After the semi-finals, the next day is the final of the Early Spring Invitational Tournament.

The opponent that the Eagle Cavalry team met in this final has always been known as the dark horse team of this invitational tournament. The team is from the fifth star region in the west. Two of the starting players are rookies who have just been dug in during the winter transfer period. They have played all the way from the group stage to the semifinals, and they have almost gotten along with the team.

Of course, even so, the strength of this team called SEF is still inferior to that of the current Eagle Cavalry. Fortunately, the grouping is lucky. The traditional strong teams of the Star Alliance EL and MIG are both on the Eagle Cavalry side, so they can fight all the way to the end The final arena.

Therefore, SEF faced the final with a very relaxed mentality. In the words of their own captain—

"Being able to play against EWG in the finals at the Star League level has proved our strength! Our players are still young. After the running-in of the Spring Split and the Summer Split, I hope we can still play in the Star League Cup." Compete with EWG again!"

Even though the netizens ridiculed him for "growing others' ambitions and destroying his prestige", the round-faced, blond and blue-eyed young captain still smiled honestly, shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly: "There is no way, the entire Star Alliance has not found it yet." If I can crack the method of MU and Cupid teaming up, I can't cover my eyes and talk!"

Because of this mentality of "participation is the most important thing", the SEF players performed well in the three rounds of the final, and staged several wonderful scenes - even almost winning the second round.

Fortunately, there was Mu Feibai who turned the tide and brought back Lin Jinxi's advantage that was lost by being tricked once.

After the game, Mu Feibai raised his hand and gave Lin Jinxi a headache: "I have played so many games, why do you just jump when someone digs a hole? Don't look at Hugo as a simple and honest person, you really think he is a good person, He is a black belly!"

Lin Jinxi listened to the training silently with a dejected face, and nodded obediently to admit the mistake: "I'm sorry, it was my fault, and I won't do it in the future."

As for the third game, just like in the semi-finals, Qiu Yu led the team to win the game. As opponents, the SEF players really experienced the powerlessness of being opponents with Cupid once.

"No wonder there are so many comments on the Internet that the final of this year's Early Spring Invitational is 'actually' the one played by EWG and MIG." After the game, SEF captain Hugo sighed, "We have to admit the gap. Only when we see clearly The gap is more motivation to catch up."

Players from the two teams came to the stage to shake hands and say goodbye to each other, and then came the awards ceremony.

As a Star Alliance level event, the Early Spring Invitational is the same as the Star Alliance Cup. In addition to the championship trophy shared by the whole team, there is also a single championship commemoration for each team member—the Star Alliance Cup is a medal, and the Early Spring Invitational is the same as the regular season. Champion ring.

Although Mu Feibai didn't play in the third round, the awards were for the whole team. Zhou Shu and Qiu Yu pushed him to the center, and the six of them lifted up the crystal clear crystal trophy together.

In the auditorium, the enthusiastic cheers have never stopped since the Eagle Cavalry team stepped on the stage. At this moment, they rose again, and the screams and cheers almost lifted the roof of the venue.

It wasn't until the championship rings were handed out one by one, and the host smiled and raised his hand for a long time, that the voices in the auditorium finally gradually weakened.

"Everyone is very excited." The host laughed. "First of all, congratulations for winning the Early Spring Invitational again. If I remember correctly, this is the third consecutive championship."

However, in the Early Spring Invitational, there were teams that won three consecutive championships as early as six years ago. There was no so-called "curse", so there was no rhythm online.

Looking at the microphone handed in front of him, Mu Feibai leaned slightly and said: "Yes, this is another three consecutive championships. As I said, we are the strongest. This year's Star Alliance Cup, our goal is to win four consecutive championships !"

This is a bit arrogant, but competitive fans just like this kind of arrogance.

Then the audience screamed and cheered again.

When the voice subsided, the host moved to Qiu Yu's side, and said with a smile: "In this competition, we finally saw Cupid's hidden strength. Many people are saying that your control over the battlefield has surpassed Most of the Alpha players. Do you have anything to say about this?"

Qiu Yu took the microphone, gave a low laugh, and then asked something even more arrogant than Mu Feibai: "Is it just the 'majority'?"

The host couldn't help laughing, and deliberately said angrily: "Oh, let's save everyone some face!"

Qiu Yu quickly went on to say: "There are many young players with potential in the league, and they work very hard and are always improving. I believe that one day...and I look forward to the day when they can surpass me again."

"And," before the host removed the microphone, Qiu Yu added, "I also hope to see more Oga players appear in competitive events."

After the question was over, the host turned the questioning target to several other team members.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qiu Yu took a short errand and secretly looked down at the championship ring he just got. The material of the ring is the same as that of the trophy. It is made of clear and transparent spar with a small round Red gold, delicately engraved with the east and west characters of "Champion of the 10th Early Spring Invitational Tournament of the Last Century".

