This star doesn’t work overtime

Chapter 466 464 What kind of divine idol gives hundreds of millions to fans?

When Liu Xing walked out of the apartment dormitory with Wang Cheng's original Fengqiao Night Mooring, her feet were still a little light.

Once again, he picked up the authentic Fengqiao Night Mooring in his hand and looked at it. Only then did Liu Xing confirm that he had really obtained this authentic painting.


He only had it temporarily.

Because this is what Wang Cheng gave him to give back to his fans.


Liu Xing is really reluctant to let go.

Recalling just now, Wang Cheng casually took out a roll of paper from his backpack and handed it to him. There was no name of the work written on each piece of paper!


Doesn’t it mean that Wang Cheng doesn’t know what kind of original work he is holding?

Drawing one at random is equivalent to a lottery. Whichever one is drawn will be given away?

If I win the lottery of Prince Teng's Pavilion, won't I go to heaven?

Liu Xing's hands shook.

He knew the news in the circle. The local people in Ganxi Province wanted to buy Wang Cheng's authentic preface to Tengwang Pavilion and put it on display in Tengwang Pavilion to attract tourists. The price was as high as 2 billion, but Wang Cheng refused to sell it.

If Wang Cheng really randomly picked up the Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion and sent it out, the local people in western Gansu Province might go crazy.

I offered you two billion, but you didn’t sell it, and then you just gave it away when you got back?

Isn't this aimed at me, Fat Tiger?

However, Liu Xing also believes that if the Tengwang Pavilion preface really flows into the hands of outside fans, then the local people in Ganxi Province will definitely contact the lucky person to bid for it as soon as possible!


I didn’t win the original painting of the Preface to Prince Teng’s Pavilion, and I didn’t win the Song poetry works such as Nian Nujiao, One Cut of Plum Blossoms, and Slow Voice, which are masterpieces through the ages.

However, Liu Xing is not an uneducated businessman. He knows that the authentic painting of Maple Bridge Night Mooring in his hand is also an ancient poem at the level of an eternal masterpiece, but the number of words is not as high as Nian Nujiao, the voice is slow, and the masterpieces of ancient poems such as Yi Jian Mei are not. So many, it seems like a loser.

However, in terms of the artistic level of the work itself, Night Mooring at Fengqiao is not inferior to several ancient poems written by Wang Cheng, but is only slightly inferior to the Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion.

after all……

Some people in the cultural circle have already shouted the slogan that the Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion is the best parallel prose throughout the ages. This undoubtedly increases the value of the authentic Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion.

Shake your head!

Liu Xing no longer thought about it, but quickly got into the car and left. He immediately took out his phone and called the person in the publicity department and said: "I will issue an announcement immediately. In order to thank all the users and fans who purchased Wang Cheng's works and peripherals, Support, I tried my best to persuade Wang Cheng to give back an authentic work to the fans."

"Tonight, everyone who has purchased peripheral products of Wang Cheng's works can participate in the lottery on social platforms!"

"The first prize is an authentic work by Wang Cheng, Night Mooring at Maple Bridge!"

"Ten second prizes, which are a gift package of peripheral products for all Wang Cheng's works."

"The third prize will be 1,000, and a peripheral product of Wang Cheng's work will be given as a random gift."

"You should come up with a plan immediately to ensure that the lottery goes smoothly!"

The manager of the publicity department over there received the call and quickly recorded what Liu Xing said. Then he suddenly paused and asked in a weird voice: "Mr. Liu, you mean! The Maple Song written by Wang Cheng during the live broadcast of Ganxi Satellite TV Are you going to take out the authentic Qiao Yebo and give it to the users who purchased the product?"

Liu Xing answered affirmatively: "Yes, that's it. I spent a lot of money to convince Wang Cheng."

The publicity manager raised his voice again and asked with certainty: "Mr. Liu, are you sure you are not joking with me? Do you really want to give away the authentic work of Wang Cheng's Fengqiao Night Mooring? The authentic work he wrote with a brush? It's Ganxi The one written on the satellite TV live broadcast? Are you sure?"

No wonder the publicity manager was so shocked and in disbelief.

Really, this is too outrageous.

As the manager of the publicity department, and Hongxing's main product is Wang Cheng's series of works, he naturally knows how popular Wang Cheng's authentic works are.

