The Delin family is a ruling family with a long history in the r plane. It has been ups and downs since the colonial plane, and since the independence of r001, it has been in charge of the plane for a long time.

As the forces of the Alpha plane withdrew from r001, the family became a participating family.

Huang Xuan guessed that if the Huang family was in such a situation, facing a giant like the Space-Time Administration, they would most likely fall. For the Space-Time Administration, the fall of the Wen Delin family is a probe that penetrates into this marginal area. Just give it a little help, it can sting a large area of ​​skin.

Lu Min watched Huang Xuan's face turn cold, but his heart was also awe-inspiring. Sitting on the chair, his shoulders and waist became more and more straight.

"How did you know this news?" Although he believed that Lu Min would not tell such a big lie, Huang Xuan still asked seriously.

"Shi Yu told me." Lu Min recounted the conversation that day, and said, "Shi Yu told me that he saw Benito Wendelin, the third generation son of the Wendelin family, often going in and out of a hotel called Oujin."

"And then?" Huang Xuan listened attentively.

"Ou Jin is," Lu Min said carefully, "it's a private club." Naturally, it was Nick's translator.

"What does that have to do with the position of the Wendelin family?"

A "position" explains Huang Xuan's view on this matter, Lu Min looked at Huang Xuan in surprise, and continued: "Benito is a libertine, Shi Yu wanted to get in touch with him, so he left The doorway. After entering Oujin, on the second day of going there, I saw Benito arguing with others and going to a private place. He yelled that our Wendelin family was about to turn over, and he took it seriously."

Naturally, this is not enough to explain the position of the Wendelin family. But Huang Xuan was not in a hurry, and said in a deep voice, "When did this happen?"

"A standard month ago." Lu Min replied. Said: "Because Shi Yu is a traveler after all, and he can talk. So he also met many people in Oujin, and he was able to go in and out of some private rooms from time to time, and then he saw something."

Huang Xuan raised his head, poured a glass of unknown fruit juice for Lu Min, and said slowly, "What's the matter?"

"He saw Benito and a woman hiding under the elevator doing that thing, because he was doing work for the Eugene Hotel, so he kept watch around, and saw that Benito's movements were practiced by the Space-Time Administration. "

Huang Xuan lowered his head at this moment. He asked Nick in a low voice: "What is the practice movement of the Authority?"

"In your words, it's the art of the room, because a traveler's ability is determined by two aspects: authority and energy compatibility. Authority determines the plane base resources he gets, and fitness determines his maximum output ability and energy consumption. How much depends on the allocation ability of resources. And the latter can be trained."

Said: "Surgery in the room?"

"It's just one of them." Nick said quickly: "The essence of energy fit is your uniqueness relative to all planes, so the strongest one, the weakest one, and the smartest one. Individuals will have a higher degree of uniqueness, all in all, as long as they are different from other individuals, they will have a higher degree of fit, and intra-family surgery, different intra-family surgery, can achieve this effect."

After Huang Xuan understood, he raised his eyebrows and said to Lu Min, "How did he know that Benito's movements were practiced by the Space-Time Administration?"

Lu Min knew that the more detailed Huang Xuan asked, the more important it was to explain the importance of the question, so he said without any impatience: "Everyone knows many actions of the Administration Bureau, but when it is actually used, many people don't understand many details. Since Benito used it, he should know the joints here."

"Then it's based on this speculation that the Wendelin family was bought by the Space-Time Administration?" Huang Xuan didn't finish his sentence. In his opinion, using such evidence to explain the political transformation of a huge family is far from enough. of.

Lu Min could hear Huang Xuan's meaning, gritted his teeth, and said, "Shi Yu said he had other evidence, but he refused to give it to me."

Huang Xuan almost laughed out loud. It seemed that these two were also a little cautious. But on face, he just said lightly: "Oh?"

Lu Min smiled awkwardly and said, "Shi Yu wants to see you, if you have time?"

"Just at night." Huang Xuan said with a smile: "This Xuangong Hotel should have some clean nightlife, let's go there to talk. Also, do you know how the Northern Dynasty is going?"

Lu Min didn't realize why he suddenly mentioned Beichao. After thinking for a long time, he said, "Beichao is a traveler after all. If the army comes back, he should be on vacation."

"Then ask him to come together, it's lively." Huang Xuan said, and stood up, as if serving tea to see off guests.

Lu Min also stood up cleverly, smiled, and said, "Then I'll go find the two of them."

"En. Sorry to trouble you."

Watching Lu Min walk out from the wooden door, Huang Xuan fell into deep thought.

Life on Earth only involves issues of money and status, but on the r plane, Huang Xuan deeply felt the feeling of walking on thin ice, whether it was his identity, the attitude of the Commas family, or even the fact that they hadn't met yet. The space-time administration in the world may be against him. In this environment, whether it is acting as gunpowder or as a firing pin, it is not a good position.

Huang Xuan was sleepy thinking, rubbing the bridge of his nose, but his mind was still spinning fast. He couldn't think about it until he understood it. In the education he received—whether it was grandpa or mother, they told him the facts. The more you don't understand the problem, the more your life is at stake.

Xiao Huang is a good classmate who loves life.

On the other hand, Dian Wei, with a simple mind, stood in front of the largest energy screen in the living room, pointed at the operation panel with his fingers and toes, and looked at no less than 20 media channels with his eyes. He also commented from time to time:

"too small."

"Look, is it exposed?".

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