Thriller Paradise

Vol 2 Chapter 33: Truth (below)

"In summary, Mr. Barton, or ... Mr. John Lovecraft’s motives for committing crimes, has been revealed." Feng did not look at Jack and Nancy and said: "Your My brother, his heart, ability, and experience, are stronger than the two of you and Dennis. In his twenties, he is already an extraordinary thief. After a decade of jail, he Undoubtedly become a more savage person.

Today, he is forbearing, persevering, and hidden. When such a person is determined to kill, his execution is amazing. The average person has to prepare and hesitate for a few days, and he can do it immediately.

So...has not come down from the tree, and Mr. Barton has already acted. He immediately cut the iron wire tied to the branch with the cutting pliers on his hand (the method of tying the wire in the garden design to make the trees grow in a predetermined shape), that is, the weapon, and brought it back to the house. . ”

Feng did not lean on the back of the chair and looked up. "After the gunshot incident, Barton confirmed the time when Dennis was alone in the room and knocked on the door. Dennis didn't know that the previous intimidating conversation had been eavesdropped. He thought Barton. It was still in the dark, and Barton naturally pretended to be ignorant. He only said that he was going into the house to do some chores, such as removing the bonsai from the corner."

"In this way... even if Mr. Barton enters the house, wearing a glove on his hands, Dennis will not be surprised." Schofield answered. The police detective who accompanied the whole brother to investigate and reason, still has a certain ability to detect, at least he has not forgotten these details in the case.

"Very right, police detective." Feng did not feel nodded. "So, it happened... Dennis smoked a cigarette on the sofa, and Barton was busy in his sight. In the next scene, it was a The murder." He looked at Barton. "Just like you just stood up quietly. Trying to get close to me... When you made the case, you quietly and quickly approached Dennis from behind and took the weapon in the exit pocket. Strangle it.

Everything was going well, but when you were ready to escape, someone knocked on the door of the room.

Mrs. Otata wanted to come to the latter because she was worried that her husband and Dennis had a focus on quarreling because of themselves. She didn't know that there was a murder in the room in front of her. ”

"Oh..." I couldn’t help but sneer and continue to face Barton. "As I have been emphasizing. You are not a mortal, Mr. Barton, you are very powerful. Ordinary people are likely to go mad in this situation. Board, but you... are calm and have a heart.

At that time, the door of the room was locked. You are not worried that the Orita will find you. Just keep quiet and escape from the window calmly. But for you, this is not enough... Since there is a murder case, there must be a murderer. Mrs. Orta, is a perfect scapegoat.

She has motivation and ability to commit crimes. The key is... when the murder case occurs. She did go to the scene. ”

I didn't feel over the head and smiled. "You remember every sentence, Mr. Barton..." he repeated. "I am almost as big as Master Dennis. In fact, I understand him very well. If I have a rich old man too. Hey, I want to marry a stepmother who is five or six years younger than me. I will also object." He smiled again. "Obviously, your sentence is sentimental. You came to this house eight years ago, and Mrs. Orta was married to Lovecraft’s family seven years ago. I think... you were that year, And Dennis’s attitude must be the same. You are all strongly opposed to the marriage of the father and the Orita, but one is in the Ming and the other is in the dark.

There is no doubt that you want Cornish's legacy more than Dennis. Because he owes you, his ignorance kills your mother, and his alienation and denial of you have led you astray. Even after you finally came to this home many years later, it is still a gardener, not the owner.

Then... at least after he died, let him pay for it with his family property.

Now that Dennis is dead, if Mrs. Otata is guilty of murder... Then in a few years, when Coleston’s feet are gone, the content of the will is open... You can call John Lovecraft The truthfulness inherits most of its family business and becomes the owner of this family. ”

"It's a dangerous guy..." Scofield heard this and couldn't help but turn his head and stare at Barton's face.

Feng Shuyi looked back and said to the crowd, "So... Mr. Barton is not planning to escape from the window, but because someone outside the door has a temporary interest. He used wire to lock the window and arrange it into a secret room, in order to stay. After he got a handle, because he knows a case like this, it is very difficult to break the police force in a small town. In the short term, as long as it is confusing, there is an opportunity to engage in the disaster. For example, with the key, throw it at It’s a little easy for him in the corner of Mrs. Orta’s room...”

He felt a bit of a bit, and then he answered. "After killing, Barton disposed of the weapon and quickly returned to the villa. In exchange for others, Bacheng will return to his room and sit uneasily waiting for the body to be found. But he ... came to my room as fast as I could, and made a very interesting performance in front of me.

That half-truth is quite deceptive. The only thing I didn't understand at the time was... He came to tell me what the meaning of these is? Is it really for me to be an outsider to persuade the family not to do stupid things?

However, shortly after the incident, I learned about his intentions... Barton, before the body was discovered, instilled a view into my mind. If there is anyone who will kill Dennis, it must be Ordovich. lady'. He is really brilliant, because when he made up the conversation between Coleston and Dennis, it was as if Dennis was going to kill Ort. The actual situation is the opposite, but it seems logical. ”

"Oh..." Feng Shou sneered, and turned his eyes to Barton. "Because I said the phrase in the corridor, 'I am also a detective,' you have deliberately come to this hand after committing the crime. Your thoughts Yes... Even if your rhetoric can't be misleading, it's fine. When you find the body, you are with my detective. From a psychological point of view, I am likely to exclude you directly from the suspect. Outside."

