This is My Planet

Chapter 542 Direction

It turns out that Hunyuan guards the abyss and has been in charge of this matter for so many years.

It is not only to guard the entrance of the passage that may be invaded, but also to sort out the passage to make it easier for one's own side to enter.

Shang Zhaoye squinted at it, secretly thinking that this guy is quite loyal, it is not easy to guard the abyss for so many years, I really can't see it.

But it should also make it cool. He is the Supreme Being of the One World and is also in charge of the Nether Prison, but don't look at the honesty now, he usually doesn't know how fierce he is. Now seeing that Taiqing has also made a breakthrough, everyone who walked hesitantly in the early years can be regarded as ushering in a smooth road of their own.

Hun Yuan was also looking at her, with a slight smile in her snake eyes: "Mother Concubine is well."

Shang Zhaoye laughed dumbfoundedly, and turned to look at Xia Guixuan's back.

It turns out that I am also a concubine...

Xia Guixuan was walking into the passage, all the way to the bottom, it seemed to be a dead end.

He took out the magic mirror and tossed it lightly. The magic mirror emitted soft light and stuck to the end of the passage.

"Ah Hua, Ah Hua!"

A Gundam came out of his arms helplessly: "It's alright, alright, stop shouting."

"Are you sure?"

"It should be fine, give me a day or two."

Gundam sat in front of the light curtain of the magic mirror and began to meditate.

In the past, Xia Guixuan could not locate the Thousand Edges Illusory Realm because there were too many planes apart. The planes are not layered like a thousand-layer cake, but are overlapped and intertwined. There are pieces here and there, fragments of time-space turbulence and rifts spread across multiple dimensions, and the interference caused is countless times more outrageous than the distant horizon in the same space.

It was very difficult even to locate his stump parts before the brainstorm, let alone Xia Guixuan to locate an alien plane with no coordinates and no positioning clues? So it has been very passive.

But now it does.

If you regard the Thousand Edges Illusory Realm as a part of A'Hua's body, now that A'Hua has hidden a lot of bodies and put together half of it, she can completely locate that part of her body.

And the last bridge is the magic mirror, and the stable passage formed can fully accommodate the army.

It seems that there are still a lot of big soldiers who are still chaotic outside, and even the people are not here, but in fact everything is already here.

If the other party spied on the Canglong Starfield, judging from the chaotic scene and the way they were still shopping, it didn't look like wartime at all, it was a military parade at most. Even if it is judged that they may go out, it will be judged to be about a month later.

Because it is common sense that you need so much time to prepare your military affairs.

But in fact, Shang Zhaoye could see that when the brain flower was positioned, it would be the day for a large-scale expedition, which could not exceed three days at most.

Logistics and other aspects are likely to have been fully arranged on their way back.

Shang Zhaoye looked at Xiao Jiu, and felt that this set of tactics was in line with Xiao Jiu's usual fierce style, and he hit by surprise.

Sure enough, Xiao Jiu said: "The Great Xia Fleet has assembled and can be the vanguard. The first to enter are reconnaissance planes and ghost fighter planes. Our mission is still to explore the map."

Just like when it was raging in the Slorge War Zone, drawing a star map and getting familiar with the opponent's environment is still the top priority, because it is a completely unfamiliar plane, and everyone doesn't even know what's going on there.

Following Xiao Jiu's voice, countless fighter planes spread out silently in the flame plane, as if saluting, and then disappeared in the flames, never to be seen again.

Shang Zhaoye realized that if he didn't perceive it carefully, he really wouldn't know that there were so many fighters hidden here... Of course, he couldn't hide it by deliberately sensing it.

Human technology has reached such a level that it can be basically hidden under the premise that Taiqing doesn't deliberately perceive it?

As if knowing what she was thinking, Xiao Jiu smiled slightly: "It is still thanks to the new materials in the western star field. The breakthrough in material science is very important in this kind of thing, including the performance improvement of the main battleship guns, which will surprise you... Mainly because these materials are actually divine. After we analyzed them, they named them chaos."

A'hua turned her head and glanced at her, but said nothing.

Xiao Jiu looked at it with deep meaning in his eyes: "The end point of mortals' exploration of the universe is actually the same as yours. Everyone... leads to the same goal by different routes."


Hang'e, who was shopping over there, didn't think that everyone went to the same goal by different routes.

