Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

One hundred and eightieth IX Meiji Restoration (5)

I, Mitsui Takasui, are you a businessman from the Qing Dynasty? "He used a native language. During this period, businessmen would always be willing to learn some Chinese. On the one hand, they would improve their status, and on the other hand, it would be easier for them to communicate with Chinese merchants. Until the Sino-Japanese War of 1895-1895, China lost completely. He began to turn his head to the west, and chose a new target to imitate.

Huang Xuan didn't nod or shake his head, maintaining an arrogant attitude.

This is a compulsory course for the children of every family.

However, the Japanese now have very little fear and admiration for China. If it weren't for this, this group of warriors would not rush up, but this guy named Mitsui Takasui didn't speak anymore, but just like this Looking at Huang Xuan, classmate Xiao Huang felt a little uncomfortable.

Compared with these businessmen, he is weaker.

A chunky businessman next to him stood up, raised his voice, and said in Kanto dialect: "For the sake of being a foreign businessman, you can leave after kneeling down and saluting."

He has a typical Japanese-style upturned nose, and his mouth is turned up. His face bones are thin, so the flesh on both sides of his cheeks droops down, forcing him to have a round face. The meat is shaking.

Huang Xuan snorted disdainfully, but just escaped from the stare with Mitsui Kosui, he kicked away the two people under his feet, and stepped onto the high platform slowly.

This is a stand specially prepared for people with status. It is higher than the stage where the actors perform. You have to look down at people, but you don't know if you can really see them clearly.

Several warriors who came up to stop them were dismissed by Dian Wei. Huang Xuan stood face to face in front of a group of wealthy businessmen, and said to the fat man, "You can apologize to me now."

The other party cursed naturally, but Lorraine didn't translate. Huang Xuan didn't want to know either, so he gave him a finger, thought for a while, and said, "I'll give you 2 yuan."

The man was about to fall, and Huang Xuan supported him, then let go, and watched him kneel down tremblingly. He was obviously unconscious, and everyone present looked at Huang in horror. Xuan's hand. Even Mitsui Takasui didn't know what to say for a moment.

Speaking of Japanese businessmen, there is a special reason for their rise. During the shogunate period, no matter the samurai or the daimyo, their property and salary were food, and the land could not be bought and sold casually. According to the academic circles, this It is the so-called feudal land ownership system.

Therefore, the samurai class can only receive the established rice as salary. Regardless of whether it was 50 shi or 100 shi, these grains could not all be used for food, and according to regulations, warriors were not allowed to sell these commodities.

As a result, everyone came to exchange things with merchants, not only ordinary samurai, but even daimyo.

Not only that, daimyo and samurai are often short of money, no matter where it is spent. But if you want to borrow money, you must go to the merchants, so modern people say. The late period of the Japanese shogunate was very similar to that of the West. Because the daimyos in power lacked money, they had to compromise with the businessmen who held economic power, so that the status and influence of the businessmen gradually expanded.

To use a simple analogy, daimyo a wants to attack daimyo b, but he has no money. So I borrowed a sum from the local businessman a. about. a The identity of a samurai. After the war. The daimyo a won. At this time, he has two choices. He finds a way to swallow the businessman a. Of course, he doesn't have to pay back the money, or he pays the money truthfully.

In the initial stage, many daimyos would choose the first method, but it won't take long for these daimyos to find that there are no more merchants to lend them money.

Thus, the daimyo, who received financial support from the merchants, won the final victory.

However, if he chooses the second method and pays back the money directly, it will be difficult for many daimyos, because his money has been spent in the war, and the income—mainly the land rent—has not been received yet.

Therefore, they either did not attack other daimyos according to the requirements of the merchants, or they had to give preferential treatment in policy, and then repay the loan in kind.

Later, merchants made huge profits by distributing daimyo's real objects, collecting and collecting currency, and gradually accumulated a large amount of wealth in society. To put it simply, it means that they have mastered the commodity channels and financial capital of the entire country, and they can develop without restriction. How can such businessmen not be rich.

So in the year of Kanzheng (1790), fifteen of them were taken by merchants, and one sixteenth was taken by samurai. "

When the Duanba faction and the shogunate faction dueled, the merchants became a decisive force.

The reason why the Imperial Army was able to fight with 5,000 soldiers\u003e:|The main factor is: the application of new weapons, and the reason why the British are willing to provide new weapons to the shogunate army instead of the shogunate army is that the shogunate army can pay for land, and the shogunate The military does not have so much military spending.

As a result, it was another regime change.

It is precisely because Mitsui, Mitsubishi, etc. made a lot of political investment during the Meiji Restoration, and finally reaped huge benefits from it, becoming the head of Japan's six major consortiums, and it is Mitsui Toshi who is standing in front of Huang Xuan now.

Boss, Mitsui Takasui.

Huang Xuan looked around and said, "These are the most famous businessmen in Osaka?"

