This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 228: survivor

Although this fire killed many innocent people, no one would care.

Because in the eyes of most players, npc is just a piece of data.

As long as you can kill other players and win the dungeon, how many NPCs die is worth it.

It is estimated that the only thing the other party didn't expect is that after the fire was set, everyone in the house was burned to death, but there was no copy announcement.

This means that among Ling Ding's relatives, there are no players at all, and Ling Ding himself is not a player.

Although Fang Yi speculated about the other party's thoughts and ideas.

But what the other party will do next has no clue.

The only thing that is clear is that the other party should not give up so easily.

It will be tested around the two routes of Ling Ding and the Beggar Temple.

On Ling Ding's side, it was because of Ling Ding's abnormal behavior that it attracted attention and deserved attention.

On the other side of the Beggar Temple, because the two groups of fugitives died in the Beggar Temple, and Yueguangyu disappeared.

Now that something happened to Ling Ding, if the other party couldn't find out more in-depth information, they should turn their target to the Beggar Temple.

It seems that while disguising itself, it is also necessary to increase the collection of this information.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Yi suppressed his thoughts and used the Moonlight Jade to increase his internal strength.

Although it is only a little bit of inflow, it will add up, day after day, and there will always be an effect.

The next day, the fire in Lingtian's blacksmith shop spread throughout the city.

And Fang Yi came to Yuemeng Inn.

He had already told the giant blacksmith last night that he was too drunk, and he had a day off today.

The giant blacksmith couldn't bear it himself, of course he agreed.

So this morning, Fang Yicai appeared at the Yuemeng Inn as if nothing had happened.

Listening to the people around him discussing what happened last night, Fang Yi ordered a few small dishes.

After eating for a while, under the pretext of Xiaojie, he found a space and quietly entered the kitchen.


There is only one cook inside, with a vicious look on his face.

He was a little irritable, or insane. He raised the kitchen knife in his hand and swung a few knives in the direction of Fang Yi.

"Get out! I said no outsiders are allowed in the kitchen!"

Fang Yi scrutinized for a moment, and determined that this guy's strength is not worth mentioning.

Without the thought of chattering with the other party, Fang Yi went straight to the point.

"What are the hiding spots and secret codes for the Dusk Club this week?"

The voice fell, and the mad cook was startled and quieted down instantly.

After closing the door, he looked at Fang Yi carefully.

This is not to measure Fang Yi's strength, but to judge Fang Yi's financial strength.

Frowning for a moment, the mad cook said, "Ten taels of silver."

The crazy cook asked for money, as Fang Yi expected.

There is no membership fee, and now I want to visit, there must be a price to pay.

With a slightly hurt expression, Fang Yi 'reluctantly' paid the money under the scornful gaze of the mad cook.

"Tonight at midnight, at the pawnshop on East Street, under the Donggui tree, learn to meow three times, and someone will pick you up."

The mad cook is contemptuous and contemptuous, but it is a pleasure to give a code.

After writing down the information, Fang Yi exited the kitchen, went out to settle the bill, and left the Yuemeng Inn smoothly.

There is still a long time to go.

After collecting some information purposefully, Fang Yi quickly learned that there were three survivors in the fire at Lingtian's blacksmith shop last night.

It's not that they didn't come, or they came late.

But at that time, I thought the blacksmith shop was too boring and boring, so I went out to hang out together for a while.

As a result, when he came back, he found a fire in the blacksmith shop and escaped.

This discovery made Fang Yi happy.

If there are survivors, it means that the paper feeder needs to start again.

Because the paper feeder cannot be determined, whether there are any players in the survivors.

If it's just three people, it's not easy to follow.

After pondering for a while, Fang Yi decided to stare at Ling Ding's uncle, Ling Qiu.

This guy is an old alcoholic who often hangs out in taverns and is a very good target.

And among the remaining three, he was the closest to Ling Ding.

If someone starts, it is most likely to find him first.

After searching around, Fang Yi found Ling Qiu in the ancient restaurant where the accident happened before.

Surprisingly, the giant blacksmith is also in the antique tavern.

This made Fang Yi a little depressed, and it was inconvenient to enter the tavern directly.

Fortunately, the giant blacksmith just went back to drink and went back after a while.

Fang Yi then quietly entered the tavern.

The shopkeeper of the ancient tavern has become the proprietress, and the man has also replaced a new batch of new ones. It is estimated that he is not worried about the original man.

As far as business is concerned, it is even hotter than before.

What is the principle of this, Fang Yi does not know, it is estimated that it is related to the business methods of the boss.

The afternoon passed by in a flash.

Ling Qiu seems to have made a fortune because of the fire in Ling Tian's blacksmith shop.

This windfall has not yet been obtained, and the drunkard has already begun to splurge.

Blacksmith Ling is dead, and so are his relatives and friends.

The huge assets accumulated by the blacksmith Ling, not only failed to be left to Ling Ding's son, but also cheapened these white-eyed wolves, making the people around them feel embarrassed.

It wasn't until Ling Ding was drunk that Ling Qiu left the Guxiang Tavern.

Fang Yi stayed where he was and did not move.

He soon discovered that with Ling Qiu leaving, three people left the Guxiang Tavern.

After waiting for a the fourth person got up to check out.

And Fang Yi is the fifth person.

Ling Qiu was so drunk that he walked staggeringly and slowly.

Fortunately, leaving is the main road. There are officers and soldiers patrolling the road, so there is no need to worry about his safety for the time being.

And that's why Fang Yi was able to hold his breath and waited until now to come out.

Of the first three people, two followed Ling Qiu, and the other seemed to be just an irrelevant guy and left in the other direction.

The fourth person hangs at the end and has been observing the surrounding situation.

However, Fang Yiyou controlled the distance and did not let the other party find out at all.

In the past few days, too many things have happened in the city, coupled with the fire last night, the level of vigilance in the city has skyrocketed.

The streets were almost filled with patrolling officers and soldiers. Unless Ling Qiu was out of his mind and only walked the trails, there really weren't many chances to attack.

Fang Yi avoided the officers and soldiers, recalled the nearby terrain, and locked a few possible positions.

At this moment, a group of officers and soldiers who were slightly drunk walked in the distance.

This is not something to be concerned about. Fang Yi has long been aware of the phenomenon of officers and soldiers being lazy.

But when the leader of the squad collided with Ling Qiu, Fang Yi suddenly regained his senses.

The collision was obviously intentional.

Because Ling Qiu would dodge subconsciously even if he was drunk.

In the end, he was forced to hit someone.


The squad leader fell to the ground on the spot, glaring at Ling Qiu.

"Dare to hit me, I think you're very dishonest? Tell me! Are you related to the arson case at Lingtian's blacksmith shop last night!"

ps1: Thank you for the 1000 starting point coins rewarded by ‘Pen Ran’.

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