Thriller Paradise

Chapter 245: Brother (eight)

The seal said that the article notes said: "Although it still feels a bit nonsense, but this is also a hint." He touched his nose. "The red key is hidden in the red place, then, yellow, blue, black. Is white and gray hidden in the corresponding places of the five colors?"

He put the key in his mind, and the first question that arises in his mind is: "Isn't it supposed to be hidden in the yellow?" With this question, he left the kitchen and headed for the third room.

The room was opposite the corridor, with only a small window inside, and it was pinned by several pieces of wood. Although the windows in other houses could not penetrate the light, it was particularly dark.

The smell in the room was difficult, and the floor of the wide wooden paved was covered with a layer of gray soil. The glove was turned into a display state, and a hand was released to cover his nose and mouth, so as to resist the dust and stench. influences.

There was nothing in the room in front of me. Although there were some traces of furniture left on the floor and the corner of the corner, it was difficult to judge the original appearance of this room.

Feng Fang suspected that the owner of the big house had just started his evil hook. At that time, he should not have prepared a special cell, so this room is likely to become the temporary cell. Of course, now that he has the facilities on the ground floor, it can be said that the crime is on the right track.

"The black or gray key is here." Feng did not feel the heart.

He held a kerosene lamp and began a careful investigation. This kind of empty room is better to find, walls, ceilings, floors, at a glance. Unexpectedly, he wandered around and found a heavily corroded floor just below the nailed window.

He crouched down and punched the board twice against the plank and snorted. The board will break open. He then reached out to the black hole under the floor to find out, and soon found the item:

[name: black key]

[Type: plot related]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: Permanently unlock the black iron door and disappear immediately after use]

[Can you bring out the script: No]

[Remarks: Hiding in a dark place]

"I always feel that the keys in this task are very easy to hide..." Feng did not read: "Compared with the maddening puzzles under the ground, this is only a test of patience and meticulousness. ”

The fourth room he went to was the foyer. Strictly speaking, it was not a room, because the foyer was connected to the corridor and there was no door inside. The external, that is, the door of the house that can't be opened.

There is not much furniture left in the foyer. It was on the floor, a mess, and there was a wall clock on the wall. It should have been broken, because the seal didn’t feel like it was swept past the last time. The positions of the hour and minute hands did not change.

He stopped in front of the wall clock for a long time, and suddenly he said: "Will this... just looks like a clock, but in fact, it is the date of recording..."

The seal is not entangled in the setting of this world. The wall clock is a twelve-hour system. It is no different from the real world, but he likes to speculate... these twelve figures plus one long one. The short two pointers represent the calendar.

He rummaged in the foyer for a while. Did not find the key, but found a plot item:

[name: feather hat]

[Type: plot related]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: Unknown]

[Can you bring out the script: Yes]

[Remarks: It is difficult to conceal its bad quality even if it is decorated with a bright long feather.

"This is already the fourth story item that can bring out the script." Feng did not know. "Soap, dentures, perfume, feather hat... What does it mean..."

After he left the hall, he went to the last room on the first floor that had not been visited - the toilet.

I don't know if the technology tree of the world itself is a bit off-center, or the reason for the system limitation. There are fluorescent lamps downstairs. Upstairs there is only a kerosene lamp; the kitchen has a gas stove, but the exhaust is a chimney; the toilet in front of you. There was a flush toilet inside, but not even a light bulb. Next to the door, there is a small table with an empty small dish on the table, and some wax oil remains in the dish.

"In the middle of the night, I need to light a candle in the toilet. It's more scary..." The cover was closed and stood on it. I wanted to try the small window of the toilet. "Oh, yes, there is no mirror here." And there is no horror to go." He knocked on the frosted glass, it was very strong, and the size was not enough for him to climb out.

"Okay, okay, white key and yellow key, what would it be?" The seal had already seen the inside of the toilet, only the water, so he said, while opening the toilet tank.

Hey, the door behind him is closed again.

"Returning? What can the water tank trigger?" Feng Feng quickly turned to open the door, but he made enough effort, still can not be twisted, as if there is a person outside the door to kill the door. And this time, no system prompts.

"At this point, I didn't even have a death warning. What kind of trouble..." I don’t know how much difficulty the nightmare level is, that is, the death flag is a common occurrence, even if it is a mistake when communicating with npc, it is spiked. Danger.

