Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 459: Scolding Cao Rui

Although Ma Su had declined politely, Cao Rui did not intend to stop like that.

There was no way, although he hated Ma Su very much, Cao Rui had to admit that Ma Su was indeed a capable person. Being able to push the battle line all the way from Longyou to Luoyang is such a great talent that only happens once in a century.

He no longer has the luxury of having Zhuge Liang surrender. At least Ma Di can come, right?

Zhuge Liang and Ma Di, as long as Cao Rui is assigned to him, he can establish the hegemony that Cao Cao has not completed and dominate the world. Moreover, such a loyal minister is not only available, but also the best candidate to entrust him with.

If Ma Su could nod his head in agreement, Cao Rui would probably be able to laugh out of his dreams.

So Cao Rui has already started secretly making suggestions to Ma Su. You can make requests at will. As long as I, Cao Rui, can satisfy you, I will give it to you without hesitation.

You don’t like my women’s clothes, right? I’ll burn all my clothes from now on, and I’ll never be good again. If you dislike me for ignoring government affairs, I will immediately work hard to govern and directly take Zhuge Liang's place!

Without affecting the government and people's hearts, Cao Rui has made the biggest promise. When facing Ma Su, Cao Rui's attitude was even pleading to a certain extent.

Ma Su is not a fool about this, and you can hear Cao Rui's attitude. However, apart from being surprised, Ma Su was not moved at all.

Just kidding, even if I, Ma Su, don't risk my life and work hard, I can't go to work for you, Cao Wei. Who knows what kind of bullying I will get from those wealthy families after I have been in class for a few years.

However, Ma Su was still surprised by Cao Rui's attitude. Obviously the opponent's regard for him has reached an absurd level, and even the emperor himself came to beg you to surrender.

"Let's forget it. A woman will look good for her, and a man will die for his confidant. I, Ma Di, will do my best for the country of the Han Dynasty." Ma Di rolled his eyes, but still refused flatly.

In this regard, Cao Rui's expression revealed deep disappointment, even a bit...bitter. However, he still planned to give a few more words of advice, just in case it worked out.

"Ma Youchang, I heard that Liu Bei once evaluated you as "exaggerated and useless" when he died. He didn't seem to be very kind to you, right?"

"The late Emperor promoted me from a humble position, isn't that enough kindness?" Ma Di raised his eyebrows and replied slowly,

"What's more, over the years, Prime Minister Zhuge has regarded me as his disciple, His Majesty has regarded me as his sibling, and even the Prince has regarded me as his father-in-law. How can such kindness be expressed in just a few words?"

"On the other hand, your puppet Wei can't protect the country and the people, and you can't use talented people below. The officials are all from rich and famous families, and the top and bottom collude to block the official career. The future of the country is already bleak."

"Look at the man next to me. He is the one who fled from the Wei Kingdom a few years ago and came to Shu to join my big man." As he spoke, Ma Di pulled Deng Fan over and said with a mocking look on his face.

"He was just a small official in charge of the granary in the Puppet Wei Dynasty, and his salary was not even enough to support himself. But he was so talented that when he came to our big man, he was already in a high position, and he made many unexpected plans to defeat the enemy!"

"With such a great talent, if he lives in the Han Dynasty, he will be a general, and if he lives in the Wei Dynasty, he will be a minor official. Why?"

"Is it possible that there are so many talented people in the fake Wei Dynasty that such a great talent is only worthy of being a minor official?"

In Ma Su's words, Deng Fan was so excited that he almost laughed with pride. However, in order to maintain his image, he had to pretend to be calm, but his face turned red due to this.

Ma Su's ridicule made Cao Rui speechless, and he didn't know how to reply.

What Ma Di was talking about was the current predicament of Cao Wei, and it was also a headache for Cao Rui. Although the inheritance his father left him was large, it was also a lot of mess.

Especially this nine-level Zhongzheng system has been bothering Cao Rui. He peacefully transferred local conquest power to the central government, but Cao Rui never saw grassroots talents again.

Wherever he looked, there were so many wealthy families, but Cao Rui had nothing to do.

"So, can Han Chen surrender to the Wei Dynasty? If you want me to surrender, you should worry less." Ma Di waved his hand, and finally gave Cao Rui a heavy blow.

"If you can kill all the trash above you and replace them with truly talented people, then come and tell me!"

Ma Di's murderous words immediately caused an uproar in the city. Many senior officials of Cao Wei looked at Ma Di with a little more vigilance. Of course, some people looked at Cao Rui, intending to see what their emperor had to say.

"Then there's nothing to talk about." Cao Rui shook his head gently, his expression quickly becoming serious.

"In that case, you thief, Ma Su, just lead me to death."

"You must have taken the initiative to come to Luoyang to die, and you must have been prepared to die. I will order someone to leave your whole body when I defeat your army!"

"Okay, I'll wait! A woman pretending to be an emperor!" Ma Di laughed and made a contemptuous gesture towards Cao Rui.

But at this time, Ma Su suddenly thought of something, looked back at Deng Fan, and asked without leaving any trace.

"Shizai, are you shooting accurately? Do you think you can shoot the fake emperor from here?"

Sima Yi's evil deeds gave Ma Su an idea. In this case, it would be great if he could shoot Cao Rui to death with one arrow. Although this is detrimental to your reputation and is relatively despicable, it works!

But it was a pity that Deng Fan shook his head and said that he was not good at archery.

Ma Su was very disappointed with this and regretted not bringing Ma Zhong back. This external sniper rifle is still somewhat useful, and it can play an excellent role in many cases.

In the end, Ma Su could not find any flaws in Luoyang, so he had to withdraw his troops. In this regard, no one at the top of Luoyang city dared to ask for orders to pursue him. Thousands of Wei troops watched Ma Su leave.

"Your Majesty, what Ma Di said..." At this time, Gao Rou stood up cautiously, intending to say a few words, but was gently interrupted by Cao Rui,

"I'm not stupid! All of you here are the pillars of the country, and the people I rely on are outstanding. How can you cut off your arms because of Ma Su's words?"

"Ma Su's words are just to sow discord between my monarch and his ministers, and bring humiliation to himself."

Cao Rui's words were supported by all the officials, and then with the support of other officials, he led the Yulin Army back to the palace slowly.

But at some point, a trace of loneliness flashed across Cao Rui's eyes.

Once upon a time, he really wanted a loyal minister like Ma Su or Zhuge Liang.




After the negotiation with Cao Rui broke down at the gate of Luoyang City, Ma Di began to prepare for the offensive against Luoyang. Although he didn't know the true strength of the enemy's army, Ma Di had never been timid and had to give it a try no matter what.

Even if you can't defeat it, sending it back to publicize it can greatly boost your confidence.

At the same time, the Wei army in Luoyang City was also making full preparations to defend the city. A large number of houses were forcibly demolished to make defense equipment. Cao Rui even took out treasures from the palace to reward the soldiers to boost morale and defend Luoyang.

Outside Luoyang, all Cao Wei's troops in Guandong began to move. Tens of thousands of Wei troops rushed to Luoyang from all over the country, preparing to defend the emperor.

If this process continues, Ma Su will probably have to fight tens of thousands again with five thousand under the city of Luoyang.

But at this moment, an urgent military order suddenly came from Guanzhong.

"General! Prime Minister Babaili has urgent military orders and returns to Chang'an as soon as possible!"

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