It's a pity that the ring is a little bigger, obviously this thing is not worn on the finger, but a pure decoration.


"Like this ring?" Mu Feibai suddenly approached his ear, and asked in a low and fast voice.

Qiu Yu looked up at Mu Feibai, and for a moment, his eyes fell on the invitational tournament trophy that Mu Feibai was holding in his hand.

The trophies for the Early Spring Invitational Tournament have unique design requirements. They must be in the shape of flowers carved from spar, and they must be related to the star area where the competition is held as much as possible. This year's trophy looks like a small bouquet of cloud and mist golden incense carved from spar—this kind of flower is a rare and rare species unique to the seventh star region in the east.

"Before you said..." Qiu Yu said slowly.

Mu Feibai immediately put his ear to Qiu Yu's mouth: "What did I say before?"

"Before you said, there are no flowers and no rings." Qiu Yu directed his gaze to the trophy in Mu Feibai's hand, "Now there are flowers and rings."

No flowers and no rings?

Mu Fei was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he immediately recalled that it was only two short days ago. At the end of the semi-finals, the audience booed him to propose to Qiu Yu.

Yes, what he said at that time was—"No flowers and no rings, how can I ask for it?"

And now, Qiu Yu whispered in his ear—

"Now there are flowers..."

"...there are rings too."

Mu Feibai's eyes fell on the crystal clear and sparkling championship ring on Qiu Yu's hand, and he subconsciously clutched another ring of the same shape in his hand.

He understood Qiu Yu's hint.

From Qiu Yu's eyes looking over, he could understand Qiu Yu's expectation.

Mu Feibai knew that although Qiu Yu would hesitate and hesitate when facing a problem, but at the same time, when he really made up his mind to do something, he didn't like to procrastinate.

He decided to have surgery as soon as possible, so he immediately accepted the team's invitation at a risk; he decided to win the summer finals, so he immediately came to him for a temporary mark; he had doubts about his relationship, so he immediately judged the result with a kiss; he decided to postpone Surgery, I immediately took the initiative to take the initiative to go further...

Now, Qiu Yu decided to marry him.

Mu Feibai's rationality told him: that high-end customized brand ring is much more beautiful than this championship ring.

But it seemed that there was an impulsive little devil constantly bewitching in his ear: But do you have the heart to make him wait so many days? He proposed to you before, but you messed around with him. Now, he wants you to propose to him. Do you have the heart to let him down again?

Although the occasion was somewhat unexpected and completely out of plan, but... the problem, should it be, not a big one?

At this moment, the host withdrew the microphone from Lu Cun, apparently having finished interviewing every player in the team.

She turned to face the auditorium, and said with a smile on her face: "Okay, then—"

"Wait a minute!" Mu Feibai suddenly interrupted loudly.

The host was taken aback, and immediately put his facial expressions back together, and asked with a smile, "Huh? Is there anything else MU wants to tell everyone?"

After finishing speaking, she walked back to Mu Feibai and handed over the microphone.


Mu Feibai only felt that his heartbeat had never been so violent, and his throat had never been so hot.

"I have something to say to Cupid."

Qiu Yu turned around slightly, and looked at Mu Feibai with a smile.

Mu Feibai was a little at a loss, and stood there for a few seconds.

Suddenly, he took half a step back abruptly and knelt down on one knee in full view of the audience—then raised his face and raised the championship ring in his hand in front of Qiu Yu.

Time seemed to stop for a moment, and even the voices in the auditorium seemed to disappear.

In the next moment, the whole world burst into cheers and cheers that were a hundred times more enthusiastic than before.

At the same time, the host reacted, immediately lowered the microphone, and moved it to Mu Feibai's mouth again.

"Qiu Yu." Mu Fei called out.

This call successfully silenced the auditorium again.

This time even the director was able to react, and the floating camera immediately took a close-up of the two people in the field and projected them on the huge light screen behind the stage.

I saw Mu Feibai raised his head and stared at Qiu Yu, there seemed to be water in his eyes.

He held up the ring that symbolized triumph, and his expression was extremely solemn. When he spoke, his voice trembled slightly: "You...will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?"

Qiu Yu smiled and stretched out a hand to Mu Feibai.

Mu Feibai first put the bouquet trophy in his arms aside, then took Qiu Yu's left hand, and put his own championship ring on Qiu Yu's finger.

The ring was a bit big, but Qiu Yu didn't care.

He clamped the ring tightly with his fingers, then turned his wrist lightly, caressed Mu Feibai's side face, and bent down to place a light kiss on Mu Feibai's lips.

This young man will walk hand in hand with him into an unknown future.

No matter what the future looks like, Qiu Yu knows that Mu Feibai will always be by his side, support all his ideas and pursuits that are incompatible with this world, and work together with him to slowly ignite the sparks that have been sown—

Under the brilliant spotlight on the stage, Qiu Yu stared at Mu Fei's starry white eyes, and replied with a smile:

"I would."

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