This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 427: vicious dog

Fortunately, the Cornings were not armed. If there was a conflict, they should be able to handle it.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi tried to turn over, pretending not to fall asleep.

I hope this can dispel the two of them's thoughts, and don't start it tonight.

As for tonight, Fang Yi definitely ran away.

It's a pity that the two of them just stiffened and then relaxed.

It seems that it is a blessing not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided.

Fang Yi understood that he had to make a choice.

"Why do I feel like he's not asleep?"

"Impossible! It's impossible for him to stay awake after drinking all day at Jiming Tavern. Don't think too much about it, go and bring our baby here."

Mrs. Corning responded and walked to the side, where the barking of dogs could be vaguely heard.

Fang Yi groaned in his heart. Could it be that these two are going to feed me to the dog?

Fang Yi felt a chill at the sudden thought that popped into his mind.

Not so perverted...

It was only when he thought of this that the vicious dog he had seen before appeared in front of Fang Yi under the lead of Mrs. Corning.

It was far away before, and Fang Yi still hadn't seen it clearly.

Now that the vicious dog is in front of him, it naturally becomes unobstructed.

It was a fat shepherd dog with a cashmere blanket covering his body and a height of one meter.

Under the blanket, all the hair was stripped clean, and it looked disgusting and weird.

The skin is mottled and old, and it should be quite old.

The most morbid thing is that this sheepdog has a large bulge in the abdomen, as if it has a huge tumor, and it is half the size of its body.

This vicious dog, after seeing Fang Yi, immediately let out a low roar, opened his mouth wide, and drooled down his fangs.

This kind of reaction completely treats Fang Yi as a food ration.

It also shows that it has eaten many living people before.

Fang Yi remembered the **** weeds next door, and his heart was like a mirror at this moment.

The Corning couple really hid a secret.

If it was really just Gal himself today, he would definitely be treated as the ration of a vicious dog, and he would be bitten to death alive.

Just imagine how a person who drinks and warns a drunk person with a blurred consciousness can be the opponent of such a large vicious dog.

"Baby! Today is the day the adults ordered to eat again. Come and eat the food we have carefully prepared!"

The Kang Ning couple patted the vicious dog's body, and then the vicious dog let out a low growl and rushed towards Fang Yi!

Depend on!

How can I say that I also slept in your pigpen for seven or eight days.

Not to mention a little emotional or something, it's always okay to be familiar with each other.

As a result, you are going to kill yourself, and you will do it without saying hello? Don't play cards according to the routine.

This time, Fang Yi couldn't take it anymore.

Just when the Cornings thought the dust had settled.

When the vicious dog casts a shadow.

Fang Yi suddenly opened his eyes and rolled sideways, dodging the attacking dog.

The sudden change made the expressions of Kang Ning and his wife stiff on the spot, and they looked at Fang Yi in shock.

Fang Yi doesn't care what these two old guys think.

Since it has been exposed, simply kill and silence it to minimize the chance of being discovered.

Pulling out the black iron epee from the item space, Fang Yi slashed directly at the neck of the vicious dog with his backhand.


What Fang Yi didn't expect was that the force gathered in a hurry made the black iron epee only half an inch into the flesh, and then stuck on the vicious dog.


The vicious dog fell to the ground, his icy eyes turned to Fang Yi, and he made a sound like a wolf roar.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, its fangs suddenly grew a bit, and its body size also expanded a lot, becoming the size of an ordinary adult.

Such a sturdy body formed a sense of oppression, making Fang Yi's expression dignified, and his heart sank slightly.

Run the internal force, step on the dog's head with one foot, and then kick it hard.


The black iron epee stuck in the wound was withdrawn. At the same time, Fang Yi involuntarily stumbled back a few steps, until he collided with the sluggish Kang Ning couple and stabilized his body.

Looking back, the two sides stared at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.


"Why didn't you fall asleep?"

These two people were obviously just ordinary people. Seeing Fang Yi's uncharacteristic behavior, from a **** who was drunk all day long and spent his days drinking, suddenly became so brave, they were a little terrified and faintly felt that something was wrong.

In this regard, Fang Yi just smiled and prepared to get rid of both of them directly.

But as soon as his right hand was raised, his face suddenly changed, and he suddenly rolled away to the left without warning.


Before the Corning couple could understand Fang Yi's intention, a huge shadow had already rushed over.


When the huge shadow crossed the Corning couple, the sound of bones being shattered by sharp teeth suddenly sounded.


The men's screams sounded belatedly at this time.

When Fang Yi pulled away and looked in the direction of the Kang Ning couple, he saw that Mr. Kang Ning's shoulder was directly connected to the bone, and a large piece was directly bitten off, and blood flowed down his arm.

The terrifying bite force of the vicious dog is evident from this.

Mrs. Corning screamed and panicked. She fell to the ground and kept crawling towards the door. After a while, she ignored her husband and escaped from the pigsty.

What does it mean when a catastrophe is imminent, and that is.

Fang Yi was determined to stop The wicked dog was blocking his way, so he could only temporarily suppress his thoughts.

Mr. Corning's forehead was full of cold sweat, gritted his teeth, and stopped screaming, but his face began to turn hideous.

"Baby, it's me, it's me!"

He ignored his wife's departure and tried to communicate with the vicious dog.

The vicious dog seemed to have found that the situation was wrong, and was obviously sluggish.

Just as Mr. Corning's joy was revealed, the saliva from the vicious dog's mouth suddenly flowed down like a waterfall, and the ground was wet.

The eyes began to turn red, and the vicious dog chewed and swallowed all the bones and flesh it had bitten off, and its vicious gaze shifted from Fang Yi to Mr. Corningning.

It is estimated that in the eyes of the evil dog at this moment, the former owner is just a plate of human-shaped delicious food.

"Eating's completely feeding period! It can't tell us apart anymore. Gal, it's all your fault! I kindly adopted you and saved your life, and now it's just for you to sacrifice your life that you should have lost. That's it, how dare you dodge the baby's attack! Be obedient and be your baby's lunch, don't you have any problems!"

The change of the vicious dog made Mr. Kang Ning panic in his heart, his face became distorted, and all his anger fell on Fang Yi's head.

Fang Yi had a black question mark on his face.

You saved the old Gail, what does it have to do with me.

Besides... saving people, the result is to feed the dogs alive, no matter how you look at it, you have a problem.

If Gail had the right to know, he'd rather be beaten to death than feed the dog alive.


The vicious dog couldn't hear what the master was saying, so he rushed towards Mr. Corning.

Corning was immediately pale with fright, and roared loudly: "Gail, you owe me! You owe me! Come and replace me! Come on!"

What to replace, it is self-evident.

It's a question of who becomes the vicious dog.

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