This sandbox game is unreliable

Chapter 122 Invisible Gang Qi

"It doesn't look difficult, the most important thing is the balance problem, which is further optimized."

Chen Xiyi sensed his own simulated corpse, and now a large number of qi mechanisms are entangled with each other to form a structure.

There are not only qi mechanisms such as yin qi and ghost qi, but also the newly added earth qi, water qi, purple qi, and even the two qi mechanisms that Chen Xiyi does not have, namely human energy and yang qi.

This popularity and yang energy were obtained from Du Nan by Chen Xiyi.

After several adjustments by Chen Xiyi, the simulated corpse was not only stronger, but also able to use Yang Qi as energy.

Probably solar.

And with this layer of protection, Chen Xiyi can also pretend that he has yang energy and popularity.

"It has been successful, at least after entering the city, the simulated corpse will not be invalidated due to yang energy and popularity, but it seems that it cannot be called a simulated corpse now, after all, after adding the coexistence structure of some Yin names, it has to be changed to orthodox name."

"just called"

Chen Xiyi found that he didn't seem to have a good name.

"Forget it, let's call it invisible qi first."

Chen Xiyi knew that this was not the greatest achievement for his own invisible qi, and it could be strengthened in the future.

"Because of the addition of yang qi and popularity, all the invisible qi has changed. It seems that the coexistence structure, corpse structure, and corpse poison structure have changed."

Chen Xiyi tried it, and he found that the speed of the invisible stellar energy increased by nearly 30% when absorbing the surrounding Yin energy.

Moreover, the strength and defense have also increased a lot. According to Chen Xiyi's original guess, this is only the ability to coexist, and there is no mention of further enhancing other abilities.

"Besides, every time I attack, I seem to have a Qi mechanism. If possible, I can also match and adjust."

Chen Xiyi tried to mobilize the yin and yang qi to the invisible qi on his right hand, and tried to attack at the same time, but the next second the invisible qi on his right hand exploded due to the conflict.

【You caused 60% damage to yourself】

His entire right hand exploded in an instant, but there was no blood, and the scattered flesh and blood gradually dissipated.

Then, as his health recovered, his right hand grew back.

Not only that, even his invisible qi also collapsed due to the conflict between these two qi mechanisms.

"The damage is so high? No, it's not only the reason for the conflict of qi machines, but also the reason of the invisible qi. There are a large number of qi machines running around the body of the invisible qi. Because of the existence of the coexistence structure, it will switch from indirect to Directly, otherwise it is more likely to annihilate each other."

After recovering his health, Chen Xiyi tried to punch and attack, and he found that the various qi mechanisms in the invisible qi circulated at a high speed and even overflowed with his own movement.

Then in this way, his attack is equivalent to bringing all the energy.

"It's equivalent to my attack will bring all kinds of DEBUFF, no, no, not only the attack, but every action will cause a negative state to the person in contact."

Because it is overflowing, it is not under Chen Xiyi's control.

"The next step is to optimize the overflow of the qi machine. Otherwise, with the gradual strengthening of the invisible qi, the overflow phenomenon will directly become a localized phenomenon, and then you will really die wherever you go."

The current invisible qi is not very strong, but if the problem of control overflow is not solved, then he will really become the lone star of Tiansha in the future, and anyone who gets close to him will be given a bunch of negative states.

What he needs is to master this overflow, so that each of his attacks will be considerable, and after optimizing the control, he will develop the remote use of this overflow.

In melee combat, it can not only cause damage to the enemy, but also use the overflow of energy to cause a lot of negative status to the enemy. If it can be attached to the overflow of energy when attacking from a long distance, wouldn't it be even more powerful.

However, it is not just for the inconvenience of controlling the overflow of the air machine, but also to reduce the consumption. The overflow of the air machine all the time naturally requires energy consumption. It is only because it is beneficial to Chen Xiyi that it is only partially repaired.

"This is the same as updating the game version. Although the content has increased, the BUG has also increased."

After checking many times, Chen Xiyi found that not only the overflow of the gas machine, but also other big and small problems.

All of this requires his further optimization and improvement, otherwise problems will arise sooner or later.

Throwing Dunan, who had been in a coma for a day and a night, back into the prison, he left on his own, regardless of what the other tomb robbers thought, he was busy fixing bugs for his invisible energy.

While he was cultivating, his right ear suddenly moved, which caught Chen Xiyi's attention.

You must know that Zhangliu, the ear-reporting goblin, resides on his ears.

【Zhang Liu felt something bad, and I remind you specially】

Obviously, this is the ability to predict good and bad luck.

This made Chen Xiyi look serious, and hurriedly opened the game map to check.

It's just that nothing can be seen on the game map. He believes in the abilities of the goblins very much. If Zhangliu said something bad happened, it must be true.

"I've already arranged home shelters here. Not everyone can break the air wall with a strength of 1,000. So where does this bad thing come from?"

Chen Xiyi continued to zoom in and out of the map, and finally saw a large group of white dots moving towards him. The speed was not slow, and it was obvious that they should be in a car.

Horse-drawn carriages don't have that kind of speed.

"Come from Rongcheng."