He often encounters some customers who contact him privately and ask if they can help connect Wang Cheng. They want to buy Wang Cheng's authentic works. The promised matchmaking fee alone is in the millions. As for the authentic works of Wang Cheng, that's even more... At least they cost hundreds of millions!

However, he never dared to take this benefit fee.

Because, in the entire company, only the boss Liu Xing has the qualifications and ability to contact Wang Cheng and talk to Wang Cheng. A few other managers knew where Wang Cheng lived, but they didn't dare to disturb Wang Cheng. It was a small matter to accept Wang Cheng's rejection. Being hated by Wang Cheng and leaving Hongxing, which was in a period of rapid growth, was the most important loss. .

Therefore, the publicity manager repeatedly confirmed that Liu Xing should not get things wrong.

After all, something worth at least hundreds of millions was given away like this?

Liu Xing better understood his subordinate's thoughts and tone, and smiled: "I know what I'm talking about, and I also know what I'm doing. The authentic map of Maple Bridge Night Mooring is in my hands. Go and announce the news as soon as possible, and then prepare A raffle would be nice.”

The publicity manager opposite knew that this must be true, and the sound of breathing coming from the phone was quickening.

This is something worth at least hundreds of millions!

If you can get it, you will immediately achieve financial freedom. Wouldn't it be nice to resign and become a free man?

However, he knew that even if he didn't give it away, it wouldn't be his turn to get it. After all, the item was already in Liu Xing's hands. If there was no lottery, the boss Liu Xing would definitely keep this piece of work in his own hands!

With Liu Xing's current net worth, no matter how high the price offered by others, it would be impossible for him to sell it.

The publicity energy once again said seriously: "Mr. Liu, now that the work is in your hands, do you really want to give it away? You should be very clear about how popular and rare Wang Cheng's original works are outside, right?"

Liu Xing's tone became calm, as if Wang Cheng was speaking, and he asked calmly: "I got this from Wang Cheng in the name of giving back to the fans. Do you think I can stay?"

The publicity manager was also speechless.

He was just blinded by Wang Cheng's authentic work for a moment. At this time, he calmed down after listening to Liu Xing's cold tone, and after thinking about it, he realized that this thing really had to be given away!

Otherwise, if Wang Cheng is offended and the company has conflicts with Wang Cheng, the other major brand companies will laugh out of their dreams. They have been waiting for this opportunity, and they will definitely swarm to compete for Wang Cheng.

An authentic work by Wang Cheng is worth hundreds of millions, but if you offend Wang Cheng, the loss will be calculated in tens of billions.


The manager of the publicity department breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was still not rational enough, and the pattern was smaller. He said in a low voice: "Okay, Mr. Liu, I know what to do. I will announce the news now, and the lottery will start at twelve o'clock in the evening! "

Liu Xing said solemnly: "Okay, be prepared. The only thing I want to remind you is to be open, fair and transparent! No one in our company can participate in the lottery. This work of Wang Cheng's must be sent to a random person." In the hands of users! If I find someone cheating, I will sue him until he loses everything, do you understand?"

The publicity manager affirmed: "I will watch the whole process!"

Liu Xing: "I will send my assistant to assist you!"

Liu Xing was still worried, so he called his assistant over, saying he was assisting, but actually he was supervising.

Publicity Manager: "Okay, Mr. Liu!"

Liu Xing hung up the phone and called his assistant again, asking him to assist the Propaganda Department in organizing the lottery. He gave several instructions before hanging up the phone.

This matter, he knew, would definitely push Hongxing to the forefront and attract a lot of attention. However, at this time, Hongxing's products were in short supply, so the burst of traffic would not bring much substantial benefits, but would only help to establish the company's reputation. Brand image, widening the gap with other major brands!


We, Hongxing, are representatives of national style products. We have Wang Cheng as an endorser, we have Wang Cheng’s works that are masterpieces throughout the ages, and we can also give away authentic works of Wang Cheng’s works. How can you compare with us?

Liu Xing no longer cares about similar Chinese-style products launched by Tayun and Ma Ning.

Hongxing Company also acted quickly.

On many social platforms across the Internet, there was a heated discussion just now about Wang Cheng's intention to act in a movie, and many people are still discussing the many masterpiece-level works that Wang Cheng has written in the past few days!

But suddenly, a piece of news was announced on the official website of Hongxing Company, which instantly caused the entire enthusiastic Internet to erupt again, as if a large basin of water was poured into the oil pan, and it exploded instantly.

