This is My Planet

Chapter 460 Change

There may be many people who can be officials, but at least there were none on the day this incident happened. Even all walks of life have been shut down. Except for a few systems such as the information media that the Ling family has always mastered and some military industries that the Gongsun family has mastered, the entire Great Xia is indeed almost paralyzed.

The brain circuit of the Ling family has never been the same as that of most people. Not only are they not involved in the incident, but the direction they are transforming now does not conflict with what Xiao Jiu wants to get rid of.

Therefore, there are only a few items directly controlled by the two families that can operate stably, and everything else is in chaos.

In fact, the number of Xiaojiu included in the "killable list" is not very large. There may be more than a hundred people in total, and there are no more than a thousand immediate family members. Randomly picking out one of the four major cases in the early Ming Dynasty will crush this kind of data by dozens of times. After all, Xiaojiu is not implicated.

Even the tens of thousands of killings in the early Ming Dynasty would not be paralyzed, why would Daxia be paralyzed?

Because although there are few murders, there are many arrests and upcoming trials, which involve too many areas. The targets that Gongsun Jiu and Zhu Yuanzhang want to attack are fundamentally different.

Xiao Jiu is declaring war on the ruling system of the entire human world - bureaucracy, capital, and solidified classes, and she is not alone. The power she relies on is also the entire human world and all the people.

This is a vast ocean where people are boiling.

It just needs to be defined, "who is the people".

Anyway, no matter who is the people, no one can escape this civil war, so of course everything will come to a halt.

A staff officer suggested that it should be done step by step, first make a stable batch, and then find an opportunity to start a new case, and also start a four-big case and eight big cases, so that it will not be such a one-off mess.

But Xiao Jiu knows that some things can be done in batches like this, and some things can't.

Because her war is not a reason to fight for political power, but a clear change of regime. Taking advantage of the shocking opportunity of seeing and hearing records in the "virtual world" at this time in a hurry, set off a bottom-up torrent. Once it stops, it may be difficult to continue.

Taking advantage of this time, she could control the army as quickly as possible—when she ascended the throne to test out different attitudes, she redefined like-minded people and gradually connected a new secret organizational structure. Although the time was too short and it was only a rough idea, it was still very easy to immediately separate the enemy from us and plan a targeted disarm within the army.

This is also due to the fact that the information network is always in the hands of the Ling family, and the communication between all parties is accurate and efficient, and there is no sound.

How can this be divided into batches, once everyone knows what she is going to do, then there will really be a war...

Even now, the battle is not easy. After a short period of confusion, some people had already started to assassinate Gongsun Jiu brazenly. Just now a batch came, and then they were all chopped off by Ling Moxue, who was silently by her side.

The blood outside is not one-sided, there is resistance and resistance, and some people have already sacrificed.

Gongsun Jiu knows better than others what an opportunity cannot be missed, and she looks at this "opening" in the eyes of others with the attitude of a decisive battle.

"We can afford chaos," she said to her staff. "Heavenly mind is above, public opinion is below, and there is no opponent outside. A mere few days of shutdown will not cause the national economy and people's livelihood to collapse."

"Heaven...Tianxin?" The staff officers couldn't laugh or cry when they heard it. It was a bit against the law that a staunch materialist fighter like Marshal secretly started talking about Tianxin. But everyone also understands in their hearts that this Tianxin is not an illusory superstition, but has a very specific direction.

A creature so powerful that it spans the entire star field and even thousands of planes is supporting all of this, and he alone can reset the water, fire, and wind. There is probably nothing to be afraid of problems with people's livelihood, not to mention whether there will be problems with Daxia's daily necessities, even if everything is gone, with the rain-turning-cloud-hand who reopened the god-born mountains and rivers, I am afraid that he can produce all things with one thought to feed everyone.

This is the Marshal's greatest confidence in daring to directly set off a wave of the whole people. No matter what the situation is, someone will cover the bottom line.

In a sense, it is also called shamelessness.

The advisers didn't even understand that the reform of the political system of a country with a population of less than 100 million shouldn't be a trivial matter to that person, why did it catch the eye?

Let’s say it’s because of the beauty of the marshal... emmmmm, none of the staff thinks the marshal is attractive. Her men’s clothes are too popular among the subordinates who have been with them for a long time. It’s not long before she changed into women’s clothes.

