Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

One hundred and ninetieth chapters Meiji Restoration (8)

In terms of initial research on Blu-ray discs, Sony has successively invested so much money and energy in the 4-year period, and is willing to take the risk of losing everything (such as the last Toshiba), betting that it can control standard.

Standard means money printing machine.

However, Huang Xuan borrowed 140 US dollars with great fanfare, claiming to have registered countless patents - in fact, he did so - in the eyes of the Sony people, this was all about getting food out of their mouths.

Sony doesn't need $140, at least not yet, or they would have done it long ago.

Yoshida Shuhei has not yet realized how much change Huang Xuan's patent will bring to bd, after all, what he has is just a list.

It was this list that made him understand what Huang Xuan was doing. This Chinese wanted to surround Sony with patents. It was unbearable for him.

However, he had to make this call again, because a week ago, he received an application from Hexin Industry to join the DVD Alliance.

This is of course nonsense, 6c will not accept a rich man who only has money, but everyone understands that this is just a pretext.

In this short week, Hexin Industrial registered about 1,000 patents again. In the eyes of any normal person, this cannot be a new creation, but can only be understood as a demonstration. Yoshida Shuhei thinks, I really should respond to the other party, 140, there is always gold on the other side.

Having said that. Yoshida Shuhei was still a little angry, so he didn't beat around the bush, but asked directly: Mr. Huang, are you interested in Blu-ray.

Huang Xuan didn't seem to hear the indignation in his words, and said simply: "Yes."

Yoshida Shuhei was sitting in the office with a half-drunk coffee on the table, and the translator sat carefully behind him. He didn't know he was calling another plane, and it was probably the longest phone call he'd ever made.

"I think there are some differences between Hexin Industry and Sony in their understanding of the bd market." Yoshida Shuhei tried his best to control his emotions.

Huang Xuan sat back again, turned his head to a place where Mitsui and Iwasaki could not see, smiled, and said, "Of course, differences cause market differentiation, and differentiation can bring profits."

Yoshida Shuhei had no interest in teaching Huang Xuan's business ideas. He curled his lips in disdain and said, "Frankly speaking, Mr. Huang, Sony doesn't welcome Hexin Industry."

"But you can't refuse." Huang Xuan was also very frank.

Yoshida paused for a long time. Huang Xuan waited patiently for him and Mitsui. In his opinion, this place was really interesting.

"I will not authorize Heshin. Any, any authorization." As a Japanese, Yoshida's style is very open, as it is now.

Sony owns the most basic patents for Blu-ray, and Huang Xuan's patents are based on these patents, just like the patent of the lamp socket is for the light bulb, if Sony does not authorize him to use the light bulb, his patent will naturally be useless The place of martial arts.

Huang Xuan had thought about this a long time ago. Sony, like all Japanese companies, still has a sense of closure when facing the world. He originally wanted to rely on Southwest Bell to enter the BD camp, but the acquisition will take at least a month. Before that, he can't tell Shuhei Yoshida, otherwise. Sony is likely to go through a series of moves. Get him out of mpge-lee. At least. Americans don't like having Chinese in the system.

The current situation made Huang Xuan somewhat at a loss. On the one hand. He can't tell Yoshida Shuhei how he can and should join the bd camp, he can't just put on att's tiger skin now, but on the other hand, he needs to join the bd camp as soon as possible in order to get enough technical support and break out in bd Time to make a fortune.

This is simply a paradox. Huang Xuan thought that Yoshida would be more tactful and hesitant. After all, it was Meijin who wanted to stand with him, but it seemed that Sony's appeal for monopoly was far greater than the profit itself.

This made Huang Xuanxian insufficiently prepared. He could not say "then don't authorize me." Will give in, not to mention, at this moment, Yoshida Shuhei is waiting for him to reply again.

Huang Xuan regretted answering the call.

Thinking about it, Huang Xuan said in a very slow tone: "We can still talk about Sony's patents. We still have a lot to talk about, such as hd, .\u003e. Jindi's joining, which makes me unable to imagine."

"I will convince the board of directors." Yoshida understood Huang Xuan's meaning. He spoke slowly, but in a very orderly manner: "Sony's corporate philosophy is different from that of Hexin Industrial. We advocate gradual development. It is a standard, not a locust. It must be the same for hd. In addition, the new generation of dvd standards, not $140 can do it."