She felt that the humans on Canglong Star were more advanced than those in the fairy world.

It was raining lightly when she came, and she saw people walking on the road. The clothes and hats themselves emitted a light thin curtain to isolate the rain, just like the method of the fairy family. She didn't even find where people's clothes stimulated the rain-proof light curtain.

Umbrellas, which have lasted for thousands of years since their birth, have finally completely entered the museum of history.

She didn't see anyone paying for the food on the roadside, and no one sold it. Passers-by eat it as soon as they grab it, and a deduction record is automatically displayed on the light screen, and the job is over...

Compared with Xia Guixuan who tried to scan his face back then, he has improved countless times, and the face sweeping has already been completed silently.

Things are almost gone, and a robot comes over to replenish the goods, and the labor is invisible from the beginning to the end.

The population of Daxia has also increased over the years. It is not as sparsely populated as it was back then, but there is no pressure on land and housing, because it doesn't matter where you live.

Heng'e watched someone go out in the suburbs, raised her hand and pressed a button, a small personal teleportation array appeared on the ground, and with a "swoosh", the person had arrived at the work site thousands of miles away, and went to work...

At nodes without preset transfers, the small fat cars for personal travel have all turned into flying cars, driving automatically on the planned route, and people read books and games in the fat car, wherever they want to go.

Everything is so convenient that Immortal World cannot do this.

Luyou was also dumbfounded. She claimed to be familiar with the human world to lead the way, but found that she was no more familiar than Heng'e and the others, and she was no different from Chulin Guidi.

This is less than three years? Oh, twenty or thirty years?

In twenty or thirty years, can there be such a change...

Perhaps in this ever-changing era, every year is a new world.

"Life is good, what about character? Are they all immortals?" Luyou suddenly said, "I don't believe it."

She released her spiritual thoughts to cover Daxia, and watched for more than an hour among hundreds of millions of people.

It's hard to judge those who are not at work. For those who are at work, Wuyou didn't see a single person who was lazy.

"Why don't they be lazy?" Obscure wondered: "Are they so honest in working for capital? Or are they being monitored so that they can't be lazy?"

"No." Ling Moxue's voice came from behind: "Theoretically, we have no capital now, all social resources are shared by humans, and everyone is working for their own income. In fact, our resources are extremely rich, even if everyone is lazy for a hundred years, they can squander them. But we have rules, and labor can enjoy rights and interests. This is a must for social progress."

Luyou wondered: "How is it possible? Everyone has selfishness."

"But it's not people who manage and supervise."

Hazy and humorous.

Ling Moxue said: "I won't be able to talk about these things for a while... you can look at a corner first... look there."

Luyou followed her fingers and looked over, her eyes lit up.

After watching for so long, I finally saw a crime.

It's not vicious, it's just that the quarrel escalated into a fight, and the two fighters, both of whom had been genetically trained quite effectively, were picked up by a group of robots before they could punch two fists. Video publicity, administrative detention, and fines are all done in one go, and there is no room for personal manipulation through the back door.

Heng'e suddenly said: "This public security system is also a terminal processing. If it is anthropomorphic, is it considered a god?"

You know it.

This is what Xia Guixuan searched for in this world.

A world managed by absolutely just "gods" may not be able to achieve ideal results, but it is possible to get closer to the ideal.

Athena thought for a long time, and suddenly asked a core question: "If a man wants to enjoy many women, but there are not enough women, what will happen?"

Ling Moxue subconsciously said: "It's not allowed, we only support one husband and one..."

Before he finished speaking, a blush rose on his face, and he changed his words: "Our world construction has not been completed at all. There is a long way to go. This is just a direction to look forward to. The direction, um, may be left to future generations to think about."

The women all blushed and laughed.

"Maybe this direction can only be one direction forever." Athena said leisurely: "But I have to admit that the civilization that has been displayed so far has indeed far surpassed the civilization of the Kingdom of God... If the way of heaven is moving forward, I am willing to look at this direction with you and continue to walk."

I remembered that I was chatting in a small group of friends before, and they conceived the idea of ​​group wear in the Song Dynasty. Naturally, group wear had different ideas colliding, different parties and so on. People in the group all expressed their desire to join the Workers' Party and crusade against the evil feudal landlords and so on. Later, someone casually interjected: The Workers' Party is monogamous, are you sure that Chuan Song insists on this? After thirty seconds of silence, the whole group rebelled.

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