This Star Wants To Retire

Chapter 767 Everything Has Just Begun

In the United States, Jeffrey, the director of "Apostle of Doom 2", watched the first-day box office of "The Wandering Earth" and fell into a long silence.

With a box office of 278 million Huaxia coins, it ranks No. 1 in Huaxia's summer vacation, and it is also the No. 1 fault.

In this year's China summer vacation, the second highest box office is a Hollywood imported blockbuster called "Star Warrior 6".

This is a big IP of Bluestar Hollywood. Although its influence abroad is not as exaggerated as "Star Wars" on Earth, it is somewhat similar.

In this movie, there are also things similar to lightsabers. Many viewers still find it very enjoyable to watch the lightsaber battle.

This "Star Warrior" series of movies will be released at the same time as Director Jie's "Apostle of Doom 2".

Jeffrey never thought that the global box office would surpass "Star Warrior 6", this is an existence he needs to look up to.

But who would have thought that its box office on the first day in China was overwhelmed by "The Wandering Earth", only 132 million, less than half of "The Wandering Earth"!

There is no way, Luo Mo is now China's box office myth.

He is a three-dwelling superstar in film and television, and stands at the top in every field.

Even if he made a piece of shit, based on his previous film reputation, the box office of this shit would not be low on the first day.

"You still underestimated him." Director Jeffery said in his heart.

His initial guess was around 200 million.

However, as a mature director, he knows very well that the box office on the first day does not represent anything.

The box office on the first day is linked to too many factors.

Whether the movie will be a hit at the box office in the end depends on the follow-up.

To put it simply, it still depends on the movie to look good.

Everything else is imaginary.

For the time being, Director Jie has no place to fully understand the quality and reputation of "The Wandering Earth".

He still has the same attitude as before.

He doesn't think Huaxia can make good science fiction movies.

This field belongs only to us!

At the same time, he even feels that "The Wandering Earth" can have such a high box office on the first day, and he has contributed a lot.

Luo Mo kept firing at his movies, and many Chinese audiences would naturally go after his new movie, and then went to the cinema to give away money.

"The audience seems to be doing charity." He also felt sorry for the Huaxia people.

He felt that maybe with this wave of hype and a series of gimmicks, "The Wandering Earth" could become the domestic sci-fi champion in the history of Chinese box office movies.

However, it may not be easy for this movie to pay back.

"Although the box office of "Star Warrior 6" is lower than it now, it is estimated that it will surpass it in a few days."

"Chinese people cannot resist the charm of our Hollywood blockbusters!"

In the hearts of most Hollywood directors, as long as their special effects blockbusters are released in China, they will make money!

As a well-known IP in Hollywood, "Star Warrior" is very well-known all over the world.

With it being released at the same time, and comparing the two, Chinese audiences will naturally know what a sci-fi blockbuster is!

At that time, "The Wandering Earth" will only be ridiculed!



That night, Luo Mo slept peacefully.

He knew very well that everything had just begun.

But what he didn't expect was that upon waking up, "The Wandering Earth" became the top search list.

As the king of hot searches in China, dominating the hot search list is a trivial matter.

Others dream of the last hot search, but for him it is just commonplace.

He can easily reach the top of the hot search list if he changes his hairstyle!

The reason why Luo Mo was surprised was because the hot search terms were as follows:

"【Yao Yu praised "The Wandering Earth".】"

"[Cao Tong praised "The Wandering Earth".]"

Several big names in the literary world praised the movie, saying that after watching it in the theater, they were shocked and moved.

Yao Yu said that he was very happy to see that Huaxia was able to make such a good domestic science fiction film. He was very optimistic about the future of Huaxia's science fiction and felt that good science fiction films would continue to appear in the future.

At the same time, everyone said that "China has no science fiction", referring not only to the film field, but to the entire entertainment industry.

There are no good science fiction dramas in China, nor are there good science fiction novels.

Yao Yu, Cao Tong, and others, as bigwigs in the literary world, sincerely hoped that some high-quality sci-fi works would appear one after another in the field of literature.

With the promotion of these literary giants, "The Wandering Earth" can be said to be a big hit.

Early in the morning, netizens were discussing hotly.

"Fuck! I wanted to wait and see, buy a ticket!"

"Laughing, my Chinese teacher told me to read Yao Yu and Cao Tong's books during the summer vacation, but Yao Yu and Cao Tong told me to go to the movies!"

"I'm sorry teacher, I want to watch "The Wandering Earth" first."

"They all said it looks good, so it must be awesome."

"Don't hesitate, everyone. My wife watched it yesterday, and she told me it looked good when she got home."

"Luo Mo is awesome, let them promote the movie again!"

"Strange, where's Huo Yuan?"

"Yes! Why didn't my teacher Huo speak this time?"

"Happy little old man, didn't you go to see it together this time?"

"It doesn't make sense. It feels like Huo Yuan is the organizer of this kind of event, right?"

I have to say that there are a few big names in the literary world on the platform, so many people really bought tickets to watch "The Wandering Earth".