"In order to thank Wang Cheng's fans for their support of our company's products, Wang Cheng specially gave our company an authentic work of Maple Bridge Night Mooring as a prize to a lucky fan."

"The rules for participating in the lottery are as follows..."

Many people didn't read the dense lottery rules below, but were immediately confused when they saw the first sentence.

"What's the situation? Hongxing Company wants to give away Wang Cheng's original Maple Bridge Night Moor? As a prize in the lottery? Is it real or fake?"

"Who will tell me if the official website of Hongxing Company has been hacked?"

"I called Red Star customer service directly, and she said that this event is real and effective. Wang Cheng's original maple bridge night mooring is indeed a prize, and only one lucky person can get it!"

"As long as you have purchased Hongxing's products, you can participate in the lottery? The prize may be an authentic work of Wang Cheng worth over 100 million? This is more real than the double-color ball. I happen to be eligible for the lottery. I bought all the peripherals of Wang Cheng's works, which are big Some are still in queue and out of stock.”

"Is it true or not? Wang Cheng gave away the original painting of Night Mooring at Fengqiao? I like this poem very much. It's so artistic. As a Suzhou native, I must win the prize and take this piece of work home."

"When does the lottery start? I can't wait!"

"It is said that Wang Cheng's works are worth over 100 million, is it true? How much is this authentic piece of Maple Bridge Night Mooring worth?"

"To tell you the truth, the Magpie Bridge Immortal that Professor Yu Hongyu got was offered for 800 million, but Professor Yu didn't even sell it. The Maple Bridge Night Mooring may not be as valuable as the Magpie Bridge Immortal, but it's worth two to three hundred million. No problem.”

"So, Wang Cheng directly gives away 200 to 300 million to the fans who support him? What kind of magical idol is this? He's a fan!"

This news instantly shot to the top of the popular lists on several major social platforms, and the number of people participating in the discussion exceeded 100 million in a short period of time.

Everyone who sees it can't help but join in the discussion.

Many concerned people looked shocked when they saw this news, some were surprised, some were angry, and some sighed helplessly.

But the most surprising thing is!


Many wealthy people have always wanted to get the authentic works of Wang Cheng, but they have no way to buy them. They can't even spend money to buy them.

And now Wang Cheng has given away a Maple Bridge Night Mooring for a lottery. If this work is drawn by fans, they can use their cash withdrawal ability to throw money at it and buy the work.

For example, Zheng Qian, who wanted to be high-profile, directly posted a message on his social account and said: "Whoever wins the lottery and gets Wang Cheng's authentic maple bridge night mooring, come to me directly, 200 million, give me the stuff, and transfer the money immediately! "

There are not many other high-profile rich people like Zheng Qian, and they are all working secretly!

Wang Xueming from the capital immediately called his assistant: "Look at the Hongxing lottery in the evening. No matter who wins, you can contact the winner and buy Wang Cheng's original Maple Bridge Night Mooring. The price is not a problem, no matter what." As long as you bid higher than whoever bids, I just want the things, and it doesn’t matter how much the money is!”

The assistant asked curiously: "Then Zheng Qian made a high-profile bid of 200 million. If we compare with them, we may pay a sky-high price."

Wang Xueming said firmly: "The sky-high price is the sky-high price! I said, I don't care how much it costs, I just want to see the original works of Wang Cheng hanging in my study. How much funds are available now?"

Assistant: "Okay, I understand! There are about 500 million available funds in the account now!"

Wang Xueming: "It may not be enough. You go and raise one billion funds, as soon as possible!"

The assistant didn't ask any more questions and directly agreed: "Okay, I'll do it right away!"

hang up the phone.

Wang Xueming looked at his father Wang Jianbin, who was practicing calligraphy against Wang Cheng's calligraphy video not far away, and said softly: "Wang Cheng sent Fengqiao Night Moor away!"

Wang Jianbin, who was concentrating on writing, was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help but put down his brush and turned to look at Wang Xueming: "Night Mooring at Maple Bridge? Who did you give it to?"

Wang Jianbin was also deeply impressed by the poem Maple Bridge Night Mooring. The loneliness described in this poem is overwhelming. It is definitely a masterpiece worth recalling through the ages. It would be great if you can collect it and appreciate it for yourself. Yes.

