining walk towards Mr. Commas, but he didn't know what she thought of him and what impression she left. .

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