Thirty-ninth Raiders

Chapter 603 The online game master is very cold (28)

At this moment, her friend list flashed, indicating that someone among her friends was online.

Die-hard fans of Chu Chu couldn't log in because of class today, Yu Chu suddenly stopped, clicked on the list, and saw familiar and unfamiliar names lit up, S online.

Her heart beat slightly, and she suddenly thought of a wonderful method.

If the great god can help her show her face and show that the two are friends, then even if the game's number one guild will become three people, they will have to weigh whether to add S's friend to the list of enemies.

If S is willing to teleport over, she can escape without any negative effects by killing the three people on the opposite side today.

But she held the mouse with her fingers, hesitated for a while, and didn't move.

Yu Chu was not in the habit of asking for help.

She only does that with people who are close to her.

S... Don't say you are familiar with it, it's just a few words.

Holding the mouse, Yu Chu glanced at the guild members who had already appeared at the entrance, gritted his teeth slightly, and was about to click cancel and run away first.

At this time, the private chat interface suddenly lit up.

[Private chat] [S]: What are you doing?


Yu Chu's eyes widened at the plain sentence. She was hesitant to give up, but the moment she saw this sentence, she took a deep breath and typed on the keyboard.

[Private Chat][喵喵喵喵喵]: Lord S, I am in big trouble, help! Foggy Mountain, the coordinates are 649,646, can I help you?

Yu Chu sent out the news in one go, and Yu Chu's heart beat a little faster. She really didn't know who to ask for help.

She glanced at her message again quickly to make sure she spoke properly.

There was no reply from the opposite side for two seconds.

In Yu Chu's eyes, these two seconds seemed a bit long.

Finally, the private chat box flickered.

[Private Chat] [S]: Good.



Yu Chu leaned on the computer chair, put away the mouse, and patted his face.

Fortunately, there is no embarrassment!

She stared at the word "good" on the chat page, and the more she looked at it, the more pleasing it was. I thought it would be embarrassing, but after being treated with kindness by others, the more I look at each other, the more pleasing it may be. Yu Chu felt that he had never met such a good person in the game. The last time he helped her in the dungeon, this time he agreed to help her without asking what was the matter.

She thought about it, and quickly added.

[Private Chat][Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow]: By the way, my god, I am not troublesome to fight monsters, but have conflicts with other players, you should know them, they are the three members of the biggest gang in the game. If it's inconvenient, don't come here.

She held the mouse and waited for a reply.

[Private chat] [S]: Huh? Then please come over.

Yu Chu: "???"

She thought that the other party would say yes or no, but unexpectedly, such indecent words came suddenly. Is it possible to joke about such a big thing?

Yu Chu had no experience in chatting with boys, so when he saw such a sentence, he was in a hurry and didn't know what to reply.

Are you kidding him? Or begging him as a joke? ?

Before the little brain could think of what to say next, the chat box lit up again.

[Private chat] [S]: (laughs)

... an inexplicable smile.

Yu Chu was about to say something, but he ran out of time. A few players from the Zuiying three-person guild were not far away.

[Current][Fengcheng Chess Academy]: It's finally here! Pull us out, fuck this little Bailian!

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