Wang Xueming shook his head: "I didn't give it to anyone. I gave it to Red Star Company so that Red Star could draw a lottery to give back to the fans!"

Wang Jianbin's eyes widened: "Lottery to reward fans? Doesn't Wang Cheng never pay attention to fans?"

Wang Xueming smiled bitterly and said: "Who knows, Wang Cheng didn't announce this himself, it was Hongxing who said it. It was probably Liu Xing who persuaded Wang Cheng to take this work, and Wang Cheng himself would never have thought of doing this. No matter what, This work has leaked out, and I will contact the winner at that time, buy it at a high price, and give it to you as a gift!"

A smile overflowed from Wang Jianbin's face.

It would definitely be a joy to collect an authentic piece of Wang Cheng's work.

As a master of traditional Chinese culture in Beijing, a master of calligraphy and literature, Wang Jianbin knows better than anyone the great literary and artistic value of Wang Cheng's works.


Wang Jianbin also said "hello" excitedly on his old face.

When it comes to anger, the most angry person is definitely Qin Yuhai!


Qin Yuhai once again slammed the ashtray on the coffee table after Shen Shenghui reluctantly, breaking the coffee table, and shouted loudly: "Why did Wang Cheng give his work to Hongxing for a lottery? Why didn't he give it to us for a lottery? Is it a breach of contract for him to do so? ? We are the agency that manages his fans!"

Shen Shenghui was also full of helplessness and bitterness, and said softly: "It should not constitute a breach of contract! Moreover, Mr. Qin, even if Wang Cheng breaches the contract, we cannot pursue his liability for breach of contract."

Qin Yuhai shouted angrily: "Why can't he be held responsible for breach of contract?"

Shen Shenghui smiled bitterly and said: "If we hold Wang Cheng responsible for breach of contract, will Wang Cheng simply breach the contract and leave? The compensation for breach of contract in the entire brokerage contract is only a few hundred million, and there is no such thing as the Maple Bridge that Wang Cheng gave away. Authentic Ye Bo is worth a lot of money.”

Qin Yuhai fell silent immediately, and the anger on his face had nowhere to vent for a while.

He really thought that if he held Wang Cheng responsible for breach of contract, he would force Wang Cheng to leave directly.

Then he really loses more than he gains...


The authentic work of Wang Cheng slipped away before his eyes!

He couldn't suppress the anger and depression in his heart!

"So, is there any way we can get the original Fengqiao Night Mooring? Can we contact Liu Xing and ask him to manipulate the lottery system?"

Qin Yuhai turned to ask.

Shen Shenghui thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Mr. Qin, it's impossible! Liu Xing's relationship with us is just average, so it's unlikely that he would do anything for us. If he wanted to do something, he would definitely keep Wang Cheng's works. Give it to yourself, who doesn’t want the authentic work of Wang Cheng? However, he does not dare to offend Wang Cheng, so he will definitely give away the authentic work of Wang Cheng in a fair lottery!"

Qin Yuhai thought about it and understood that what Shen Shenghui said made sense.

However, he was still unwilling to watch the authentic work of Wang Cheng slip away from his eyes, and asked again: "What if we spend money to buy it? Buy it from the winner."

Shen Shenghui said affirmatively: "Of course it is possible, but this is Wang Cheng's first authentic work that has been leaked and can be traded. There are too many rich people staring at it. We want to grab it, and it is quite difficult!"

Qin Yuhai took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "No matter how difficult it is, you have to give it a try! How much liquidity does the company have now?"

Shen Shenghui: "The company has abundant funds. The one billion paid by Ganxi Satellite TV has not been touched. The notice fees paid by CCTV and Beijing TV to Wang Cheng are still there. The funds are absolutely abundant and more than two billion can be mobilized at any time." ! But Mr. Qin, although this authentic work by Wang Cheng is rare, it is worth more than a dozen or two billion."

Qin Yuhai nodded: "I know, but as long as it's less than one billion, I'll take it!"

Recently, it has been too easy for the company to make money from Wang Cheng, so Qin Yuhai has become more generous when talking, spending one billion as he wants without feeling any distress.

Shen Shenghui did not persuade: "Okay, Mr. Qin, I will send someone to watch and see who can win. I will also organize everyone in the company to participate in the lottery. If we are lucky and one of us wins, our chance will be The biggest.”

Qin Yuhai: "Okay, do your best!" (End of chapter)

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