In the evening of January 18th, eastern time of the Eagle Kingdom, the Prime Minister of the Eagle Kingdom, Kodel Hull, summoned Lothar, the Ambassador of the Third Reich to the Eagle Kingdom.

"Your Excellency Ambassador, on behalf of the Eagle Country, I formally protest to the Third Reich. Protest the shameless behavior of your country's navy to wantonly sink the merchant ships of the Eagle Country and massacre the people of the Eagle Country. Eagle Sauce Country is a neutral country, but your country brazenly attacks a neutral country. Is this a provocation to Eagle Sauce Country? Do you want Eagle Sauce Country to go to war?"Cordelherr had an angry look on his face.

However, Ambassador Lothar had a calm expression on his face, as if he was not frightened by Cordelherr.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I have received domestic notification regarding this matter. However, I don't think this was the Third Reich's fault."Ambassador Lothar said

"What? If it's not your fault, is it our fault? We have more than ten merchant ships sunk by you. There were thousands of dead and injured sailors! They are all citizens of Yingjiang Country. You are brazenly massacring the citizens of Yingjiang Country. This is an act of war!"Cordelherr was very angry.

The Third Reich Navy killed so many of them, but refused to even admit its fault. It was so bullying.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, as far as I know, the reason why the Imperial Navy sank those merchant ships was entirely because those merchant ships ignored the Empire's warning and forcibly broke into the no-navigation zone designated by the Empire. That's why the Imperial Navy attacked them."Lothar argued hard

"Your Excellency, the no-navigation zone you have designated is simply wishful thinking on your part. The Eagle Country has never recognized the legality of the no-fly zone! Cordelhel said coldly.

Ambassador Lothar shrugged indifferently.

"Even if the Eagle Country is unwilling to admit it, the no-navigation zone has been delimited. It is better for all countries to comply. Otherwise, things like this will continue to happen."Lothal seems very tough. After all, in terms of strength comparison between the two sides on the Atlantic Ocean, the Third Reich still has the absolute advantage.

"You are destroying freedom of navigation and trampling on free trade!"Cordell Hull's voice was stern.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I think there is no need for us to talk in circles. Everyone knows what the facts are. Your country attempts to provide support to the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets so that the Empire can persist in the war. But that's not possible. The empire will never allow this to happen!"Lothal simply made it all clear.

"you……"Cordelhall was ashamed and angry.

In order to contain the Third Reich and weaken the Third Reich, the Eagle Country fully supported the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. This is obvious. However, the Third Reich has now made everything clear. This is undoubtedly not giving any face to the Eagle Sauce Country.

"Your Excellency, Ambassador, the Third Reich sank many merchant ships, causing the death and injury of thousands of sailors. The Third Reich must give us an explanation. Otherwise, we will never give up. First, the Third Reich must put at our disposal the officers and gunners who ordered the attack on our merchant ships. Secondly, our losses must be compensated. Once again, the Third Reich had to lift the blockade of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. Kordelhull was not prepared to waste any more time and directly made the request.

Ambassador Lothar couldn't help but smile.

Are these guys too naive? Even such a request can be made

"Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, the Third Reich also has a request, and the Eagle Country had better comply with it. Otherwise, you will pay a higher price. That is to say, from now on, we will stop sending ships to enter the no-navigation zones designated by the empire. Otherwise, no matter how many ships your country dispatches, we will sink them! Moreover, I would like to advise you that your country’s desire to support the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets and to use the Empire to weaken the Third Reich is simply a delusion. Your plot is absolutely impossible to realize!" Lothar said

"Ambassador, do I understand that this is the Third Reich threatening us? Or do you want to start a war with us?"Cordell Hull looked gloomy.

"No, Your Excellency Prime Minister, this is not a threat, but a warning. Of course, the Third Reich did not want to go to war with the Eagle Country. But if Yingjiang Country wants to go to war, then we won’t be afraid! Okay, that's it, your Excellency the Prime Minister had better think about it carefully."After Ambassador Lothar finished speaking, he left directly.

This arrogance made Cordelhel tremble with anger.

Faced with the tough attitude of the Third Reich, the Eagle Country was naturally very dissatisfied.

However, They have no other way.

If they want to go to war with the Third Reich, but the current Eagle Country is not ready for war at all.

In the Eagle Country's naval shipyard, a large number of capital ships and aircraft carriers are being built. Before these battleships were built and became combat effective, they simply did not have the strength to fight against the Third Reich.

But the Eagle Country had suffered such a big loss, and it was obviously impossible to just give up.

Next, the Eagle Country began to make small moves.

They Not only did they continue to dispatch merchant ships to transport supplies to the Empire on which the sun never sets. At the same time, they also dispatched warships to harass the transportation lines of the Third Reich.

After the maritime trade lines were restored, the Third Reich purchased a large amount of resources from South American countries, such as copper mines. Rubber, saltpeter, etc.

The navy of the Eagle Kingdom boarded and inspected these merchant ships under various names, and even detained these merchant ships.

Of course, the Eagle Kingdom did not have the guts to directly retaliate and sink these merchant ships of the Third Reich.

They knew very well that if the Eagle Country dared to do this, the Third Reich would definitely go to war against the Eagle Country. By then, if the Third Reich Navy came to kill them in large numbers, the Eagle Country Navy would not be able to resist it and would have to hide behind Trembling under the protection of shore-based fighter planes. It may even lead to coastal cities being attacked by the Third Reich.

This leaves the Third Reich with no excuse for war and can only engage in a war of words with the Eagle Sauce Country.

Although the Eagle Sauce Country The actions of the Eagle Country will not have much substantive impact on the Third Reich, but they make the Third Reich very disgusting. These actions of the Eagle Country are simply rogue.

In addition, the media of the Eagle Country continue to They incited the nation to hate, hostility and even attack the Germanic people. They slandered and accused these Germanic people of being spies of the Third Reich, thieves, thieves and liars. This made these Germanic people miserable and their lives were extremely affected. A huge impact. Even the safety of life and property cannot be guaranteed._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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