Guangsheng is a quiet, serious-looking person. Many people who work with him have never seen him smile. This is what Huang Xuan heard from his uncle.

However, when Huang Xuan saw Zhang Guangsheng for the first time, he saw his smile. It was not a normal smile, but a smile with eyes and eyebrows dancing together. It was wide open, exaggerated, and wonderful. Only then did Huang Xuan understand that it's not that serious comrades don't smile, but that their smiles are too distinctive.

When Huang Jindi introduced Huang Xuan, Zhang Guangsheng didn't smile, and when he finished the introduction, Zhang Guangsheng didn't smile either. As for Huang Xuan, he couldn't laugh even more, but when he sat down at the dinner table, Huang Jindi didn't talk anymore. At that moment, Zhang Guangsheng laughed exaggeratedly.

He doesn't laugh casually, let alone laughing with others at the dinner table. Zhang Guangsheng only smiles in front of his chief, and only when the chief starts to talk about an important issue, when he is about to come up with a certain plan, he will laugh. laugh.

This smile is not for everyone to see.

Huang Xuan didn't understand this kind of smile yet, he just thought it was a weird smile, but Huang Jindi nodded and said, "Okay, Guangsheng, teach Huang Xuan when you have time, his grandson is still young, he's always a little ignorant , I say it alone, but I can’t educate myself.”

Zhang Guangsheng laughed exaggeratedly again.

Huang Xuan suddenly felt that this snickering seemed not to be laughing at himself, but a kind of relief. He also laughed twice and said, "Uncle Zhang, can I call you that?"

"Okay, call me whatever you want, I'm on the same level as your uncle, and I won't suffer."

"That's good." Huang Xuan straightened his body, he suddenly felt that he came in too haste and was not ready. This made him nervous, so he said to Lorraine in a dark voice: "Give me an energy screen."

I have the technology that others don't have, and I can see what others can't see. This makes Huang Xuan's self-confidence swell, and he puffs up his chest. Said: "Uncle Zhang, I am going to build several factories now, mainly to produce BD. That is, Blu-ray DVD. It is a new generation of DVD replacement technology."

"I know that." Zhang Guang turned to his side, nodded and said, "However, the threshold for bd is a bit higher. There are many companies in China that are seeking to cooperate with Toshiba. To develop China's hd, you have to develop blu-ray. If you don’t get the evd link: u are in China. If you want to make DVDs, you can’t do it either.”

look. This Uncle Zhang has also done his homework, and even really touched the ground. He said it simply, but actually touched the core. But his guess, Huang Xuan knew much more than Zhang Guangsheng, much more accurately. After the downfall of Toshiba's hd, China's hd is still doing it, and its evd is like singing a one-man show by itself. The play always has to go on. If he didn't know hd's inevitable death, in China, maybe Huang Xuan really chose hd .

China chose hd because of hd:\u003e. "

He was telling a lie. In two years, China's hd will only talk about competition, but Zhang Guangsheng saw it that way, so he nodded in satisfaction and said, "That means you are short of talents."

"Yes." Huang Xuan was convinced. He didn't understand the chess of Grandpa's department. The uncle might have understood it, but he didn't tell himself that this Uncle Zhang also understood it. He thought he understood it too. Who knows, he I didn't understand it at all, the game for adults is too complicated.

"Tell me what you think." Zhang Guang is now in a non-leadership position, seeing that he is actually a leader, speak. Naturally, there must be leadership.

Huang Xuan smiled modestly, moved his body, and said, "I'm going to set up a shelf first. You know, I borrowed 140 US dollars. I really can't use up the money in a while. But if I didn't I lent it out at one time to pay interest to others, but of course they refused, so I thought. You have to pull out the shelf first. Then you can fill it.”

In the contracts with Citigroup, BNP Paribas and other banks, there are clear clauses that Huang Xuan can use the bank's funds only for bd expenditures. And it must be a transaction between lending banks and subject to accounting management by Ernst \u0026 Young Consulting, which means,

The bank didn't approve of Huang Xuan's expenditure, he didn't even need a penny, so he controlled the risk as much as possible. the most important is. When Huang Xuan spent the 10 billion dollars. It is likely to be a year or more later. It was equivalent to saying that he was paying interest to the bank "meaninglessly" - precisely because Huang Xuan agreed to such a "overlord clause". Rubin was able to loosen his teeth a little, temporarily covering up the bloody mouth.

However, for Huang Xuan, his investment period was far shorter than the bank estimated. In addition, he could still rely on Muhammad's low-interest loan to maintain costs, so a one-time loan could barely be regarded as a win-win situation.

Of course, Huang Xuan still wanted to spend the money as soon as possible, so as not to be taken away by the bank too much.

Zhang Guangsheng was noncommittal to Huang Xuan's thoughts, and said quietly: "Let's talk about employing people today, how do you plan to match them?"

