This star doesn’t work overtime

Chapter 514 512 Three months of rest? The notification fee remains unchanged!

The entire entertainment industry is actually paying attention to Wang Cheng's news.


Follow Wang Cheng to get traffic, and follow Wang Cheng to make money.

This is already the truth conclusion reached by many celebrities in the industry after tasting the sweetness.

Along the way, Wang Cheng has become famous among those who have collaborated with him on programs.

For example, An Keru and Zhang Hanwen, who have made movies with Wang Cheng, have become very popular and made a lot of money at the same time.

Everyone who appeared on the show with Wang Cheng received waves of popularity.

Who among the many other celebrities, artists, and entertainment companies wouldn’t want such an opportunity?


After all the big-name celebrities and artists finished Wang Cheng's show, they quickly rushed to make announcements while also keeping an eye on Wang Cheng's activities, waiting to see which TV station Wang Cheng would cooperate with in the next announcement and what content he would be on. They will also immediately prepare for the show.


Suddenly news came out that Wang Cheng was going to take a three-month vacation?

This makes all the celebrities and artists look confused...

Three months off!

Which star artist in his prime now dares to do this?

We have just gone through the traffic era, and there are a lot of new faces that are hyped every year. Many celebrities and artists are very nervous, fearing that they will be eliminated if they are not careful, so they always accept the announcements and film appointments. As long as the money is available, I will accept any job, thinking of making money as soon as possible while I am popular and have traffic.

How dare you take a break for several months at a time?

When you come back after a three-month break, everyone may have forgotten who you are, so who else will spend money to invite you to appear on the show and film?


When they heard that Wang Cheng was going to take a three-month break, they didn't believe it at first.

But then I thought it was Wang Cheng...

They were all relieved.

Li Youhua and Jiang Bin were in the capital, drinking tea with Xie Xingfeng. When they heard the news, the three of them were stunned.

Jiang Bin smiled bitterly and said: "Look, this is a really capable person. He doesn't care about money at all, nor does he care about popularity. He just takes a rest."

Li Youhua shook his head slightly and said: "He really doesn't care about money and traffic. However, these will not be less. Even if he takes a three-month break and does not show his face, his popularity and popularity will definitely be the first. His works participate in national touring exhibitions. , this is enough to keep him warm.”

"The Matrix is ​​still in theaters, with a box office of 200-300 million yuan, and the popularity of the movie is still high every day, which is incredible."

"And the music works he released during the Spring Festival are still the most popular. Those songs can be heard everywhere on the Internet."

"I heard that he wants to retire, and he is indeed eligible to retire."

Li Youhua's words left Jiang Bin speechless and helpless. He really had nothing to do with such an opponent.

His strength and talent are unparalleled, and his moral character and personal life are also flawless, which even his opponents admire, and many literary works have made him a fan.

How does this work?

We can only give in temporarily.

Xie Xingfeng drank tea and said softly: "It's Director Qin and the others who should be anxious now. Wang Cheng takes three months off. They want to spend money to buy Wang Cheng's popularity and traffic in one go. They won't be able to achieve their goals in three months. After that, Wang Cheng’s popularity and traffic will definitely still be very high, but it will definitely not be comparable to what it is now. By then, it will be very difficult to continue to invite Wang Cheng on the show to create ratings of more than ten points!"

"However, this is a good thing for us. By then, my new movie can be officially launched."

Xie Xingfeng obviously felt relieved.

He has recently been frightened by the box office and popularity of The Matrix, so he has been hesitating about the new film and has not yet approved the project.

He is afraid that if it is released by then, if he encounters Wang Cheng's new movie, he will really be doomed...

And he is currently on an upward trend. Once he fails once, the upward momentum will be interrupted, and the difficulty of continuing to rise will increase exponentially.

"I heard that The Matrix has signed a contract with Hollywood giant Snow Mountain Film and Television. They will distribute The Matrix in overseas markets, and Wang Cheng received 10% of the box office share."

Xie Xingfeng added.

Jiang Bin was stunned for a moment and widened his eyes: "Will a world film and television giant like Xueshan Film and Television compromise with Wang Cheng and give up a share of the box office?"

Xie Xingfeng nodded: "It's true. I heard that the Hollywood professional team from Snow Mountain Film and Television came to watch The Matrix several times, and finally gave it a very high evaluation. They felt that they would not lose money at the box office after the introduction, and then they focused on It’s the overseas adaptation rights of this film.”

"This is a sci-fi blockbuster with a typical Hollywood style. If they adapt it and film it, replace all their people with it and release it, the box office will definitely be a hit!"

