This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 422: Contact

Opening the friend list, Fang Yi found that he was thinking too much.

Whether it is a Mingshang, an otaku, or an immortal Sanbu, the avatars are all dark.

The message was sent, yes.

"Dongmen Zui, I've found two more people, and now I'm short of the last master before I can enter."

"So fast? Is the person you're looking for reliable?"

"One is a newcomer, and the other is an old fritter from an old area. They are absolutely reliable."

"A newcomer?"

"That kid's random skills are very powerful, and it's very useful."

It seems that he doesn't want to reveal the details of the newcomer to Fang Yi right now, so he probably still has some concerns.

Indeed, so far, the two have only made a verbal agreement.

Unless you enter the bloodstain map together, you can really become allies.

Fang Yi didn't think too much about it. The lowest level of black iron level bloodstain was just a drawing, so the difficulty shouldn't be too high.

As long as teammates are not dragging their feet, they should be able to pass the map.

"The last person, has anyone chosen?"

"Yes, you know that person too."

I know?

Fang Yi groaned in his heart. Could it be that his identity has been revealed?


With temptation, Fang Yi asked suspiciously, "Who is it?"

"Three steps of the fairy."


Fang Yi almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"…Can you say that again!"

"Xian Sanbu, is the nine-district poison expert you pretended to be before."

"She... do you have her friend position? Did she go online? Also, does she know that I am also in the team?"

Three questions about Fang Yi's direct quality.

He wasn't sure whether Xian Sanbu was online when he entered the dungeon.

Otherwise, I just thought the ink was joking now.

"I don't have it. It's the old fritters from the old district that I recruited just now and has her friend position, and she hasn't been online yet."

As it turns out, there is no need to answer the last question.

No one came up, and they didn't even know about the bloodstain, so how could they know who was in the team.

"Ink, this... is not suitable, is it?"

"Dude, do you have a lump in your heart? I remember that you killed someone, and then let someone else take the blame for you... Although I admire your skills very much, it's better to be a gentleman when it comes to girls."

...I was laying a gun, okay?

"Ink, I just don't think she would be willing to join us if she knew I was in the team."

"Don't worry about it, I'll convince her. This is a famous master in the nine districts, right? If you can win it, this dungeon will definitely be stable."

With me, it's stable enough...

After thinking about it, Fang Yi still didn't say anything more.

Because he felt that if Xian Sanbu knew the situation of the team, he would definitely not join.

When the time comes, the ink will be closed, and naturally it will be replaced.

After finishing the communication, Fang Yi was about to close the friend list and go back to open the book.

As a result, the action suddenly stopped.

Because the head portrait he saw suddenly lit up at this moment.

Fang Yi was still thinking about what to use for the opening remarks, but a message had already been sent from the other side.

"...Dongmen Zui, you finally got out of the copy."

Before Fang Yi entered the spirit book, Ming Shang's avatar was flashed once.

It's just that Fang Yi was already pulled into the spirit book at that time, and when he came out again, the avatar of Ming Shang was already dimmed and offline.

Judging from the news sent by Ming Shang now, he should have waited for himself.

"Not long after the dungeon ended, and then I was in the game square, waiting for you to go online."


-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens, please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---


"…wait for me?"

"Yes, I want to ask you something."

"...Yes, as long as you answer me a question first."

"what is the problem?"

"...Are you really not an Immortal Sanbu?"


Fang Yi felt speechless for a while.

Other people, Xian Sanbu, have exposed themselves like this on the forum, and they can still fake it.

"I am male."

"...Please answer the question head-on."

"No, brother, isn't it obvious? I'm a man, so I can't be Xian Sanbu. Didn't you post an apology before? Why are you asking now?"

"...If it was said that I was written by someone choking on the neck, would you believe me?"

Wow, this gossip is a bit exciting.

Fortunately, Xu Ya was not around, otherwise the whistle would have been blown.

"Cough! So you have always been confident in your previous analysis posts, and now you don't believe that Xian Sanbu and Dongmen Zui are two people?"

"...Now I believe it."

Well, it seems that Ming Shang is more confident in his inferences, and even if the evidence is in front of him, he will question it first.

To put it nicely, this is called cautious and suspicious, and to put it uglier, it is stubborn and arrogant.

From a macro point of view, this kind of character is not bad, but when encountering a master, it will be used to design traps.

Everyone has weaknesses. The important thing is whether they can correct them later and make up for their shortcomings.

At this moment, Fang Yi thought about a lot of things, and even designed several training programs for the character of Ming Shang.

But all of this requires Mingshang to join him willingly and to follow his career.

"Mingshang, I saw from the forum that you formed a team yourself?"

"...Team Yuming? We haven't reached level ten yet."


Fang Yi's heart suddenly became clear.

He just said that he hasn't reached level ten, but he didn't deny the idea of ​​building a team.

It seems that it is quite difficult to get people to join the team.

"Apart from you, who else is in the team?"

"...Death Feather's thorn."

"Is it gone? So what's the origin of the Death Feather thorn?"

"...Feather thorns?

Fang Yi was slightly taken aback.

Why does this ID sound familiar?

Before Fang Yi could think deeply, another message came from the other side.

"...The Baya knight of the medieval copy, the one you tortured to death."


Fang Yi suddenly recalled, it seems that the ID of the Baya knight is indeed this.

The actual combat level is not bad, but the overall situation is a little worse.

Fang Yi had high requirements for his teammates, so he was eliminated.

Unexpectedly, this ID would appear from Mingshang's mouth.

"It turns out that he is your teammate."

"...That's right, and we added you this time just to have a fight with you."

"Shame before a snowfall?"

"...No, it's just that some people are passionate about it. Besides, I also really want to know if your strength is as strong as he said."

"Yes, I am willing to fight with you, but I also have a condition."

"... under what conditions?"

"If you lose, you have to join my team."

"...Then there's no need to compare...Don't move, don't hit, don't choke me!"

Fang Yi has a black line on his face, what kind of news is this?

Although it is indeed more convenient to input and send information by voice input, this happens occasionally.

About two or three seconds later, the other side sent a message.

"... Feather Thorn wants to add you as a friend."

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