At noon, Zhuge Liang's Prime Minister's Mansion officially entered the inner city of Chang'an. Under the welcome of several wealthy Guanzhong families in the city, led by the Du family, the Han army successfully took over the entire defense of Chang'an.

Taking Chang'an and swallowing up the entire Guanzhong was a huge victory for Ji Han. But after the victory, it's time to think about something practical.

Because Ma Su quickly took down the archives room with great skill, all household registration and land records were kept intact. The local wealthy families were also very cooperative. They not only took the initiative to hand over the information, but also gave away part of their wealth.

First of all, there is the population of Weinan. Chang'an currently has a population of over 100,000, and the total native residents of Weinan are only about 400,000.

Even so, we have to thank Sima Yi, the governor of Cao Wei. If Sima Yi hadn't moved 170,000 people from Guandong to Guanzhong for the purpose of farming in Guanzhong, it is estimated that the Guanzhong household registration would be even more unsightly.

In the end, the total population of Guanzhong, Weinan and Weibei was less than 700,000...

"Guanxi is broken...this is really not an empty talk." After Zhuge Liang saw the Guanzhong general household registration, he didn't know how to comment for a while.

"That's true." Ma Su also took a look and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's a pity that such a rich place in Guanzhong has been ruined due to war. It's really sad."

This is the Guanzhong Plain, which was once known as a fertile land with a population of millions! As a result, now including Dongyongzhou, the total population is less than 700,000, and it is indeed in dire straits.

However, although the population is small, there is a terrifying amount of arable land in Guanzhong. Especially in Weibei, at least half of the cultivated land is now deserted and uncared for.

These cultivated lands are not wastelands that need to be developed from scratch. Many of them are mature lands. The roads and villages are all ready-made, and there are local officials to guide them. They are all areas that are extremely suitable for farming.

As long as Guanzhong can be stabilized for three years, Zhuge Liang is confident that he can rely on these foundations to greatly enhance Ji Han's national power.

Of course, the ones who gained the most this time were the troops who surrendered. After the Huihui artillery showed its prowess, in just seven days, the Han army successively surrendered to the Wei army and surrendered tens of thousands of people.

After taking Chang'an, Sima Fu and his son also brought 20,000 Guanzhong troops. All these were digested by the Han army, which was regarded as a gain on the Eastern Front battlefield. At least 40,000 Guanzhong Qu were surrendered.

These are all elite units, and most of them have their own organizations. As long as the troops are reorganized and their morale is subdued, they can immediately go into battle.

Finally, there are the bureaucrats and local wealthy families, which gave Zhuge Liang a big surprise.

Even though Kansai is in ruins, many wealthy families still survive and still have a certain influence in the local area.

For example, the legal family in Fufeng County and the main family of Fazheng still survive, and they welcomed Master Wang as soon as the Han army entered Fufeng County. In addition to the Du family in Chang'an, this was the family of Du Yu, the famous general of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and the supporters who supported Ji Han's recovery of Guanzhong.

With so many powerful families and a lot of manpower, Zhuge Liang estimated that this could probably fill the talent gap of Ji Han.

All in all, this Northern Expedition was the most rewarding since the five years of Jianxing.

"It's just that I will be very busy next..." Zhuge Liang shook his head gently, and smiled helplessly as he looked at the mountain of official duties again.

It seems that his burden will not be lightened in a short time. At least until the Guanzhong talents are absorbed and digested, he will have to continue to work overtime.

"Prime Minister, it's better not to worry about this first. We still have to send troops to pursue Sima Yi." Ma Di reminded Zhuge Liang "kindly" from the side.

"Sima Yi led tens of thousands of Guanzhong troops to break out of the encirclement. If he runs back to Guandong, the future Eastern Expedition..."

"Okay, you don't need to knock on the side, I will send you to chase." Zhuge Liang pointed at Ma Su with his feather fan speechlessly, expressing his speechlessness at Ma Su's bellicose behavior.

When the Han army stormed Chang'an across the board and accepted the surrender of Guanzhong troops, Sima Yi led 30,000 Guanzhong troops to break out eastward. Reunited with Sun Li's headquarters near Yinban, and quickly broke through the blockade of Wei Yan and Liu Yin.

At the same time, Fei Yao, the guard of Wuguan, also abandoned the pass and sneaked past the side of Lishan Mountain with all his troops, trying to join Sima Yi.

During the process of breaking out of the encirclement, the Wei army gave Wei Yan and Liu Yin a lot of military honors because of their low morale. But in the end, after a brutal battle, Sima Yi joined Fei Yao and led nearly 40,000 Guanzhong troops to break out of the encirclement eastward.

Of the 100,000 Guanzhong troops, Sima Yi finally took away only nearly 40,000, and the rest were surrendered by the Han army. Zhuge Liang was very satisfied with this result, but Ma Su felt very inappropriate.

We can clearly leave him with only the bare commander, so why do we let so many people go?

So as soon as Zhuge Liang received all the files in Chang'an, Ma Di immediately wanted to fight and pursue him.

Zhuge Liang had nothing to do about this. After being asked to fight by Ma Su more than a dozen times, he finally nodded.

"Go and come back quickly... Also, take down Tongguan and push the front to Hongnong!" Zhuge Liang waved his hand to Ma Su, but suddenly remembered something, then raised his head and warned.

"His Majesty should be moving the capital back to Chang'an by July this year at the latest! I don't want Wei troops to still be active in Guanzhong before His Majesty comes to Chang'an!"

"Don't worry, Prime Minister! Give me three months, and I will capture the Baier Qin Pass for you and push the front to Luoyang Yin!" Ma Su replied with a smile, and was about to go out as he spoke.

But before he reached the door, Zhuge Liang remembered something again and called out to Ma Di again.

"By the way, You Chang, I heard that you captured a general from the pseudo-Wei clan? His name was Xiahou Ba?"

"That's right, he is being detained in Weibei now."

"Leave it to me, I need to replace it with someone from Pseudo Wei."

"Who does the Prime Minister plan to replace?" Ma Su was slightly startled and asked subconsciously.

"I miss Gongheng a little bit..." Zhuge Liang said leisurely.

"Since we said goodbye to Yiling, he has been living in the north for more than ten years. It's time for him to come back and reunite with his family."




When the Han army basically captured the entire Weinan and moved south to take over Wuguan, Ma Di left Chang'an with confidence and returned to the front line.

Ma Su quickly returned to Weibei, and then led several of his guards straight to the battlefield on the eastern front. Ma Su did not dare to stop along the way, and rushed straight to the front line.

He knew Sima Yi's speed. He could rush Meng Da in eight days. Who knows if he could reach Tongguan in eight days?

Ma Su didn't want the fat in his mouth to fly away, so he had to rush to the front line before Sima Yi.

So Ma Su ran all the way for five days and five nights, changing horses seven times along the way, and finally successfully arrived at Linjin in the early morning of the sixth day!

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