In other words, such a powerful life is not a species like human beings, is it really greedy for the beauty of a human being?

No matter how you substitute it, you can't understand it, why don't you just fuck the fox and the tiger...

In other words, such a powerful god does not want to rule the "ants", but like-minded with the marshal?

I can't understand, it stands to reason that the two of you are the most serious offenders.

Forget it. What the staff really struggled to understand about the marshal's words was why did the marshal think that this chaos only needed to last for "a few days"?

If this confrontation is just a victory or defeat by force, it may not take a few days in itself. And under the current technical conditions, those hiding and absconding are easy to deal with... But the most troublesome thing is that not everyone is as clear as the first batch of killable lists. I don’t know how long it will take to separate the enemy and us. Even if they are separated and the fight is over, how long will it take for the subsequent trial to be finalized? Is it really all killed?

If the scope of the involvement exceeds the capacity, each position must be supplemented with sufficient qualified officials, and each industry must have enough professional helmsmen again. Don't talk about how many years it takes, it's always necessary to have a foundation of half a year or a year, and even some positions must be made to commit crimes and meritorious deeds, otherwise you really can't fill the vacancies.

I want to stabilize in a few days, how is it possible?

Sword Qi flashed, Ling Moxue came back from nowhere, and the first thing she said when she came back was: "I've been away for more than ten minutes, are you okay?"

Xiao Jiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Hey, don't make it sound like there are assassinations all the time, this is our palace! If you have to guard it for more than ten minutes, then we don't have the confidence to fight this battle."

"Hmph, mainly because I'm afraid you're too good at it."

The staff members looked at their noses and noses, and felt that the two girls would either not speak or quarrel when they got along, but somehow they felt that they were quite loving.

Xiao Jiu snorted and said, "Did you borrow what I asked you to borrow?"

"Here it is." Ling Moxue took out a mirror: "Hun Yuan said flatteringly that the mother and concubine will use it as long as she likes, and she can borrow it or not."

Xiao Jiu: "..."

The Mirror of Three Lives, the top magic weapon controlled by Hunyuan, the lord of the underworld, bestowed by Xia Guixuan. Xia Guixuan is a magic weapon kneaded by the laws of life and death, time, tracing, peeking into the heart, etc., and supernatural powers. It is specially made to cooperate with the Hades system. When all the undead looked at the sky to present everyone's past life, it was its effect.

Back then Ao Li was able to know what happened to Luo Wei before he was alive, and it was the same rule. Xia Guixuan went a step further, engraved it on the magic weapon, and added combat effects such as soul-stirring and instant death, which can be regarded as a reward for Hunyuan's loyalty.

Ling Moxue said: "With this thing, it is much easier to see the enemy and ourselves. The ghosts in the heart, the filth of the past, there is nowhere to hide. Then the King of Hades will cooperate with us in the trial..."

"The judgment of Hades does not apply to us. It only judges good and evil, and it is not based on our laws. Our judgment is not based on the king of is the human heart."

Ling Moxue rolled her eyes angrily, and she would pretend to be aggressive with her stinky eyes. I don't know who it was that the two bodies ate together the night before yesterday.

"What about your avatars? Shouldn't they be together at such an important time?"

"Of course they have been assigned, and they are leading a group of people to test Luo Wei's Daxia government affairs system at the Academy of Military Sciences." Xiao Jiu said in a low voice, "I can perceive everything she has seen and heard... This system is already in the final testing stage. Once it is completed, officials at all levels may be directly reduced by 90%."

Ling Moxue wondered: "So fast? At least thousands of different system modules?"

"Because Lao Xia's temple has already had a system of three thousand rules, which are similar in nature, and the code can be changed. Luo Wei is very experienced."

"Hey, I said, are you giving Luo Wei too much burden? Although he has a large team now, he still thinks it is as bitter as a cow."

Xiao Jiu glanced at her and shook her head slightly: "This is the fun of it, just like you practice swords. If one day, everyone can take labor as glory instead of enjoying and overriding... that will be Datong. Otherwise, we will return to the changes we made today, sooner or later..."

Ling Moxue looked at the staff around him, Chuan Nian said: "Is it too idealistic? I feel that those who claim to be like-minded around you may not be able to do it. The resources may be extremely rich, but people's hearts are difficult."

"Old Xia said, it's okay, we have a lot of time. Even if it fails, it's just another experience."

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