"That's right." A middle-aged man on the side smiled. He wore a warrior's bun, but he was still wearing the blue cloth of an ordinary businessman.

Huang Xuan noticed that not only was he sitting next to Mitsui Kosui, but he was also dressed far more casually than the others.

It's like watching the news broadcast for leaders to go out. Secretaries, bodyguards, and low-level officials always wear neat clothes, while the prime minister and chairman must wear casual clothes. Huang Xuan smiled lightly and said, "What's the name of this gentleman?"

As soon as the gentleman said it originated from Japan, but it was after the Meiji Restoration. I don’t know if Lorraine translated it as "your lord" or "your Excellency", but seeing the smile on this guy's face, you know it is a good word.

The fellow smiled and said, "I am Yataro Iwasaki."

Huang Xuan was in awe.

Without mentioning the issue of nationality, just discussing the facts, this Yataro Iwasaki is also familiar to him, because he is the founder of the largest conglomerate in Japan, the Mitsubishi Consortium.

In another 3 years, he will become the leader of 99 chambers of commerce in the Tosa Domain Kurayashiki (an organization responsible for storing and selling goods from various local daimyos), starting the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu.

Zhang Xinyi mentioned this name more than once, Huang Xuan couldn't help shrinking his hands, and said, "Why are you in Osaka?"

Iwasaki Yataro didn't answer, but asked instead: "Do you know me?" The current Mitsui Takasuki is much more famous than him.

Huang Xuan didn't make much compliments, but looked around, and said with a smile: "The Fallen Army has won, everyone seems very happy?" What he really thought in his heart was that this place was actually occupied by the Fallen Army again. .

Roughly speaking, the time has already advanced by more than half a month.

Mitsui Takasui squinted his eyes and looked at Huang Xuan, a little confused about his way, making a high-profile appearance, and knocking down a group of warriors miraculously, he shouldn't be a small person, but his purpose is a bit confusing It's hard to guess.

Now is a sensitive period, the shogunate army relies on the strength of the British, and the shogunate army has actually turned to the French, so just like in the distribution of power in Europe, the British are still stronger.

However, judging from his position today, the shogunate army is not guaranteed to lose.

As long as the shogun can come up with a plan that satisfies the foreigners, these guys who have milk and are mothers may prefer a somewhat chaotic scene.

Especially in the period when the arms dealers were wandering.

Iwasaki Yataro has a pair of small eyes, the size of mung beans, embedded in the slightly bulging eye sockets. The image is not very good-looking, but it gives people a very real feeling. Seeing that Mitsui Takasui did not reply, he said: " The emperor is supposed to be the supreme ruler of Japan, and the shogunate is unpopular."

If you were a samurai, you would definitely shout some slogans, let alone say something like "should be the supreme rule". Only those who have accepted Western thinking will think about things like this.

Huang Xuan didn't notice this. Before he could speak again, another fat young man next to him said, "There will never be only two envoys from the Qing Dynasty."

Mitsui Takasuki glared at him immediately.

Huang Xuan suddenly realized. He had been wondering why these Japanese people had such strange eyes, and now he finally understood the reason.

They even suspected that they were envoys from the Qing Dynasty.

This is no wonder the Japanese.

During the entire Meiji Restoration, some Japanese were always thinking about whether the Qing Dynasty would intervene, just like the Qing Dynasty did not understand Japan, and Japan actually did not understand the Qing Dynasty very well, especially those who had just come to power, they I haven't had contact with the high-level officials of the Qing Dynasty, and therefore, I have always been worried about such a problem: the Dutch, the British, and the French are all fighting in this land of Japan, so how could the Qing Dynasty people not come?

However, the Qing people did not come.

In 1868, the Manchu masters had just settled the matter + Li had time to pay attention to whether this was a vassal state.

Huang Xuan really wanted to kiss this fat guy. He was actually very smart. Maybe in two days, he would be able to think of the tiger skin of the Qing Dynasty, but by then, I'm afraid it would be too late.

Almost laughing lewdly twice, Huang Xuan stretched out his hand to pull Dian Wei, and said loudly: "I was originally the second envoy of Li Hongzhang, Minister of Propaganda and Consolation of the Qing Dynasty. This time, I came here to serve as a front-runner for Mr. Li. Unfortunately, I encountered shipwreck." Li Hongzhang is still serving as Governor of Liangjiang at this moment, and there are far fewer people who have heard of him than later generations. Huang Xuan's voice is eloquent and emotional, and his words are not sad, but have the taste of a royal family.

He is still too young. It would be a joke to say that he is a minister. Even so, Mitsui and others would not believe it, but doubts are doubts. All the people present are businessmen. People's thoughts, made a bow, said: "You are..."

"Huang Xuan." Classmate Xiao Huang smiled triumphantly and bowed around. Mitsui Takasui is the boss of the business circle in Osaka. As long as he does this well, it is enough for him. .

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