Chen Xiyi looked at each of these white dots prefixed with warlord soldiers and warlord officers, and there were at least a thousand people densely packed.

This is not a small number.

Before there was no invisible qi, unless he used TNT and shield counter, there was really no good way to annihilate so many people without any preparation.

"It's so fast, I can't even arrange the formation, but these must not be let go, I still need a lot of experimental products, but there are probably a thousand people, it is too many, I have to deal with some Just do it."

Chen Xiyi reckoned that he only needed to have about twenty people, there was no need for so many, and all the rest would be killed.

"It's just a good time to try the power of my invisible qi."

He was sure that muskets and cannons would not be able to destroy his invisible qi, but he still wanted to try the specific data.

"Also, Li Hao has to be dealt with, otherwise I'll send people over after wave after wave, and I won't be able to do things seriously after making such a fuss."

Chen Xiyi wondered if this was a coincidence, so let's take a walk together.

Now that he already knew that the other party was coming to find trouble, he must act first, and he couldn't just wait for the other party to come to the door without saying anything.

After leaving the underground shelter, Chen Xiyi checked the location and planted TNT in the path they must pass.

He didn't want many people, so naturally he had to deal with most of them.

After checking the specific personnel allocation, Chen Xiyi naturally wanted to leave people with the prefix of warlords and officers.

After all, the remaining warlord soldiers must not know anything, they are just a group of wage earners who exchange their lives for military pay, what can they know.

"Hiding in the last car is really afraid of death, but it's better this way, and I can bomb more accurately so as not to hurt the other party."

After Chen Xiyi finished burying TNT, he hid aside and waited for the other party to come over.

About half an hour later, Chen Xiyi clearly heard the sound of a car in the distance.

It's also fortunate that his ears are blessed by camphor willow, otherwise he really wouldn't have such good hearing.

Soon after, cars roared past, their performance was much more powerful than those classic cars in Dongtai City before.


In the next second, a large amount of flames erupted, and the long car was quickly submerged by the flames, and then was blown away by a huge shock wave, with the sound of cracking glass and explosions of gunpowder one after another.

【You use TNT right.】


Chen Xiyi also kept refreshing a large number of game logs, representing everyone he killed.

"Sloppy, I didn't calculate accurately, and I missed one."

According to Chen Xiyi's thinking, under normal circumstances, there should be only the last car left, but the penultimate car was only affected and did not explode.

"There are about 30 people left, not many, we can fight." Just after Chen Xiyi finished his assessment, he saw the big soldiers getting out of the car, looking around cautiously with guns in their hands.

And the last car started to reverse and turn very carefully, obviously preparing to run away.

Then how could Chen Xiyi bear it.

He started to do it immediately, and under the blessing of the invisible qi, he came to the turning car in just a moment.

With a fist in his hand, he hit the hood of the front car. Juli smashed the entire front of the car through. The tires couldn't bear Chen Xiyi's punch. The tire blew out and turned into a semicircle from its original shape. .

It can be said that the entire front of the car was smashed to the ground, and it could not move forward at all.

On the other side, the guards who got out of the car also spotted Chen Xiyi, and immediately turned their guns and fired at Chen Xiyi.

After the bullet landed two centimeters in front of Chen Xiyi, it was blocked by the invisible qi, and the sound of tinkling and clanging continued, and the eyes of the soldiers who fired were all widened.

Seeing this, Chen Xiyi naturally couldn't just take the beating and not fight back, so he chose a big-headed soldier who had the most fun fighting. The speed of his body movement was too fast for the opponent to react, and then he punched the opponent's chest with all his strength.

boom! ! !

Flesh and flesh scatter along with the bone fragments like a goddess scattering flowers. The upper body of the big soldier in front of him was smashed into pieces by his punch, and even the violent force set off a strong wave. The big soldiers were all blown away.

Chen Xiyi didn't expect that the invisible qi would be so terrifying when fully exerted.

He underestimated the physical fitness of the demons and ghosts.

It's also fortunate that I didn't use all my strength when I stopped the car, otherwise I might have killed all the people inside.

"Honestly put down the gun and squat down with your head in your hands. I will send anyone who dares to run away. Do you understand?"

Chen Xiyi watched those terrified soldiers preparing to flee subconsciously, so he naturally gave a warning.

"I surrender, I surrender, don't kill me."

"I surrender too."

Seeing that the situation was not good, the big soldiers naturally cooperated very honestly.

The opponent is not even afraid of firearms, a ruthless character who can shatter the upper body of a person with a single punch. If he dares to resist, what is the difference from that big lantern in the latrine looking for death?

What's more, they are just bastards who serve as soldiers for food and eat Liang as soldiers, and there is no need to fight their lives with warlords.

They worked hard, and they didn't have their share in eating and drinking, so why should they be so caring, so one by one surrendered very decisively.

Of course, there is also the reason why all the large troops were killed in the bombing. If there were large troops, maybe there was still some morale, but they were the only ones who died among the thousand or so people, so how could they have the thought of resisting.

So Chen Xiyi yelled, this effect is naturally getting twice the result with half the effort.

Even he didn't expect such a good effect, but it's a pity that he didn't test the limit of the invisible qi, but it's okay, there will be opportunities to test it in the future, and it's not bad.

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