This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 504: blue quality

As the Black Finger went to sea, Zhongcheng Island gradually became smaller in Fang Yi's field of vision.

It wasn't until Zhongcheng Island was about to leave the field of vision that a ship came out to pursue it.

It's just that the ship went out to sea in a hurry, with insufficient preparation and few manpower, and its performance was mediocre.

Even the Fuxing number can't catch up, let alone the black finger number.

After a while, he was left behind by Fang Yi and disappeared.

Zhongcheng Island is now probably in a mess, but this kind of thing has nothing to do with Fang Yi.

He let out a heavy sigh, and his nerves that had been tense since the execution of the plan finally relaxed.

"Ward? Ward!"

After shouting to the bow twice, the middle-aged fat man with a beard quickly hurried over after getting help at the helm.

"Lord Gal, what are your orders?"

This person is the fat man who was in charge of the deal with Sam before.

All aspects of the quality are not bad, especially the loyalty has been tested, and Fang Yi is trained as a cronie, responsible for the daily task arrangement.

"Report the situation of the Black Finger."


When Fang Yi and the Black Bone Pirates were fighting for their wits and courage, it was Ward who led the team to **** the Black Finger.

When Fang Yi began to retreat, Ward and others had already controlled the Black Finger, and they had enough time to understand the ship.

So now Fang Yi asked, Ward reported the general situation of the Black Finger smoothly.

However, Ward reports in detail the level of wear and tear of ships and supplies, loot income and the like.

What Fang Yi really wanted to know was the detailed performance of the ship.

In this regard, Ward can not give accurate data, but said that the speed is very fast, very fast.

Fang Yi asked Ward to hoist all the sails and try it out at full speed.

With a burst of crazy blowing, there was a brief feeling of pushing back. If it wasn't for deck shoes, it might be a little bit unstable.


The sound of the wind whistled in his ears, and the surrounding scenery was pulled back, making Fang Yi feel the speed increase.

Around twenty-three?

Based on his own feeling, Fang Yi probably gave a data about the speed of the ship.

Of course, it is only a rough estimate based on personal experience, and there should be some gaps between the top and bottom.

And sailboats are only, very dependent on the wind.

Depending on the strength of the wind, the speed of the boat will go up and down.

In general, the speed measured so far is already very amazing.

Generally speaking, at the peak state, this kind of sailboat only has a speed of twelve to eighteen knots, which is a normal phenomenon.

This Blackfinger not only surpassed 20 knots, but also reached a speed of 23 knots, which can definitely throw away a large number of ships.

Basically, the speed that already belongs to the first-line ships.

Looking at the entire fragmented sea area, it is estimated that ten hands can count the ships that can catch up with the Blackfinger.

As for expanding to the seven seas, it's a bit hard to say.

After all, the secondary entry of this dungeon is [Fantasy].

With mysterious and unpredictable nether seas, as well as the two supernatural powers of wizards and knights.

Fang Yi can estimate the upper limit of the speed of ordinary ships.

If a wizard or the like made a ship, the upper speed limit is too difficult to estimate.

Anyway, for now, in this dungeon, the best ship Fang Yi has seen is the steam battleship that can control the black fog steam of Wizard Ren.

Ranked second is the Blackfinger, which was just acquired.

At least among ordinary ships, this ship can definitely be worthy of the word 'good ship'.

"Blackfinger (Blue): A medium-sized dhow, known for its speed. Worth one hundred and twenty points."

Looking at the quality evaluation of the system, Fang Yi's face became even more joyful.

"System prompt: Trek compass has been unlocked, please use it in time."


Lowering the sails and reducing the speed, Fang Yi controlled the distance so that the Fuxing could keep up.

The previous 'boating', accidentally pulled too far away, the Fuxing can be said to be left far behind.

Even if the speed is full now, the distance can only be gradually shortened.

Fang Yi did not rush to open the Trek Compass, but continued to check the situation of the Black Finger.

Unfortunately, after a round of inspection, Fang Yi found that the Black Finger was only a little better than ordinary medium-sized sailboats in other aspects except for its speed.

In some parts, in order to take care of the speed of the ship, the configuration has been deliberately reduced.

Firepower is the top priority of Fang Yi's inspection. After all, in naval battles, long-range artillery attacks account for a large proportion of the outcome.

However, the actual result disappointed Fang Yi.

Although the firepower configuration is stronger than that of the Fuxing, it is not much stronger.

This is absolutely abnormal, and it must be artificially weakened in this aspect of the design.

Because the Fuxing is a small sailboat, and the Blackfinger is a medium-sized sailboat.

It is estimated that as long as it is a normal medium-sized sailboat, its firepower must be stronger than that of the Black Finger.

This is not good news. It means that in future naval battles, we should try to avoid the occurrence of artillery or even try to avoid battles.

If you really bite the bullet, it must be boarding battles, hand-to-hand battles, and try to avoid short shots and long shots.

Fang Yi showed a trace of entanglement, but after thinking about it, he was relieved.

After all, it is the ship specially used by the Black Bone Pirates to transport the Wanling Artillery. It is built to the extreme in terms of speed, and the weakening of firepower is understandable.

What's more, the Black Bone Pirates also have Wanling Artillery. If this thing is really installed on the ship, the firepower value will skyrocket in an instant, and there is no need for other artillery configurations.

"It's a pity that the Wanling Artillery was not available."

This thought flashed through Fang Yi's mind, but his mood has become calm, and there is no ups and downs due to gains and losses.

One cannot be too greedy.

The road must be taken step by step, and the meal must be eaten in one bite.

Even if the Blackfinger is slightly flawed, it is a medium-sized sailboat of blue quality, with a super speed ahead of most ships in the debris sea.

With this Black Finger, the future development will definitely become much smoother, at least there will be a great guarantee in terms of safety.

But we can still run!

The firepower configuration is weak, and can be modified by the ship to increase the number of artillery and gun doors.

In terms of speed, if you want to greatly improve it, you need to change the overall design or even use a knife to the keel. This is very life-threatening, and the degree of difficulty is not one level.

You know, in the sea, having a speed advantage is a very rogue thing.

Just rioting and running away, others have no choice but to grit their teeth and stare.

If it is more shameless, carry forward the spirit of guerrilla warfare.

Using precise ship control technology, it is even more powerful to have a disgusting method of advancing the enemy and retreating, and the enemy retreating and I advance.

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