This Warm Marriage is Bone-deep Sweet

Chapter 19: My car is Phaeton!

  Chapter 19 The car I ride is Phaeton!

  "Miss Yan, take a look at this photo. Did you ride this car yesterday?"

  Yan Shiqi's gaze followed the police officer, and when he saw him pushing a photo from the table to front of him, after careful identification, he shook his head indifferently, "No!"

  Such an answer surprised the police officer, but he couldn’t help but stare at each other.

  It is inconsistent with the results of their previous investigation and evidence collection...

  According to Qiao Feibai’s testimony, Yan Shiqi said goodbye to them and got on the car. Because of this, she was hit by a car last night and her calf was broken, and she recognized it immediately.

  However, Yan Shiqi’s response was different.

  The police officer frowned slightly and tapped on the photo, seemingly reminded: "Miss Yan, take a closer look. You really don't recognize this car?"

  Yan Shiqi suddenly looked at the police officer strangely, her eyes flashed, and she recalled certain fragments, and combined with her guess, she had a clue in a moment, "Did it hit Qiao Feibai?"

  The police officer did not conceal, “Yes! The information of this escape car was retrieved from the vehicle management. The owner’s name is O. We compared it with the monitoring of the accident section yesterday, and it is indeed the same one.”

   "Hmm..." Yan Shiqi nodded clearly, and then faced the police officer with clear eyes, "I haven't seen or knew the owner of the car surnamed Ou."

  Police Officer: "..."

  The atmosphere is very delicate for a while!

  The attitude of the police officer is still calm, but his complexion is anxious. The oral evidence of the two parties is different, and one party must be lying.

  Do not wait for them to continue to ask, Yan Shiqi gave the ultimate answer: "This car is an ordinary Magotan. The car I got on after I separated from Qiao Feibai yesterday is a new Phaeton!"

  Almost the same appearance, but there is a world of difference.

   Hearing this, the faces of the two police officers were instantly ugly.

The police officer who asked    stared at Yan Shiqi intently. In his line of sight, Yan Shiqi was self-assured and clear-eyed. He stared at him without evasiveness, allowing him to look at him.

  Compared with Qiao Feibai’s unspoken attitude with tears in the ward, and when writing her transcripts, most of them bowed their heads and had very little eye contact with them. Thinking about it at this time, I'm afraid there are traces of deliberate concealment.

  Based on past experience, they are more willing to choose to believe in Yan Shiqi's words.

  After all, a person’s character is obvious.

  From beginning to end, on Yan Shiqi's attractive face, there has not been any slight change, and his speech and behavior are even more generous.


  In the quiet interrogation room, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

  Two police officers with different thoughts hurriedly put away their speculations, and when they opened the door, they saw the instructor standing outside.

   "Guide Liu, why are you here?"

  The auxiliary police hurriedly got up to give him a seat, and the other party raised his hand slightly to greet the two of them to go out.

  Only Yan Shiqi's interrogation room remained, and the solemnity and quiet were restored again.

  She lowered her head and fiddled with her nails, connecting a series of events in her mind.

  Qiao Feibai gave her a ‘great gift’ so well, how can she thank her? !

After a while, the police officer who had been asking questions entered the house alone. He picked up the folders on the table and held them in his arms. At the same time, he said to Yan Shiqi: "Miss Yan, thank you for cooperating with our work. We will follow up. Announce the results of the investigation as soon as possible!"

  Yan Shiqi looked up at him. After feeling relaxed, he smiled comfortably, "Then trouble the police comrades!"

   "No trouble, no trouble, I will send you out!"

  The attitude of the case-handling personnel is not much different, but Yan Shiqi somehow sensed that he seemed to be nervous.

  (End of this chapter)

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