Jiang Bin and Li Youhua both had a flash of envy after hearing this.

This is the first domestic film that made Hollywood giants compromise, which can almost be said to be of landmark significance.

This also opened a door for them to see the possibility of domestic movies becoming a hit.

Therefore, Li Youhua's new film is also a work with a science fiction theme.

Jiang Bin is also looking for screenwriters and literary authors who are good at science fiction works in the circle, and invites them to write a satisfactory science fiction movie script.

However, people in the industry who are good at science fiction are more in demand now.

Several special effects companies that cooperated with Wang Cheng at the beginning have now reserved their orders for two years, which is as good as the previous ones.

Xie Xingfeng's eyes were also full of helplessness.

If he could invite Wang Cheng, he would be confident.


No matter how high the salary is for Wang Cheng, it will be meaningless to the success of The Matrix!

And now.

Rubik's Cube Entertainment sent a major signal by agreeing to Wang Cheng's three-month leave.

That is!

Rubik's Cube Entertainment completely compromised and admitted defeat to Wang Cheng, and would not embarrass Wang Cheng again in the future. The conflict between the two parties ended with the Rubik's Cube Entertainment's compromise.

Then, it would be almost impossible for others to rely on the conflict between Rubik's Cube Entertainment and Wang Cheng to find out.

In the future, there will be no more lucky ones like Central Plains TV, Beijing Satellite TV, and Ganxi Satellite TV!

If you want to invite Wang Cheng, you have to rely on sincerity with real money or absolutely good program ideas to impress Wang Cheng.

Film and television crews like Xie Xingfeng directly cut off the possibility of inviting Wang Cheng.

Because no crew can offer Wang Cheng a salary of several billion!

Qin Shangran was really depressed at this time. After receiving Shen Shenghui's rejection call and the news that Wang Cheng was going to take a three-month vacation, he immediately said: "Director Shen, I will now book Wang Cheng's first time to resume work in three months." How about the schedule? The price remains unchanged and we are very sincere."

Shen Shenghui, who was opposite him, was slightly surprised after hearing Qin Shangran's words.

I still don’t know what will happen three months later.

But what is certain is that in three months, Wang Cheng's popularity and popularity will definitely not be as good as it is now.

After all, Wang Cheng can almost be said to have a lot of popularity now.

The works released during the Spring Festival Gala are still selling well and being played everywhere. The Matrix is ​​still in theaters, the box office is still high, and there are still a lot of discussions every day.

Several works released on the CCTV program that I just appeared on, such as Shui Tiao Ge Tou, Song of Everlasting Regret, etc., are also extremely popular.

Coupled with the nationwide touring exhibition of works supported by the state's official support, it is the hottest topic at the moment.

With a lot of popularity added, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is the most popular moment for Wang Cheng since his debut...

Therefore, it is not too much for Qin Shangran to continue to quote a single-issue notice fee of 3 billion!

However, after three months, this price will definitely be extremely high.

Shen Shenghui did not expect that Qin Shangran would continue to spend so much money.

However, Shen Shenghui did not dare to agree like this. Now he is acting as a sounding board for matters concerning Wang Cheng, leaving it to Wang Cheng himself or Qin Yuhai to decide, so he smiled and said: "Director Qin, your sincerity, I will Convey it to our President Qin, as well as Wang Cheng himself. As for whether they agree or not, I can't decide, you know this!"

Qin Shangran said helplessly: "Okay, I know. I met Mr. Qin at Shuangxing two days ago and chatted for a few words. Now Mr. Qin is more energetic."

This is Qin Shangran's evaluation of Qin Yuhai. Now Qin Yuhai is indeed more generous and generous than before, and his vision has risen to a higher level. He has transformed from an entertainment industry boss to a real shopping mall boss.

Shen Shenghui kept smiling: "I will tell Mr. Qin!"

Qin Shangran: "Okay!"

hang up the phone.

Shen Shenghui contacted Zhang Huizhong, Wu Tong, Li Guang, Liu Jiahui and others one by one. What surprised him was that these people actually directly represented the TV stations and capital behind them. Like Qin Shangran, they now wanted to keep the original price and book Wang Cheng. Three months later, it is as if the three billion funds are not regarded as money.

It seems that there is no fear that Wang Cheng's personality will collapse and his popularity will collapse in three months.

However, Shen Shenghui changed his mind and smiled bitterly.

For those who know Wang Cheng in the industry, who would believe that Wang Cheng’s popularity and persona would collapse?

People don’t care about character design at all!

Moreover, people don't care about fame and fortune at all.