"Call..." Barton sighed deeply. "Now want to come, come to you... it’s a huge mistake." He smiled bitterly, "underestimate you..."

"From the perspective of your life experience, you must be very self-satisfied, the general detective ... you will not look at it." Feng did not feel a hook and smiled. "Using this so-called detective, in turn to achieve your purpose... This ironic and interesting thing, if you change it for me, you will try it."

When he said this, he stood up and stretched out. "In fact, if you change your life, change your face and make a suicide or accident, you may be." He yawned. "I am very I want to say to you, 'Let's make persistent efforts later', but you are a first-degree murder. It is also a second-in-one palace. Even if you don't sentence to death, you have no chance to come out in this life... I can only send you my best wishes, I wish you all the best. One day the prisoner succeeded."

"Hey... Mr. Feng, let's be there for the police. The words 'prison break success' are clearly stated..." Scofield persuaded.

"As soon as I said that he was jailbroken, you will pick up your baby..." Feng did not know, "Is this forcing me to vomit your name (Scofield, scofield)..."

After sealing the sentence, I went to Barton without warning. And leaned over his ear and said a whisper.

Except for Barton, no one heard what Ge Ge said. After I finished speaking, I turned and walked toward the door, and laughed while walking... full of malicious laughs...

"Where are you going?" Jack asked.

"I went to the toilet. Can't you?" Feng Shi slanted and whispered back. "If I come back, there are people who want to arrest me for theft. Give me handcuffs."

Of course, I don’t think I really go to the bathroom. He heard the system prompt. Ready to find someone to send.


It is also a late autumn, the gray wilderness has not left a little green, empty exposed in the sky.

In the place where the forest valley and the chaotic hills are staggered, the roads and telephone poles seem to be out of place.

My name is Scofield, Gree Scofield, a sheriff in a remote town.

The bright moonlight sprinkled on the earth soothingly, illuminating my way. Driving in such a scene can always evoke some memories of people.

At this time a few years ago, I went to the Lovecraft House in this mountain to deal with a murder.

There was a detective who, within less than half a day, cracked the puzzle and found out the real murderer.

The strange thing is that I mistakenly recognized him as another famous detective, but when I saw the photo of the detective in the newspaper, I found that they were not the same person...

Later, the report on the murder did not appear in any mainstream media. Even the accusation of Dennis Lovecraft was not published in any newspaper. I want to come... It’s a shot of some big guys, pressing things down.

In April of the following year, John Barton, John Lovecraft, was sentenced to death by the Supreme Court. And his father, Lord Corston, was suddenly violent in the room of a hotel two weeks before the verdict.

The cause of death is still a mystery...

In the end, the property of Lovecraft's family, 80% of which was equally divided into the second son Jack and the three women Nancy. I heard that Jack used his own money to open a big record company in the United States. Their slogan is intriguing - to support young and dreamy musicians.

The remaining 20% ​​of the property, as well as real estate, were inherited by the third wife of Corston, Mrs. Otata. The lady donated the property in the mountain to the government after her husband’s death. She is said to have moved to a winery near southeastern France.

Butler Henderson, family doctor Powell, maid Oliver, Martha, including the widows who have served in the Lovecraft family have not received a penny. Obviously, my judgment on Coleston's "very human touch" is wrong. He is a selfish, hypocritical hybrid. Fortunately, his daughter did not inherit his bad qualities. One month after his father’s death, Miss Nancy took the initiative to give these people a due severance payment in the form of a gift.

As for the weird detective... I have never seen him again. The day he walked out of the back of the restaurant was vivid, but he seemed to disappear from the corner of the door and never returned.

Afterwards, I also tried to inquire about the person, but I found nothing. He seems to be a ghost. It does not exist in this world...

There are many strange legends in this land in front of me. Maybe... he is one of them too.


In March 1986, the capital of Assali, the first detention center in the city of Lane.

On a hazy afternoon, Barton was wearing a prison uniform, wearing handcuffs and ankles, and was taken to a meeting room by a prison guard. Opposite the glass in front of him, sitting a woman dressed in luxury.

The two each picked up their own phone and silenced for a few seconds. Then, Barton first said: "Long time no see, Carol."

Carol did not respond, she wore a big hat, the cap was pressed very low, and there was a veil in front of it.

"It seems that you have already checked out... oh... you should understand now, why do I say 'you will thank me'." Barton sneered. "In a sense, he and Coleston really look like I investigated him a few years ago, when I knew that he would kill you this sad woman sooner or later, with the family inheritance from you, and his lover to fly together." Barton Shen Sheng, " Even if it’s not for myself... killing that man, I don’t regret it.”

"What you told..." Carol’s voice was cold. She seemed to be a walking dead. "There have been people who have done it, and soon there will be a result."

"Oh... thank you." Barton laughed.

“Is it really necessary to do this?” Carol asked. “He is still your father, and with his physical condition, he couldn’t live for a few years, isn’t he?”

"This has nothing to do with you." Barton said here, suddenly laughed. "You are a very good person, Carol. Some things, people like you will never understand..." I paused. "But there are some people who are not so kind. They will say, 'Since you can't enjoy his property as compensation, it's better to let him pay something else.'"

Barton said, he hanged the microphone and smiled wildly. (To be continued.)

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