Just like those famous managers, Shuhei Yoshida is also a Japanese with a full American flavor. His words made Huang Xuan feel like he was talking to Jia


Suddenly negotiating with an old fox who had been prepared for a long time, Huang Xuanli fell into a passive position for a while. At this moment, Mitsui Kosui also raised his head and said, "Master Huang..."

"Master Huang", Huang Xuan's eyes lit up, and his eyes changed when he looked at Mitsui Takasui again. Aren't these two standard Japanese businessmen? Still one of the most powerful businessmen of all time.

Huang Xuan immediately interrupted Mitsui, and said in a dark voice: "Mr. Yoshida, please wait a moment." As he spoke, he tapped on the energy screen, paused the call, and said after deliberation: "Mr. Mitsui, let me ask you a question. A Japanese guy is talking to me about business, and I want to join his organization, like Kurayashiki, hehe, what should I do?"

"What do you have?" The answer was naturally Yataro Iwasaki, who is best at controlling the chamber of commerce.

"I have a way to improve this Tibetan house, er, bring him more profits, let him develop faster, and help defeat its competitors." Huang Xuan described it in a big way.

Iwasaki Yataro smiled and said: "I only allow other businessmen to join my Kurayashiki under two circumstances: 1. He can find other daimyos to join, 2. He can provide what the daimyos want, except Anything else is bullshit."

Huang Xuan thought with a sullen face, and said, "Like something from a foreigner?"

"Of course I want something that the Nanman Guild Hall can't buy."

Huang Xuan understood, turned around immediately, pressed the call button, and said, "Mr. Yoshida, are you still there?"

"Oh, yes." Yoshida said with a smile: "Mr. Huang, before the new dialogue, can I make an improvement opinion?".


"You loan Sony $140, and we will pay you an extra $100 million on top of interest payments.

It is equivalent to giving Huang 0.7 more interest, and Sony got a loan of 140 US dollars, which will make them take advantage of it, but if Huang Xuan can't make beneficial investments, the interest on this loan can also wear him down .

"It's very troublesome to change the loan object." Huang Xuan didn't continue on this issue, but smiled and said: "Mr. Yoshida, just Hollywood's film library and ps3 games, do you think you can beat hd?"

"We have our own strategy." Yoshida Shuhei answered very empty.

Huang Xuan patted himself on the head. Subconsciously, he always believed that hd had already lost, but in fact, hd is still alive and well. Apart from the difficulty of film sources, hd has no more disadvantages. He thought about what Yataro Iwasaki said just now, and said: "Mr. Yoshida, the BD market is indeed huge, and it will be huge in the future! I can develop this market for Sony. Think about it, so many commercial users need large-capacity CDs, and Sony is not familiar with these, I can borrow US dollars, and I can pay \u003e 40 US dollars for bd."

He didn't mention cheaper discs, which would be counterproductive, because the requirement of Sony's control standards is to ensure high profits, because in their view, only after the supporting technologies are mature can they lower prices, seize the market, and Huang Xuan is different, they have no plans to drive dvd out of the market, because Sony is also a member of the 6c alliance, they can use dvd to continue to make profits in the low-end market with very little investment - this is why Shuhei Yoshida One of the reasons why I don't like a new company joining is that Huang Xuan is not a member of the 6c alliance. He can't make a penny from DVDs, so he will naturally want to promote BD with all his strength, and this is not entirely in the interests of Sony match.

In other words, the reason why people can't use cheap bds anytime soon is because sony wants to squeeze the last drop of juice out of dvds, not purely technical reasons.

Huang Xuan didn't pause, and deepened his tone: "I know Sony has always attached importance to the consumer market, but companies like Oracle need large-capacity discs more. Americans don't just hold US dollars, they also have With more patents and high-definition decoding technology, I can create a new US market for Sony."

If it were another Chinese, Shuhei Yoshida would never believe him, no matter his age. Every Japanese thinks that Japan-US relations will always be better than US-China relations, but Yoshida knows that it is impossible for him to borrow 140 US dollars from the United States. Any Japanese company may be able to obtain 140 US dollars in financing, but it is absolutely not would get a loan of $140 - that's a myth.

Huang Xuan looked at his grandfather, and said in a very bewitching tone: "Mr. Yoshida Shuhei, high-definition movies and better games are the ultimate way out for bd, as are business applications. I can provide the latter and serve the former. Sony is willing Join the feast?"

He's talking about Sony willing? It wasn't about Heshin Industry, which made Shuhei Yoshida laugh, while Huang Xuan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and secretly said: "The Japanese know the Japanese best."

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