After contacting each other one by one, Shen Shenghui went to Qin Yuhai's office to report the situation.

Qin Yuhai drank tea and said softly: "It turns out that they may not care about the current profits and losses, but they want to invest in Wang Cheng for the long term! Wang Cheng alone will get three billion, even if the ratings exceed ten points, in the short term It’s impossible to make a profit. They can’t take away Wang Cheng’s works!”

"They just want to own more of Wang Cheng's variety shows."

"The more Wang Cheng wants to rest now, the more urgent they may be."

Shen Shenghui's eyes widened and he asked doubtfully: "Why? Wang Cheng didn't disappear immediately!"

Qin Yuhai sighed and said, "Wang Cheng's contract is about to expire. Don't you remember what Wang Cheng said at the beginning?"

Shen Shenghui immediately woke up and knew what Qin Yuhai meant.

Once Wang Cheng's contract expires, Wang Cheng may quit the entertainment industry!

Then, to the entertainment industry, won't Wang Cheng just disappear?

It is impossible for the audience to see Wang Cheng again. They can only watch the videos of Wang Cheng's previous programs over and over again to miss the shock that Wang Cheng once brought to them.

Many of the variety shows that Wang Cheng has appeared on will become classics and out of print, and their value will definitely soar in the future!

Shen Shenghui understood and his eyes flashed: "Then Mr. Qin!"

Qin Yuhai immediately said: "Yes! We must try our best to own the current copyright share of the programs that Wang Cheng has appeared on. This may become one of our most valuable assets in the future."

Qin Yuhai wanted to say that if he could own the copyright of Wang Cheng's music, literature, film and television works, that would be the real and most precious gold mine!

It's a pity that it is no longer possible for him to get involved.

At this time, he can only get involved in other variety show copyrights through Wang Chenglai to enrich the copyright library of Rubik's Cube Entertainment.

Just like Wang Cheng's traditional cultural programs on CCTV, Rubik's Cube Entertainment owns part of the copyright and can enjoy copyright dividends in the future. The same is true for Ganxi Satellite TV's programs.

And the greatest wealth is of course the idol of tomorrow that Wang Cheng dated before.

Thinking about it now, Qin Yuhai is still proud of the deal that forced Penguin Entertainment to compromise. Now Penguin Entertainment must be regretting it, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Because Wang Cheng's agent is under Rubik's Cube Entertainment.

The two chatted for a while, and Qin Yuhai finally said: "You can handle the company's affairs yourself recently. If you can, leave me alone."

Shen Shenghui asked in surprise: "Mr. Qin also needs to take a break?"

Qin Yuhai nodded: "Yes, I also want to rest for a while, and occasionally take time to sit with Wang Cheng."

Shen Shenghui suddenly understood that Qin Yuhai had really taken action to please Wang Cheng and become Wang Cheng's friend.

However, Shen Shenghui is still not optimistic.

A beautiful woman like Xia Xi, who brought disaster to the country and the people, stayed by Wang Cheng's side every day to please her, but failed to get Wang Cheng to take a second look at her. How could Qin Yuhai, a wealthy man, succeed?

However, Shen Shenghui knew that the company would be very busy next.

Because Wang Cheng is on vacation.

The entire entertainment industry will also become restless, and many other celebrities will definitely become active. They will release songs when they should, hype when they should, and appear on programs when they should. They will no longer keep a low profile because of Wang Cheng.

There will also be some pressure on Rubik's Cube Entertainment!

Wen Yixiao was also Wang Cheng's neighbor. She was also at home at this time. When she learned about Wang Cheng's vacation, she also picked up the phone and called Yu Jinghong: "Sister Hong, I also want to take a three-month vacation."

Yu Jinghong said helplessly: "Yixiao, Wang Cheng's three-month vacation is actually an opportunity for you. Without Wang Cheng, you will be the most popular one. At this time, whether you release songs or appear on shows, you will be the most popular one." You are the protagonist. The company already has plans for you, and will invest a lot of resources during this period to attract traffic to you and attract fans..."

Wen Yixiao immediately said: "No, I want to take a vacation!"

Yu Jinghong was silent for a moment, and then said: "What about your job?"

Wen Yixiao: "Turn it down. If there is a breach of contract, I will pay the liquidated damages myself."

Yu Jinghong had nothing to say, but then she said: "No, you can rest if you want. If there are liquidated damages, the company will pay you. I said, the company will support you unconditionally."

Wen Yixiao: "Okay, thank you!"

hang up the phone.

Wen Yixiao thought for a while, changed into a set of simple clothes for home, came to Wang Cheng's house and pressed the doorbell.

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