At the same time, netizens also understand Huo Yuan.

Cao Tong's wheelchair, if he hadn't carried it into the movie theater, I would be the first to not believe it!

Therefore, many sand sculpture netizens are also wondering.

"Could it be that Huo Yuan doesn't like it?"

"Teacher Huo may like works that are more realistic and less painful."

"It's normal. It's impossible for everyone to like a movie. These people must have higher standards than us."

"It's a pity, I can't see the funny video of Mr. Huo praising the movie."

In fact, does Huo Yuan really dislike "The Wandering Earth"?

of course not!

He may be the one who likes this movie the most among these few people.

So, why didn't he take the initiative to stand for the movie like he did when he watched "Let the Bullets Fly" last time?

The reason is simple - he is holding back!



At two o'clock in the afternoon, the box office of "The Wandering Earth" had already exceeded 200 million.

That's a scary number.

If nothing else, today's single-day box office must be more than 300 million.

Interestingly, there is also a circle of friends of a Chinese teacher, which has become popular on the Internet.

Before the summer vacation, among the books she recommended to the students were the works of Yao Yu and others.

Good guy, a student recommended "The Wandering Earth" to her and told her to watch it.

The teacher felt dumbfounded, so he posted a circle of friends and said that he would watch it.

——You don’t know something, but in fact, teacher, I am a Mosheng person behind my back!

And at three o'clock in the afternoon, Huo Yuan, who had been silent all this time, joined the "battle situation".

How could he not participate in such a lively event?

The reason why Huo Yuan joined in so late was because Yao Yu and the others wrote short things, while he wrote long ones!

Yes, Mr. Huo Yuan actually wrote a film review for "The Wandering Earth"!

This is scary!

After Luo Mo heard the news, he was a little confused.

"For other films, people are looking for someone to write a film review. Most of them are looking for film critics, Internet celebrities and the like. Those with strong connections will find expert judges for some awards, or find some famous directors and screenwriters."

"But Huo Yuan is the one who has won the highest level of national literature awards!"

"It's no exaggeration to say that he is worth a fortune!"

Film reviews of this level cannot be obtained by spending money.

This makes people in the movie circle feel envious and jealous!

However, some people laughed out loud in their hearts.

"It's not necessarily a good thing if the movie reviews are too popular!"

"Most movie reviews will bring spoilers!"

"In this way, it may affect the movie."

In the end, when these people read Huo Yuan's film review, they didn't have too many spoilers!

Obviously, when Huo Yuan was writing, he carefully avoided these things.

——"Have a Heart".

In this film review, he said with satisfaction: "Although there are already Hollywood in the field of sci-fi movies, there is also a need for Chinese-style sci-fi movies."

He has repeatedly emphasized that "The Wandering Earth" is a standard Chinese science fiction.

At the same time, from the core point of view, this is also a standard anti-Hollywood film.

Huo Yuan also said: "In this movie, there should actually be countless stories hidden, but we are watching this movie from the perspective of the protagonist group. The camera is following the protagonist group, so what we see is their story. .”

"Most of the traditional Hollywood disaster films we have seen before, or commercial science fiction films, mostly have saviors, superheroes, and god-like plots."

"But what touched me the most in "The Wandering Earth" was this kind of anti-individual heroism."

"After watching this movie, I probably understand why Luo Mo insists on making a sci-fi movie, and has to invest so much money to fight to the death."

"There is already Hollywood in the world, and there is already a very mature film industry system."

"However, we still need our own Chinese-style movies, because we have our own culture and values. We should not always passively accept the output of others. We should also fight for many public opinion positions!"

"A long time ago, a great man taught us: the history of mankind is not promoted by individual heroes, but by the people. The view of heroic history is incorrect!"

"I'm not going to spoil it here. At the end of the movie, the job the hero devotes himself to is actually a good proof of this point."

In the movie, Liu Qi finally became a junior driver.

The only thing special is that he wears a medal.

Instead of being a hero to all mankind, he became a novice pilot.

Because the earth was saved because of many, many people.

He's just one of them.

"It is often the people themselves who save the people."

"Although this movie is a sci-fi movie, in my opinion, two words are highlighted in many places - real!"

On the earth, many people complained about this movie, saying that a group of little kids who didn't understand anything actually saved the whole world in the end.

But is this really the case?

Of course not.

Even when the engine's beam of light was raised at the end to ignite Jupiter, three beams of light were raised!

Beside other engines, there are also people who are making the same efforts as the protagonist group.

At the end of this 1,000-word film review, Huo Yuan also wrote:

"I don't know why, but after watching this movie, I remembered the year of the earthquake. In [Top Ten People Who Touched China], there was a very special 'character'—all Chinese people."

"This reminds me that every time the Chinese people face natural disasters, do they rely on one person or a few heroes?"

"No, it relies on the overnight calculations of engineers, the saturated rescue of countless soldiers, and the self-rescue and mutual help of countless ordinary people."

"Long live the people!"

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