"The company is going to be set up in Hexin Industrial. I have already established a branch in China. The idea now is to establish another wholly-owned subsidiary to specialize in BD business. Some people will be transferred from the head office to do administrative business. Recruit a group at the same time, find a group of headhunters. All advertising, packaging, and even planning will be outsourced first if they can be outsourced." He thought of Zhu Xiankui while talking, and added: "I have already made some preparations for this. "

After waiting for a while, Huang Xuan drew a horizontal line on the table and said, "The factory is currently planning to build a disc factory first, and use Sony's existing technology to carry out technical transformation. Professionals in this area are the most troublesome. Then there is the blue light diode. Production can be delayed for a while. After all, the sales volume of BD is still small, but I also want to build first. In addition to these two things, I also want to develop supporting industries in the future, such as overall solutions and IC decoding systems for BD players and CD-ROMs In the end, it is naturally a laboratory, which can be built together with production." His actual idea, in fact, was not planned to carry out research and development in the early stage, and everything was mainly transformed, so that the cost can be reduced to the greatest extent, and the ability and production have advantages. Japanese companies compete.

Zhang Guangsheng didn't speak, but Huang Xuan concluded: "In this way, I need a professional management team, a professional production team, a large number of skilled workers, and continuous construction capabilities. That's all." He didn't Said that Klimenos would introduce him to some managers, anyway, whether it was suitable or not, it always needed some blood to neutralize it.

After Huang Xuan finished speaking, Zhang Guangsheng laughed. This was his third laugh today, perhaps a record-breaking laugh. Still that exaggerated smile. The first time he faced such a smile, Huang Xuan felt neither ridiculed nor appreciated. He pondered for a long time in his heart, but he didn't understand. .

Zhang Guangsheng spoke, and said: "I think, since you have 140 US dollars and mature technology, the most important thing is not to put on airs, but to expand production and reduce costs. What kind of management team? , administrative staff, don’t want anything you don’t need, the important thing is workers, factory directors, workshop directors and other producers and production managers. Now you don’t need to worry about the capital chain, so you need to have leading technology to keep your current Its technological advantages are half a year ahead of the United States and South Korea, and three months ahead of Japan, so that it can cross the threshold of DVD."

"Huh?" Huang Xuan asked in confusion, "How can we do without a management team and administrative staff? Isn't it all messed up?"

"You can use your branch in China, or a grass-roots team. Now, you don't need to do any advertising, channels, or operations. The workers are managed by the factory director, workshop director, and production team leader. The workers who produce things are workers. , What's the use of those CEOs and CFOs? It's a waste of energy." Zhang Guang took a breath and said, "Let's talk about administrative personnel, what is an administrative personnel? Manage the three insurances and one housing fund? Industrial and commercial taxation? Or upload and issue, Warehouse doorman? Those aren't your concerns."

He paused for a moment, then thought for a while and said, "The most important thing for you is to communicate with banks, lawyers, and accounting firms. Many people don't know how your patent came about. Technical reserves also need to Get ready... In a word, spend what you can spend, and don’t waste time. You must concentrate and focus, so that you can save interest. If you are too arrogant, it will be difficult to lead the team.”

In the last sentence, he spoke with eloquence and emotion, obviously he had personal experience.

Zhang Guangsheng didn't say something, but he emphasized it, but Huang Xuan could hear it. His most advantageous weapon now is the patented technology, and the support of the bank syndicate. Therefore, it is necessary to expand advantage, keep the advantage. The bank is not a fool to spend all the money, so it is naturally unhappy. In other words, only if the bank feels that it is profitable to deal with them, will they think of a way to deal with them, otherwise, apart from money, many contacts in the banking group will be lost.

However, regarding this organizational setup, Huang Xuan was confused for a long time. He drank half of his tea before asking, "Isn't this the same as the state-owned factory before the reform and opening up?"

"How do you know that state-owned factories are not efficient?" Zhang Guangsheng asked back: "At the beginning of construction, the efficiency of state-owned factories is high. As long as the enthusiasm of employees can be mobilized, don't build schools, factories, and hospitals, and you don't have retired employees. Burden, what are you afraid of?"

He rolled his eyes and asked tortured: "Standing in your seat, how do you think you can mobilize the enthusiasm of the employees?"

Huang Xuan glanced at his grandfather, held back for a long time, and said, "Send money."

"It's over." Zhang Guang clapped his hands and said, "You can teach a child."

Huang Xuan was helpless. This was a bit different from what he imagined, but after careful consideration, he felt that what he said was reasonable, so he asked, "I heard what you said, can you find me a suitable factory manager and skilled workers?"

"The work of the factory manager is called production management. In this regard, I will introduce two people to you." Zhang Guang took out two pieces of paper from his jacket pocket, wrote down two names and phone numbers, and pointed: "This is Xu Qi. He has worked in Skyworth and Jiangsu Little Swan. You can talk to him. There is another one named Wang Hao. He has worked from Cologne, Konka to Hisense. You can get to know him first, and then do it. Decide."

"Okay." Huang Xuan became more and more surprised about Zhang Guang. The two people he introduced seemed to have no intersection at all, but he didn't know how he met or knew about it.

Putting the pen back into his pocket, Zhang Guangsheng touched the table with his hand, and said: "Skilled workers, as long as you buy the relevant factories, you can also choose those factories that have closed down or are on the verge of closing down. In this regard, you can ask these two people again. .”

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