Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 404 Cao Wei’s first tough talk is Sima Yi

At the Wei army camp, many soldiers saw Zhuge Liang's high-profile gift giving. Moreover, Zhuge Liang could not hide the fact that he gave Sima Yi women's clothes, and soon many soldiers had heard about it.

If Sima Yi still refuses to fight and accepts Zhuge Liang's gift, the morale of the entire Wei army in Guanzhong will decline irreparably. All the soldiers knew that their leader was insulted by being sent to dress in women's clothing, but they were still intimidated.

In this way, the Wei soldiers could not hold their heads up even if they faced the Han army. It was really humiliating.

Although in the end, Sima Yi used the trick of asking for battle from thousands of miles away to suppress it, so that the morale of all the soldiers was not low. But after all, this is drinking poison to quench thirst. Once it is repeated too many times, sooner or later morale will collapse.

But there was nothing Sima Yi could do. He really couldn't beat him, and it was definitely impossible to fight. And he didn't expect that Zhuge Liang, as a famous gentleman in the Shu Han Dynasty, was so talented at insulting people.

No wonder Ma Su is so talkative, it turns out to be the inheritance of his master!

But it is indeed wrong to say that Sima Yi gained nothing. Although the messenger was quickly expelled, he was not driven away immediately.

Before being driven back to the Shu army camp, Sima Yi also arranged for his confidants to make insidious inquiries about the situation of Zhuge Liang and others. The messenger thought that Sima Yi had been provoked and was in the mood, so he casually revealed a few secrets that were not confidential.

"Our prime minister is the most diligent prime minister in the Han Dynasty. He will personally handle matters involving more than a hundred battles. The entire army admires the prime minister. Even the attendants often say that the prime minister has a poor appetite and eats a little less."

"Prince Taifu? He is the number one general of our Han Dynasty, and all generals who are good at fighting are willing to drive him. He is just too warlike. In the past few days, he has been kicked out of the military tent by the Prime Minister several times for asking for war."

"Chiang Changshi is a famous minister of our Han Dynasty. He is personally responsible for the logistics of the Northern Expedition. He is much better than your commander-in-chief..."

This information is not confidential, so the messenger also revealed a little. The core point is that we are strong, our top and bottom are harmonious, and our leaders are all talented, and you can't compare to them.

If you had enough sense, you would have voted earlier, and you would have done well under our big leadership team.

However, when all this information was gathered to Sima Yi, Sima Yi saw a lot of things. After pondering for a long time, Sima Yi suddenly laughed.

"Why is the governor laughing?" The generals on one side were puzzled when they saw this situation. Guo Huai was the first to ask.

"I laugh at Zhuge Liang for his lack of strategy, Ma Di for his lack of wisdom, and Jiang Wan for his lack of talent." Sima Yi smiled and shook his head, looking much more confident.

"If you have troubles and have little food, you will last a long time! Liang will die!"

"How can a good soldier survive without a plan? He will perish!"

"How can you survive if you are weak and have worked hard for a long time? Wan will not die soon!"

"I think these three people are the pillars of Western Shu. They will not live long now. Even if Western Shu has millions of elite soldiers, what threat can they pose?"

"Generals, don't worry, Zhuge Liang and Ma Di have fallen into my trap!"

Sima Yi's words sounded reasonable and well-founded, and coupled with his confident attitude, the generals were doubtful.

Sima Yi has been in charge of Guanzhong for many years, and his ability and knowledge are obvious to all. He is indeed stronger than all of them. Even though he often had the habit of speaking harshly, the generals were still willing to believe Sima Yi's words.

However, someone asked Sima Yi about his strategy, but Sima Yi replied that it was a secret and could not be spread outside. Just wait and see how I defeat the Shu army.

But to put it bluntly, he can have a stupid plan, just to beat the old man.

In fact, he was not sure whether Zhuge Liang was dying. Sima Yi couldn't even think about whether Ma Su would die.

But Jiang Wan, Sima Yi has absolute confidence that this person will not live long. If he dies, no one will be able to take over Shuhan's logistics in a short time.

And not only Jiang Wan, but Sima Yi also found out that many officials serving in Shu Han were already very old. For this Northern Expedition, many people who had retired and were about to die were dragged north.

In other words, the rapidly expanding regime of Shu Han has almost reached the limit of war. Even if they fight a protracted war this time, the high-intensity war will never last long.

So as long as we can hold on and get rid of the Shu army alive, the situation will be much better in the future. Many officials in the Shu Han Dynasty will die of old age and illness, and their already scarce talents will become even more nervous.

Even in order to stabilize domestic operations, many military officers have to transition to handle internal affairs. By then, when even the army lacks talents, Shu Han may not be able to have such a strong force.

Therefore, after understanding this series of objectively existing situations, the Shu army was not so scary in Sima Yi's eyes. As long as the master and apprentice can be saved, even if they live for another twenty years, the threat to Guanzhong will quickly decrease.

After all, how can anything happen just by counting on two people...

In response, Sima Yi became more determined to defend and stop the Shu army no matter what.

In response, Sima Yi sent someone to urge Chen Tai to move the people north of the Wei River to Weinan as soon as possible. Not only did they want to move the population away, but they also burned all the grain outside the city, striving to strengthen the walls and clear the country, so that the Shu Han would not be able to expropriate a grain of grain locally.

The Shu army cannot obtain food locally, which will inevitably accelerate their logistics consumption. If possible, Sima Yi even wanted to destroy Chidao so that the Shu army would not be able to transport food.

Unfortunately, the quality of the Chidao built by the Qin Dynasty was a bit too good, and it was a bit difficult to destroy, so Sima Yi gave up the idea.

In the following days, Sima Yi continued to dig deep trenches and high bases, avoiding the provocation of the Shu army. Whenever a soldier was angry and the general came to inquire, Sima Yi would say that he had asked His Majesty to fight and was waiting for His Majesty's order.

According to Sima Yi's plan, this model will continue in the future. Until Chen Tai moved the people of Weibei to Chang'an, and after the walls were fortified and the country was cleared, he could calmly withdraw to Chang'an.

However, as expected, this fantasy turned out to be unexpected.

A few days later, on a moonless night, when the night was dark and windy, a fire suddenly broke out outside the Wei army's North Camp. Several rows of antlers lined up outside the camp began to burn brightly. Under the light of the fire, countless Han soldiers took advantage of the darkness and came out to kill them.

"I am Tianshui Jiang Boyue!"

"Longyou Shuji is here, who dares to fight with me!"

Jiang Wei and Shu Ji suddenly led their troops to attack the Wei army's northern camp from west to east, marking the official start of the Han army's attack.

Beida Camp was fiercely attacked by the Han army. Guo Huai, who was guarding here, was shocked. He quickly reported to the Chinese army and asked for reinforcements.

Sima Yi, who was in the Chinese army's tent, suddenly became gloomy when he received the news that the Han army had finally launched a strong attack.

"Sure enough, it's here, Zhuge Villager still can't hold it in any longer!"

"But, is your target really Beida Camp?"

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