Three Kingdoms

Chapter 519 Reality is always bloody

Cai Yong is indeed the most appropriate candidate from any perspective.

Perhaps in history, Wang Yun just wanted to scare the Shandong nobles, and if Yang Biao and other Shandong nobles surrendered or sent someone to show their submission, then Wang Yun might give the Shandong nobles a face, showing both his authority and his own generosity...

However, after Cai Yong was arrested and imprisoned, for such a long period of time, only one relatively important person came to intercede for Cai Yong, but it turned out to be Ma Rixi, a native of Xiliang.

Shandong nobleman Yang Biao and others seemed to have their hands on their sleeves, and the onlookers sneered, just like those people who stood on the ground and ate melons in later generations, looking indifferently at the suicides who climbed out of the windows on the tall buildings, talking happily, and maybe even There were a few impatient urges.

So Wang Yun was impulsive and later regretted it.

Cai Yong naturally didn't know this, but after Fei Qian's reminder, he quickly realized this and couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Fei Qian said: "If the master... the disciple does nothing, he is disloyal and unfilial; if he does something, just a few words will lead to the same end... In this way, the Cai family and the Fei family are in ruins."

Cai Yong shook his head and sighed: "So, what is the intention of Ziyuan sending this auspicious blessing?"

Fei Qian nodded.

Historically, Wang Yun's foundation was unstable and he needed to prove himself urgently. Therefore, whether he was holding back Lu Bu and refusing to reward him, or he was indecisive about the Xiliang generals, or he was trying to use Cai Yong's death to put pressure on the Shandong gentry. Behind the inexplicable behavior, it is actually that Wang Yun did not quickly adjust the distribution of interests after assassinating Dong. He also wanted to monopolize power and was afraid that he would become Dong Zhuo's second...

Fei Qian looked at Cai Yong and said: "Master, the Hu people have been assimilated before. Now we just need to..." With that, Fei Qian took out a parchment from his arms and handed it to Cai Yong.

"This... Ziyuan! You are so bold!" Cai Yong became a little angry when he saw it, and shouted in a deep voice, "... How can you treat this Xiongnu credential with such contempt?!"

Fei Qian obediently bowed his head and admitted his mistake. After taking it out, he already knew in his mind that Cai Yong, an old man, would say a few words to him: "Yes, my disciple was wrong. However, if it is because the Xiongnu paid tribute to ask for the title, it is very reasonable. I envy Han Confucian classics and want to invite the master to give lectures in the north... Well, this..."

According to Wang Yun's current state of excitement, it doesn't matter what the Southern Huns pay tribute, whether it is three sheep or two cows. What is important is that he has such an attitude and such an action, which can prove that Wang Yun will take office as soon as he takes office. It brought auspiciousness to the Han Dynasty and brought surrender from all directions, which means that Wang Yun will definitely bring the Han Dynasty to a new height in the future...

Moreover, there is no doubt that the great scholar of Confucianism among the current government and the public is Cai Yong.

Therefore, with a little push, Cai Yong can smoothly take the Xiongnu's canonization order and head straight out of Chang'an to Bingzhou...

But the problem still requires Cai Yong’s cooperation.

Fei Qian looked at Cai Yong eagerly, hoping that Cai Yong would nod.

Cai Yong frowned, stared at Fei Qian seriously, and said in a deep voice: "Zi Yuan, do you want me to do something to deceive you!?"

Fei Qian hurriedly said: "No, no! Yu Fuluo, the Chanyu of the Southern Xiongnu, really likes to learn Han classics. He once said that he is not a Han and cannot listen to the great Confucian's personal teachings. It is a pity... This is Yu Fuluo's wish. Well, how can you say you are deceiving the emperor?" As for whether Cai Yong was named, then...

Anyway, Fei Qian has the final say...

When Cai Yong heard that it was not Fei Qian who made it up randomly, but Yu Fuluo had said such a thing, his face became a little better, he nodded and said: "As a barbarian, it is very commendable to have the desire to learn... …”

"Then master..." Fei Qian wanted to strike while the iron was hot and finalize the decision.

Cai Yong rubbed the sheepskin scroll. After a while, he handed the sheepskin scroll to Fei Qian and asked, "How do you want Ziyuan to do this? If I can do it, how can you get rid of it?"

Fei Qian casually rolled up the sheepskin and stuffed it back into his arms. Cai Yong frowned and said, "Master, this is what my disciple thinks..."

