"idiot! how so? How could this be? How could the damn Germans be so powerful?"

"Are these Germans devils? Otherwise, how could they have weapons that only the devil has?"

Marshal Isoroku Yamamoto was stunned, and his whole body was trembling. He didn't know whether he was too angry or frightened.

The other generals of the combined fleet were no better than Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku.

The Third Reich Navy's This wave of missile attacks almost scared them out of their wits. They never thought that the Third Reich Navy's attack would be so sharp. So much so that they were unable to even fight back during such an attack.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, it's over, we're all done. The four Yamato-class battleships suffered heavy damage and suffered great losses in combat effectiveness. The four Kii-class battleships were also severely damaged and completely lost their combat effectiveness. Two Kaga-class battleships and two Nagato-class battleships were sunk."Vice Admiral Shigeru Fukurum reported.

The combined fleet originally had 18 powerful battleships, but now only 6 battleships are left intact. In addition, only four Yamato-class battleships still have certain combat effectiveness..

The reason why those six capital ships were not attacked was because the Third Reich Navy only had 12 guided missile cruisers and could only attack 12 targets. These six capital ships were too old, so they were was not attacked.

After this wave of missile attacks by the Third Reich Navy, there were only 10 capital ships left in the combined fleet that could continue to fight. Two Ise-class battleships, two Fuso-class battleships and two Kongou-class battleships, plus the four Yamato-class battleships that suffered heavy losses. It can be said that the strength of the main fleet of the Combined Fleet has been weakened to the extreme. Under such circumstances, facing the battleships of the Third Reich Navy During the siege, they will have no power to fight back.

Now they are in a desperate situation. Even if they want to fight to the death with the Third Reich Navy, they are not qualified.

Similarly, the United Fleet's Morale also suffered a near-destructive blow. Originally, the sailors of the United Fleet were still very motivated and wanted to fight to the end and fight the Third Reich Navy. But the Third Reich Navy severely damaged them in an instant, making them There is no such opportunity anymore.

"Long live! Long live!"The officers and soldiers of the Third Reich Navy were very excited about the results of this round of missile attacks.

Everyone is well aware of the strength of these Japanese capital ships and knows that the next war will not be easy. Otherwise, it will be a hard battle. But now, the Third Reich Navy relies on missile attacks to easily severely damage the remaining combat effectiveness of the combined fleet. This allows the Third Reich Navy to win this battle at a very small cost in the future. Victory in the naval battle.

Every officer and soldier of the Third Reich Navy will avoid danger because of this. This is undoubtedly the result that everyone expects to see.

"very good! Although only four Japanese battleships were sunk. But we also severely damaged eight of their capital ships. Even the four Yamato-class battleships have suffered heavy damage. We will definitely win this battle!"Marshal Dönitz's face was full of smiles

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander. The Japanese have suffered a devastating blow. Next, we can easily get rid of them."Marshal Albrecht also echoed.

The Third Reich Navy has gained an absolute advantage in this battle. It is simply delusional for the Japanese to continue to resist.

Next, the battleships of the Third Reich Navy, Enough to surround and kill them all

"Order all ships to prepare for attack!"Marshal Dönitz ordered

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander!"Marshal Albrecht replied.

With the Eastern Navy Combined Fleet suffering heavy losses, it was naturally impossible to form a neat battle line to launch an attack. Therefore, each battleship formation attacked on its own and decided on the combat formation. Anyway, The Third Reich Navy has fully grasped the initiative on the battlefield and has an absolute advantage. The Japanese have no chance of making a comeback. The battleship formations of the Third Reich Navy have begun to turn, preparing to get closer distance, and then launched an attack.

At this time, on the battleship Yamato, the flagship of the Eastern Empire Navy's combined fleet, Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku also issued an order to attack.

Although, the combined fleet at this moment had suffered heavy losses. Even several Yamatos - class battleships have lost most of their combat effectiveness. However, the combined fleet will not sit still and wait for death, let alone be captured.

In the dictionary of the Toyo Navy, freedom to fight to the end, die in battle, and there is absolutely no such thing as surrendering to the enemy.

"Order all heavy cruisers to launch lightning strikes! For the sake of the empire and the glory of the imperial navy, the Germans must pay the price!"Marshal Yamamoto Fifty-Six ordered

"Hi, Mr. Marshal!" Lieutenant General Fukurun Shige replied.

When the combat order was issued, the remaining 12 heavy cruisers of the Toyo Navy Combined Fleet immediately began to turn. At the same time, forced ventilation of the boilers began to allow the battleships to quickly increase their speed. These heavy cruisers The torpedo tube on the bow has been filled with torpedoes and can be launched at any time.

"For the sake of the empire and the glory of the imperial navy, charge forward!"The captains of the heavy cruisers shouted loudly

"Go! For the empire!"The sailors replied one after another.

Even though they are now in a desperate situation, the sailors of these combined fleets are not only not frightened, but also arouse their fighting courage. In other words, even if they know that they will die, they dare to fight with the third party. The Three Reich navies fought tooth and nail.

Heavy cruisers one after another began to rush towards the battleships of the Third Reich Navy at high speed.

Although the maximum range of the Type 93 heavy torpedo could reach 40 kilometers. However, when sailing at a speed of 48 knots, At that time, the maximum range will be sharply reduced by half to only 20 kilometers. Therefore, these heavy cruisers often have to shorten the combat distance to less than ten kilometers. Only in this way can the hit rate be guaranteed. The actions of the Toyo Navy Combined Fleet also immediately aroused concern The importance of the Third Reich's navy

"Your Excellency, Commander, the Japanese heavy cruisers are charging again. Look at this posture, they are going to conduct a lightning strike on us!"Marshal Albrecht's expression became serious.

"Order the fleet to immediately conduct lightning protection operations!"Marshal Dönitz immediately issued the order.

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