This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 443: 1 Blood of Modern Dungeon

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Fang Yi knows that compared with Celta, the current advantage is only the enemy's shadow.

The other party thinks that he is an NPC, so he has room and space to play.

If she finds out that she is a player, with the current status gap between the two, they will be chased to death in minutes.

"Hey, I didn't expect ten silver coins to buy your recipe. If that's the case, then I won't bother."

With a long sigh, Fang Yi turned around and left.

In the process of bargaining, it is a very effective move to retreat.

But this time, Fang Yi was really ready to leave, not just by retreating.

Upstairs, Celta has stopped moving. The longer he stays, the more dangerous he will be. Naturally, the sooner he leaves, the sooner he will be.

Although Fang Yi was a little excited about the wreckage sobering liquid, it was not enough to win it.

What's more, if you miss the opportunity today, it doesn't mean you won't get it in the future.

As long as he has gold coins on his body, such an ordinary cook will definitely not be able to withstand the temptation of money.

Just selling the formula does not deprive the other party of the right to make the wreck hangover liquid. The two concepts are completely different, and the degree of loss is not of the same order of magnitude.

Even Red-Nosed Fat Chef has sold recipes to aristocratic masters several times before.

It's just that the prices given by the nobles were inflated in the past. If it wasn't for the fact that no one was interested in his wreckage sober liquid in recent years and couldn't sell it, I'm afraid he wouldn't have adjusted the psychological price to such a low level.

After all, no matter how you say it, it is also the formula rewarded by the wizard.

Even if this recipe was given to him by the Master Wizard from the pile of waste paper, it would be a great honor.

It's a pity that the formula has a single function, and the side effects are great, and the scenery is only the first few years back to Jiming Island.

It's basically cold now, after all, the cooking skills are not good, and the recipe alone is just enough to attract people's attention.

Seeing that Fang Yi was about to leave Jiming Hotel, the red-nosed fat chef hurriedly made a sound.

"and many more!"

Fang Yi stopped, turned back, and smiled.

Three minutes later, both sides had the desired result.

Fang Yi left the Jiming Hotel with the recipe for the wreckage hangover liquid.

Fang Yi will definitely not go back to the pigsty of the Kangning couple.

The owner of the house is already dead, isn't it not self-inflicted to go back by himself?

What's more, he is now covered by Celta, so he can stay in a good hotel for the night.

Before that, Fang Yi still needs to do a few things.

Although the matter of the Corning couple has not been exposed yet, they still need to do some preparatory work to clear the relationship, or... set a trap!

The more information you know, the higher the status of the role, and the greater the space for Fang Yi to operate.

Now that he is backed by Celta, he basically walks sideways in Jiming Town, and no one dares to provoke him.

Like the previous tavern owner, is a good example.

Before knowing the relationship between Fang Yi and Celta, he almost roared and chased people away.

After Fang Yi quietly revealed that he was working for Celta, his attitude immediately took a 180-degree turn, and he was almost treated as a guest.

Now that he has really become Celta's subordinate, it is more convenient to take advantage of the situation to press people.

The only thing to note is that you can't reveal too much information yourself, it's enough to be plausible.

Two hours later, Fang Yi finished his work and found a hotel to stay.

After instructing the store owner to take precautions and arrange the room properly, Fang Yi lay down on the bed.

Sleeping until late at night, a copy announcement suddenly rang in my ears.

"Dungeon Announcement: Player [Busy Killing] kills player [Perfect Dance] and gets [First Blood]!"

"First Blood!"

Slightly opened his eyes and glanced at the room layout, Fang Yi turned over and continued to sleep.

All players in Jiming Island heard the dungeon announcement, and the appearance of this first blood made them a little restless.

In the Jiming Hotel, Celta, who had already fallen asleep, suddenly opened her eyes and tossed and turned. She wanted to get up immediately and call someone to investigate who died on the island tonight.

Fortunately, reason took the upper hand and suppressed this impulse.

Although she is the mayor of Jiming Island and Doug's fiancée, she looks like she has a lot of power, but in fact she has no real power at all, and only an armed detachment like Captain Bill can command.

The other teams just treated her with respect, and there was nothing wrong with saluting when they encountered each other.

But it would be unrealistic to want those armed detachments to be obedient and obey her commands.


Celta once again glanced at the identity skill 'Queen of Green Hat' that he randomly found, and a bold idea appeared in his heart.

It seems that the other three armed detachments are also male captains...

As soon as this dangerous idea came up, Celta felt that he had another route to choose from in this dungeon.

It's just that if you take this move, the risk is too This is not only greening Doug, but also greening Bill, and even continuing to green the captains of the three armed detachments. The most important thing is that I have to maintain the stable interpersonal relationships of these green hats, walk safely among all people, and let no one find that they have been green.

This level of difficulty has skyrocketed all of a sudden. If you really complete it, the title of the Queen of Green Hat will be worthy of the name.

After carefully analyzing this plan, Celta suppressed his thoughts.

Obviously, this is a dangerous move. If any link goes wrong, the green hat may be cut by a thousand swords.

In the case of unsure, it is better not to take risks, take it step by step, and take it steadily.

Use Gail, solve Doug, kick Bill away, and make yourself the queen of Jiming Town. This is the most suitable development route at present.

At the pier in Jiming Town, the old blacksmith Daisy, who was trying to persuade the captain of the Wavebreaker to stop worrying about James' death, and who set off earlier, suddenly gave a slight pause after hearing the announcement of the copy.

Immediately, the tone became more sincere, the request became more urgent, and the gold coin was stuffed into the captain's pocket again.

The captain took the gold coin without knowing his expression, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced dangerously at Daisy, and then he said slowly: "What's the hurry? You can go any time you want, but James's death, the people of Jiming Town. People must give an account!"

"Yes! James can't die in vain! The people of Jiming Town must give an explanation!"

"The **** of the Baiyun, don't even think about running away. When we discuss the argument, the next target is the Baiyun."

"That's right, the guys from the Baiyun thought that with the backing of the Wukong Chamber of Commerce, they could be unscrupulous. But they forgot that there is also the Giant Whale Chamber of Commerce behind our Wavebreaker! We don't allow anyone! Tomorrow we will continue to make trouble and see Jiming Town. Dare to be partial to the people of the Baiyun number!"

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