× × × × × × × × × ×

Xun Zhan was sitting in the bullock cart, swaying slowly forward. Suddenly, a man walked out of a small pavilion on the side of the road. E Guan Bo led him, waving his arms and shouting: "Friends, stop here for a moment!"

Xun Zhan stopped the car, turned around to look, got out of the car and cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Gongze."

Guo Tu took a few steps forward, took Xun Zhan's arm, and said, "How could you abandon me, my friend!"

Xun Zhan smiled and said, "Zhan Zhan has made up his mind, and there is no need for further persuasion."

Guo Tu sighed after hearing this, with a look of regret on his face, and while pulling Xun Zhan towards the small pavilion, he said: "Zhongzhi also came as planned, but Duke Ming wanted to see him for something, so..."

Xun Zhan smiled slightly and said: "Official affairs are the most important thing. Zhongzhi is considerate. Please thank me." In fact, Xun Zhan felt the same as Ming Jing. Xin Ping was probably just embarrassed to see him, so he used some excuses to do so. To shirk.

As for Guo Tu, haha, for him, basically nothing is embarrassing.

Han Fu was a member of the Han family in Yingchuan, and he, Xun Zhan, Guo Tu, and Xin Ping were all famous figures in Yingchuan. When Han Fu came to Jizhou to serve as the governor of the state, he invited people from his hometown to come and help. Therefore, Guo Tu and Xin Ping Like Xun Zhan, Ping was originally a subordinate official of Han Fu.

It's just that in the end, these people in Yingchuan, or the families behind these people, had an irreconcilable confrontation between Yuan Shao and Han Fu, and finally chose Yuan Shao.

Han Fu eventually became a victim of the joint efforts of the Yingchuan gentry and the Jizhou gentry, while Guo Tu and Xin Ping quickly adjusted their posture to welcome Yuan Shao's entry into Jizhou.

Xun Zhan, on the other hand, resigned and left.

At this time, Yuan Shao was very proud of the spring breeze, hosting large banquets, and frequently having close contact with people from Jizhou. Naturally, he would not pay attention to Xun Zhan. So what if he was the Xun family of Yingchuan?

There are other Yingchuan people, not least Xun Zhan!

Therefore, Yuan Shao didn't care at all about Xun Zhan's departure.

Guo Tu picked up a glass of wine and offered it to Xun Zhan: "My heart is really sad if my friend is gone... Alas, I used to sit and talk freely, discussing the world, but today we say goodbye, I don't know when we can meet again... I don't know my friend If you want to go somewhere, you can also send letters to express your love..."

Xun Zhan said: "I want to go back to Yingchuan to find a place with beautiful mountains and quiet waters, where I can study scriptures without caring about worldly affairs..."

Guo Tu blinked, stamped his feet and sighed: "If you have a great talent, how can you place your love on the mountains and rivers when it is time to put it to use?"

Xun Zhan waved his hand slightly and said: "Gongze's talent is ten times that of mine, don't joke... Come, thank Gongze for this wine, I wish Gongze to display his ambition, and if he returns home with honor the next day, I can be honored." One or two!”

"Ah...thank you for your kind words..." Guo Tu also picked up the wine glass and drank it down with Xun Zhan.

After saying a few more words, Guo Tu reluctantly put Xun Zhan on the oxcart, then waved his hands from a distance until the oxcart disappeared, then turned back to the small pavilion and sat down. , poured himself a glass of wine, and drank slowly...

After more than an hour, several riders came galloping from the official road. They bowed down outside the pavilion and said, "The ox cart is indeed going south, as if it is heading to Yingchuan."

Guo Tu frowned and pondered for a while, but finally said nothing and waved his hand to let people retreat...

That’s fine too! Since Xun Zhan really returned to Yingchuan to live in seclusion as he said, then I don’t need to be a villain anymore! Even if it’s all about nostalgia...

× × × × × × × × ×

Have these people behind you left already?

Looking at it like this, it seems that they were sent by Guo Tu himself, not Yuan Shao's intention...

But you still need to be more careful.

Xun Zhan turned his head and looked behind for a while, then stopped the ox cart, and then got out of the car, but let the people in the ox cart continue forward, while he, with a few personal guards, walked onto the side road. …

The Han Dynasty still has a little bit of the Spring and Autumn Period legacy, where the king chooses his ministers, and the ministers also choose their king...

When did it start? When did that dynasty start? Anyone who doesn’t use it for me will die?

Even in the later generations where job hopping is commonplace, some key figures must first pay a lot of liquidated damages, and must also have relevant restrictions in the same industry for several years...

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