His relatively lax nerves were now tense and ready to use skills to deal with possible crises. At this time, his survival value has already reached more than 40% under natural recovery, but it is hard to say how much blood can play in the nightmare script.

Step by step, step by step, and blindly approaching the toilet with great care, he has built several possible horror scenes in his mind. For example, the toilet suddenly becomes a monster, and the "big mouth" is opened to bite him; or... ...the monster squirts something with the "mouth" and drowns the entire toilet... In either case, it is worthy of the word "horror."

Of course, the imagination is imagined, the actual situation is... no exceptions have occurred except that the door is locked.

He leaned closer to the water tank, and at the bottom of the tank, there was indeed a key:

[name: blue key]

[Type: plot related]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: Permanently unlock the blue iron door and disappear immediately after use]

[Can you bring out the script: No]

[Remarks: hidden in the water]

"This changes the rules again... According to this logic, should the red key be hidden in the fire?" The seal smacked a word and closed the key.

His thoughts have not stopped for a moment. I quickly realized why the door would be closed. "I understand... a total of six keys, three on the first floor, three on the second floor. When I found the last key on the first floor, it triggered the plot. There must be something going down, then I can go to the second floor."

“The foyer is connected to the hallway, so there is no key. The kitchen, the empty house and the toilet are all rooms with doors. No matter which room I am in when I find the third key, I will be locked in it.” He went on Analysis: "The problem is... what will happen... Is it that after I have been shut down for a while, will the meat on the second floor of the stairs be removed or disappeared?"

Hey, hey... There was a weird voice in the corridor.

Unconsciously, the expression changed slightly, and the first few steps, listening to the side of the door.

Uh...oh... there seems to be something moving fast on the wooden floor.

The strange sounds are getting more and more frequent and more and more dense. It is as if a lot of mice like cats are coming from the corridor.

"Really fake..." Feng Shui swallowed his mouth, and the brain filled the pieces of meat that were glued together like creatures and squeezed together through the corridor. "The guy with intensive phobia may It’s going to be creepy under this psychological suggestion,” he said softly. “But this setting is for me...”


"Hey! I even knocked on the door!" The voice of the toilet door was knocked three times, and the position of the impact was on the door panel. "Wait... this door has no lock at all." ......"

indeed. The door of this toilet is unlocked and can be opened by turning the door handle. However, inside the toilet, there is a latch lock. The person inside can lock the door in this way, but at this time the pin is not plugged in at all.

"Oh... I understand, there is no finger outside the door, and I can't hold the doorknob." While plugging the pin, "Ha... you can't do it now."


The outside thing hit the door very quickly. Also vaguely made some voices: "cough...cough...hey..."

"Hey? Is he still trying to open the door through communication?" Feng did not know, "Well... wrong, it should be just the snoring in the throat of the monster."

The snoring sounded outside the door, and the thing seemed to start moving again. Listening to the sound, it turned around in the room and then went to the gate, but it didn’t seem to open the door for two minutes. After that, it went back to the toilet door and hit the door again.

This time, its ambiguous voice became very strange, and it was faintly felt, with a whimper and pleading in the voice.

"It seems that something is wrong." Feng did not feel the heart.

At this time, another voice sounded, it was very clear, human footsteps. Footsteps came from the second floor staircase and approached along the corridor.

The sound of the door knocking became more and more urgent at this time, and the sound of the thing outside the door became awkward.

Hey, the door to the toilet was opened.

The seal is open.

In the past minute, the seal has naturally found that the door handle can rotate normally. So he made an inference: here, it must be a choice, a choice that might affect the ending of the script.

The creature at the door, the upper body is still human, but no hair, fingers, tongue and chin. And its lower body is more singular, with more than a hundred "foot" connected below the waist, each foot is composed of human finger joints, about ten knots into one foot, that is, the length of three fingers.

After I saw this guy, I didn’t talk, just silently turned around and wanted to see its reaction. As a result, it passed by the unconscious side and fled to the corner of the toilet, shivering.

"Sure enough, is it to escape?" Fenghuai took the kerosene lamp and poked his head. He wanted to confirm who the footsteps in the corridor were coming from. "So... what the real monster looks like?" ......" (to be continued)

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