Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 465 Liu Chan: It is urgent to move the capital

While Ma Su was patrolling Guanzhong, Chengdu was already immersed in the joy of victory in the Northern Expedition. Countless old ministers burst into tears when they heard the news, and everyone in the Chancery was beaming with joy.

Thirteen years have passed since Liu Bei's death, and they have spent five years of despair and darkness. At the most difficult moment, many veterans felt that the future of the country was hopeless.

But in the end, the court, with the support of Zhuge Liang, enabled the Han Dynasty to overcome the difficulties. After eight years of fighting under Ma Su's cheating campaign, the situation was reversed.

So when the news of Chang'an's recovery came back, all the officials of the Han Dynasty were all happy. While celebrating the country's major victory, they lamented to each other that they finally got through it.

It has not been easy for everyone through these years.

Many of the descendants of the Yuancong sect, such as Yuan Zhang Shao and others, spontaneously went home to worship their ancestors. On this festive day, I immediately told Xian Kao that the Northern Expedition was finally victorious.

However, on this day of national celebration, Liu Chan was not very happy.

Because he was asked to work overtime by the Chancellor again.

"Qing Jiang, I understand that moving the capital is of great significance, but I don't understand why it is necessary to move the capital in such a hurry?" Liu Chan looked at the piles of official affairs in front of him speechlessly, and began to handle government affairs under Dong Yun's supervision. stamp.

Facts have proved that although Liu Chan is not a fool, his ability to handle government affairs is indeed mediocre. Many areas had to be handled by Jiang Wan and Fei Yi, leaving only the sealing process that Liu Chan could handle.

Perhaps this is why historically Liu Chan was unable to truly complete the integration of the court sixteen years after Zhuge Liang's death.

"Your Majesty, this is the Prime Minister's suggestion. He believes that it is necessary to start moving the capital as soon as possible, otherwise it may hinder the future Eastern Expedition to the city." Shangshutai was accustomed to Liu Chan's complaints, but Fei Yi explained patiently. .

"Moving the capital from Chengdu to Chang'an is not only of great significance, but mainly because there are too many things to deal with. According to Shangshutai's prediction, the move of the capital from Chengdu to Chang'an will not only cost a lot of money, but also take a very long time."

"It will take about three years before the imperial court can completely move from Chengdu to Chang'an. During this period, it is obviously impossible to launch the Eastern Expedition, which will undoubtedly slow down the time for the Han Dynasty to unify the world."

In fact, moving the capital is an extremely tedious task. He was not just an ordinary royal move, there were tens of thousands of people who needed to move with him to Guanzhong.

Including the imperial guards who guarded the capital and their families, the ministers at court and their families, and a large number of people who moved with them. Naturally, such a huge project cannot be completed in a day or two, but will take at least two or three years.

During this period, Ji Han could only choose to recuperate and recuperate, and there was absolutely no manpower available to carry out the Eastern Expedition. Therefore, if you want to unify the world as soon as possible, then moving the capital must be put on the agenda this morning.

"Unify the world?" Fei Yi's words startled Liu Chan, and he started looking over the previous government affairs again, trying to understand the current situation.

He remembered that on the day he ascended the throne, his father-in-law Zhuge Liang emphasized to him how difficult the court was. Looking at his posture, it was as if the big man was about to die.

It has only been a few years, but the focus of everyone's discussion has already become whether to unify the world faster or slower?

It was only at this moment that Liu Chan suddenly realized that he seemed to be on the verge of becoming the leader of ZTE?

Hmm... I just realized it at this time, and I have to say that it does fit Liu Chan's character.

All in all, when he realized that he was about to become the master of ZTE as famous as Liu Xiu, Liu Chan's work motivation suddenly increased. Not only did he not refuse the work presented to him by the Shangshutai, he also took the initiative to work overtime.

After all, although Adou doesn't take fame very seriously, he can't refuse the temptation of being famous in history. Compared with this, missing two days of playing by myself is nothing.

Liu Chan couldn't help laughing when he thought of his achievements in lying down and his father giving him a thumbs up. However, when he realized that Jiang Wan and Fei Yi had already seen it, he quickly stopped smiling.

You must hold on tight! I want to be the leader of the revival!

After Liu Chan also began to devote himself to working overtime, Ji Han Shangshu Desk also began to operate at full capacity.

The matter of moving the capital was quickly brought to the court and was unanimously approved by most officials. Only some local officials felt that the huge expenditure should be slowed down, but they were also restrained by their colleagues.

For now, Ji Han's decision to move the capital to Chang'an is a choice that everyone is happy with. Even the local non-cooperation faction can finally take a breath and send these guys away.

And wealthy families including the Qin family, Deng family, Qiao family, etc. have begun to make plans to take over Guanzhong.

"Based on the current situation, it is urgent to move the capital to Chang'an! Prime Minister... I think that in July at the latest, I will issue an edict of amnesty in Chang'an City!"

Liu Chan finally made a decision in court and formally issued an edict to start preparations for moving the capital. While preparing food and fodder for the capital relocation project, they also had to send people to repair Shu roads to ensure smooth traffic for the army moving the capital.

As long as the preparations are almost done, the emperor's car will officially drive from Chengdu north to Chang'an.




Just as the whole country was preparing to move the capital, Ma Di took the prince's car all the way to Weinan, and finally arrived at Wuguan.

When we arrived here, the counties in Weinan had completed their patrol. However, Ma Su had to go to Nanyang again to wrap up the war in the south, so he had to continue traveling south!

In this regard, Ma Su planned to ask Yao Hu to send Liu Xuan back to Chang'an, while he took several people from Qi to Nanyang. After all, Cao Wei and Soochow over there put a lot of military pressure on the Han army, and Ma Di was still thinking about trying to kill you in the past. If you really take the prince with you, you will inevitably be a little constrained.

But as soon as Ma Di mentioned it to the prince, Liu Xuan immediately stopped. Then the prince tugged on Ma Su's clothes in public, looked at Ma Su with tears in his eyes and cried,

"My father-in-law is planning to abandon me again? Why don't you want to take me with you?"

"If my father-in-law dislikes me for dragging him down, I might as well give the crown prince position to his favorite younger brother..."

Ma Su couldn't bear this trick anymore. He couldn't resist it for a while, so he had no choice but to nod in agreement.

"Since His Highness also plans to patrol Nanyang, I would like to continue to protect you... But we have agreed, Your Highness, not to run around. If something happens to you, the Prime Minister will not let me go."

"Listen to what your father-in-law said!" Liu Xuan suddenly burst into tears and smiled. She was very happy to get into the prince's car and continue southbound with Ma Di.

This made Ma Su a little helpless. What are these things? I just wanted to die and go home, but it ended up getting to this point.

Not only was Zhuge Liang forced me into a high position, but I also had to take care of Liu Chan's children. Look at my fate.

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