People have a herd mentality. When many people saw the Mi family exchanging the dragon coins without hesitation, they all put aside their hesitations and went to the trading house to exchange the dragon coins.

When more and more caravans, led by the Mi family, exchanged dragon coins for dragon coins despite the low exchange rate, all the caravans no longer hesitated and exchanged the copper coins they carried for dragon coins.

With the exchange rate of one to two, Liu Feng successfully used Longguo Trading Company to make a fortune and cut off the caravans and aristocratic families of the seven countries like leeks.

With this large amount of Han-made copper coins, the minters had new raw materials to cast dragon coins.

The caravans from various countries who got the dragon coins also showed various expressions.

The Mi family in Xuzhou, represented by Mi Fang, the Lu family who followed Sun Ce and moved to Runan, and the Wei family in Hedong are all top merchant families in the world, with countless properties in their hands.

Although they exchanged all the copper coins they had prepared for the auction in Dragon Kingdom into dragon coins, and the number was several times that of many small caravans, they did not feel distressed at all.

Mi Fang is even very happy, because a high exchange rate will definitely scare away some competitors with insufficient funds, and the fewer competitors, the more likely he is to obtain Wei's agency at a relatively low price.

As for the huge amount of copper coins he invested, they were just a drop in the bucket in the eyes of the Mi family, so he didn't care at all and didn't feel any distress at all.

The Runan Lu family and the Hedong Wei family also had this idea, so they didn't care about spending a large amount of copper coins in exchange for dragon coins.

However, the three of them could not care about these capital investments, mainly because they were already extremely wealthy, and the money they spent was not enough to damage their roots.

However, many small family caravans feel very sad about such an exchange rate.

In order to make money, they spent almost all their family's property before they made up their mind to compete with these big businessmen for the agency rights of Longguo Fine Wine.

They only thought that as long as they could win the agency rights, they could transform their family from a third-rate or fourth-rate small family into the top family in the country.

But apparently the money they paid exceeded their imagination.

I thought I would come here this time and since there were multiple bidders, I would get the best one. Even if the bid failed, I would not lose anything.

But they didn't expect that if they wanted to participate in the auction, they would have to exchange copper coins into dragon coins in advance, otherwise they would not be able to enter the venue. Moreover, such a low exchange rate caused their property to be reduced by half in an instant.

So at this time they even had some regrets.

There are also some caravans, although their own strength is not as strong as the top merchants such as the Mi family and the Lu family, but their families also have a small amount of money. Although they don't feel sad about it, they don't care.

Therefore, they are more nervous. They want to take away the agency rights at all costs, but they are also worried about this because of their own strength.

However, no matter what the mood of these caravan people was, the Longguo Fine Wine Auction started on time at Chenshi the next morning.

The location of this auction was chosen at the Dragon City Academy branch in Xindu City.

This Dragon City Academy was also newly built by Liu Feng after he established the capital of Xindu City. Since it is an academy in the capital city, even though the headquarters is still in Longcheng and its name is Dragon City Academy, as a branch, it is still one of the Dragon City academies in various places. The largest among them.

The largest book club in the academy can accommodate 2,000 people.

And because it was built by a third-turn architect, although the bookstore is huge and very empty, the architect used his third-turn construction skills to make the speaker on the high platform in front of him speak loudly without using tools.

And if you are speaking in the audience, no matter how loud your voice is, it will be controlled at a volume that others can hear but will not feel noisy at all.

After the auction started, Zhen Yi, as the host, has been standing in front of the stage, presiding over the entry of caravans from various countries and assigning seats to them.

The scene of this auction was very lively. Businessmen and aristocratic families from eight countries gathered together. Such a lively scene and such a complete gathering had never happened before in history.

Even the Dragon City Poetry Fair a few years ago was not as big as this auction.

Although the literati from all over the world were gathered that time, each major family would only send one or two young men as representatives at most.

As for this auction, everyone who came to participate must have brought a lot of money, so naturally in addition to the businessmen who led the team to participate in the bidding, someone also had to be responsible for guarding and transporting the money.

Therefore, the aristocratic families and businessmen who came to participate in the auction all brought at least thirty or fifty people.

In terms of number of people, this auction was much larger than the last poetry fair.

Liu Feng's ability to bring together the world's literati and the world's most wealthy businessmen twice demonstrated his extraordinary charisma and intelligence.

As the auction officially began, everyone focused on Zhen Yi on the stage, and the venue instantly became quiet.

First, Zhen Yi once again explained the meaning of agency.

The so-called agency right is just the right to sell Longguo fine wine locally on behalf of Longguo.

However, as the original product, this Longguo fine wine is only brewed in Longcheng, and the agents who have obtained the sales rights need to buy it back according to the original price of Longguo fine wine before selling it.

Naturally, caravans without agency rights cannot purchase Long Kingdom fine wine.

As for how much they are going to set the selling price, because it has gone beyond the scope of the Dragon Kingdom and has reached other countries, the Dragon Kingdom will no longer control it.

Therefore, if no one buys the Dragon Kingdom fine wine after taking it back, the agent will even have to sell it below the set price in order not to lose everything. And if there are many people buying it, the agent can also raise the price on its own.

Of course, Longguo fine wine has long been famous, so there will be no situation where it cannot be sold.

Therefore, even if only the agency rights were auctioned, various merchant families still rushed to bid after the auction began.

Some bought the agency rights of a county for one hundred thousand dragon coins, some bought the agency rights of a county for one million dragon coins, and some bought the agency rights of a state for tens of millions of dragon coins.

After a morning of fierce competition, in the end, the Mi family of Xuzhou, the Lu family of the Lusu family who followed Sun Ce and moved to Runan County, and the Wei family of Hedong all bid for 100 million dragon coins for Wei, Wu and Lang respectively. of agency.

The Shu Kingdom Business Alliance and the Feng Kingdom Business Alliance also purchased the agency rights of the Shu Kingdom and Feng Kingdom for 100 million dragon coins.

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