This is My Planet

Chapter 634 The Supreme That Doesn't Exist

Of course, Ah Hua didn't need to explain to them how she led people to transfer.

She is not in a good state at this time, and she was injured in the battle with the beginning of the war, but she is much better than Xia Guixuan, who was injured and could not move, and slightly better than Gaia Ymir, who was injured just now.

Ah Hua was quite worried at first, she didn't come back in time to join the battle, I don't know if the Canglong Starfield can hold it, if the Fat Tiger was specially trained... how could the little fat girl have my great Ah Hua's trustworthiness, what if the Starfield is breached?

As a result, when she came over and saw that it was Gaia Ymir running away, Ahua was immediately happy: "Isn't this Gaia? I haven't seen you for a few days. It's so annoying..."

Where did Gaia have the time to argue with her, she quickly turned in one direction and was about to run away.

How could Ah Hua let her run away, her figure swayed slightly, blocking her way.

The three of them didn't say anything, they just crackled into a ball, and countless attacks rushed in one after another, like an endless fireworks blooming in the sky.

Xia Guixuan set up an awning and looked into the distance, he didn't personally participate in the battle, he seemed to be thinking about something.

Yin Xiaoru came to him: "What are you thinking?"

"Oh..." Xia Guixuan scratched his head and said, "Who are these two, they are quite powerful."

"" Yin Xiaoru almost fell from the void.

Didn't you play nice with Tathagata just now? You said Tathagata should not leave. I thought your memory had come back to life. It turned out to be a fragment.

Then why do you remember Tathagata very tightly, Gaia is a woman after all, how can you forget...

She gritted her teeth and said, "Don't worry about who it is, as long as you know it's the enemy, didn't you notice that we almost broke through our star field?"

Xia Guixuan said in a daze: "But their aura is very similar to that Doubi who just arrived, they are almost like the same person..."

Funny Bi who just came: " might as well say that I am very similar to the beginning!"

"That means, you should be one..."

"What the hell are you thinking?" A'hua's mind was twisted, and she was almost punched by Ymir, and said angrily, "Are you trying to hit me, and you are so ruthless after forgetting things! My way..."

"No, I was thinking of something else..."


Xia Guixuan turned his head, sensed the collapse of the universe in the distance, and whispered: "This universe is about to collapse. The contraction of the power of primordial origin and the recovery of your body, from qi to form, the cornerstone of the existence of this universe will no longer exist."

Ah Hua stopped talking and started fighting seriously.

It seems that Xia Guixuan is really thinking about something serious, so let him think about it, anyway, he will never say that he will blow up this funny comparison again to make up for the universe.

Then don't try to tease that comparison in the future.


Xia Guixuan was talking to himself: "If this star field is turned into an independent plane, whether the universe will be destroyed or not has nothing to do with us... The current situation seems to be possible... However..."

Yin Xiaoru stared at him with wide eyes.

Xia Guixuan smiled brightly, and stretched out his hand to rub Yin Xiaoru's head: "We can't be so selfish, there are thousands of realms and countless creatures related to this universe, and they have the right to survive... If everyone is self-sufficient, some buddies can ignore me as early as the battle of the beginning, why bother to help?"

Yin Xiaoru half understood: "Then how can we prevent the collapse of this universe? Replace Ahua with Gaia and Ymir?"

Xia Guixuan was stunned: "So they are Gaia and Ymir... No wonder... Uh..."


"I remembered... Theoretically, when everything is just an initial wisp of air, it is called the beginning; when this wisp of air takes on the form of chaos, it is a flower; when the chaos explodes and becomes a reality, there are planets, earth, rivers and seas. At this time, according to different names, it is called Gaia or Ymir, or other names in other star regions. It refers to the same thing..."

The little fox's eyes circled: "This means that Gaia and Ymir are just names, are they the spirit of Ahua after death?"

"It's just a different period of life, similar to... the lady of the Yin family before I met me, and the little fox after I met me. Originally, I don't know what method was used in the early days, um... It's probably the Chinese way of making all beings become gods because of humans. The entity of mountains and rivers is manifested as the goddess of the earth in human imagination, named Gaia or Ymir."

The little fox's eyes circled, and he simply stopped talking.

"In other words, they are the entities that represent the existence of the universe, not Ahua... The beginning of the collapse of the universe has already begun when Gaia Ymir was manifested to fight. Can you imagine what it would be like if your planet became a person running out to fight? Where did the planet go? Of course it is gone."

Yin Xiaoru fiercely said: "This is caused by the beginning, not Ah Hua. The beginning has been inducing everyone to think that it was caused by A Hua's recovery of the body, but it was actually caused by him manifesting Gaia Ymir..."

"That's right, it's not that easy to be supreme. If there's one supreme here, where is the supreme one?" Xia Guixuan said, "This must be the result of absorbing most of the energy in the universe, so Ah Hua's practice has never been able to recover to its proper strength, because at least half of it is divided into Gaia Ymir..."

When he said this, he paused, and said word by word: "Let them return to the original image, and the collapse of the universe will naturally be stabilized..."

Gaia Ymir, who was in the middle of the battle, suddenly had an extremely horrifying warning sign in his heart. It seemed that an image called "death" surged in his heart. It was an end deeper than death, and everything returned to the original meaning.

Nine bronze tripods suddenly appeared on the top of the head, surrounding the surroundings, as if mountains, rivers, lakes and seas flashed in the void, and turned into the sun, moon and stars, and turned into the boundless universe.

Obviously not too strong, no matter how you look at it, the owner of the cauldron is still weak, but that is the root of everything, as if a most critical screw has been unscrewed, the whole machine stops instantly.

Then spread out, assimilate, turn into stars all over the sky, turn into earth, rivers and mountains...

"No!" Ymir yelled angrily: "I finally got myself, and traveled the universe and the galaxy, and you lowly beings also want me to return to the dust, you are dreaming!"

With a sound of "click", A'hua stepped in, and made a knife in his palm, cutting on his arm.

A severed arm floated up and soon disintegrated into dust.

Light-years away, the collapsing universe suddenly stopped a little, and seemed to be recovering.

"You have an ego?" Xia Guixuan chuckled in the distance: "I searched for my whole life, only to know myself... Uh, I seem to have forgotten... I remembered it after two days..."

Ymir: "..."

"I forgot, but I know. But do you know? Have you ever found out what your self is? From the very beginning, you are just images created by people, the representatives of mountains and rivers, and have never been real life. Don't lie to yourself..."

Ymir roared wildly: "I don't care about this... You scum can't kill me at all!"


Ymir hadn't finished speaking, but Gaia beside him suddenly started to explode.

A spear was thrust into her chest.

Athena, covered in blood, emerged from behind Ah Hua, and stabbed Gaia's chest with a spear.

Gaia has always been silent, and until now has been silent.

She looked down at the spear handle on her chest, and said in a low voice, "From the moment this spear was made, I had a premonition that my end would be here."

Athena was silent.

Gaia sighed: "Maybe Xia Guixuan is right, we are illusions that shouldn't exist, they are all fake...You Wu was also right before...What are we? We don't even know what we want, we don't know what we are doing, and we don't know where we came from...Then is this a walking dead, or a corpse puppet?"

Athena finally showed a look of unbearable in her eyes.

Gaia's body gradually split and fell apart, and her last voice came from the void: "If there is no self in the first place, everything is false... Then the big dream wakes up, it is better to go back."

I still want to see my teeth. It still hurts after the tooth extraction. I guess there is inflammation. If there is time in the evening, it will be updated, and if it is too late, there will be only this update.

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